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by Guest Writers

As promised, I am providing a forum for others to journal their own heart-wrenching experiences and abuse by step parents. Just follow the hyperlink to their stories.

May your life be protected and championed by those who love you.
Blessings, Raven


Hi, Ok, the wicked step mother is between you and me. I don’t blame you one bit for being angry, I would be too. Has she always been this way??? And what possessed her to do that?

I had a step-mother for a short time, but they are divorced now and I don't have to be nice to her, although I am civil and that is all, and that is to make dad happy… Dad met her about 4 years ago. She has left him on an average of three to four times a year since. They divorced about 3 years ago and she is still in and out. But I blame dad for that, cause he just can’t seem to live without her. She left about 2 or 3 times before he married her so why he married her is beyond my scope of understanding. Then a few months after the marriage she told Kari and me to our faces that she can’t stand for him to touch her and she wish she has never married him.

Can you believe that she would say that to my face? What a bitch!!! Then they divorced, and then she was back for a while. Then she left him again and now she is back in his life. I told him this time I would be civil to her, but don’t expect me to welcome her with open arms again ‘cause I can’t. She wants something, I am assuming money . But dad is happier with her than when she is gone, so that is all that really matters…..I guess. He is so blind when it comes to her, I expect she gives a hell of a blow-job, that’s all I can think of is why he wants her.

I told him not to marry her again cause they were talking about it before she left this last time, he doesn't have to get married at his age. None of us can stand her, but for dads sake, we cope.

It is about time for her to leave again, I figure about April she will leave him again…….And when she comes back she just acts like nothing has happen, she doesn’t say anything about it, just like nothing has happened.

When they got married they didn’t tell us until it was over with, so I hope that doesn’t happen again.

Anyway she had better not take a damn thing out of that house or we will hunt her down. So far she hasn’t taken anything. Dad said she says that she has never felt comfortable in that house cause she feels like mom is in the back room. Well that is her problem, believe me when I say she has never had a better life or such nice things as what dad has to offer. I say, “Deal with it "bitch".” She likes something because she keeps coming back!!

All I can say is that my mother would not be pleased with his choice, and she is probably rolling over in her grave knowing how stupid dad is being.

What happen at Ginny's wedding? And what happen with Steve’s wife? Well I got to ready for bed, so Ill write more later.

Later, love you, Sue

Home:http://www.ravensgatekeep.com || Email Raven :magickone@comcast.net


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