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I have deleted my October 12, 2002 rant about Fed Ex and DHL Shipping in Poland. If you want to hear about it, you may email me.

October 14, 2002
A very nice lady named, Margareta came to my assistance tonight. This sweet lady picked up my dog and myself and took us to her vet in Krakow. My dog has been very ill for the last week without improvement. Her very impressive vet gave our dog an ultra scan to check internal organs. Apparently, our doggie has a UI infection. She got an injection of antibiotic and some pills to be taken. I will call the vet in a few days to let him know how our dog is doing. I was quite impressed with him and extremely grateful to Margareta for taking such kind and good care of us.

I am beginning to understand that we humans need to learn to take the ‘good’ with the ‘bad’. It all seems to work out in the end. Chalk one up for the Universe sending another one of its messages to me.

October 18, 2002

What the heck is going on??? Just how ‘dumbed’ down has America become? We are supposed to believe that our ‘Intelligence’ Agencies had no idea about what was happening in North Korea?--- SAY, WHAT!?!? I have a solution for this situation. It is so dumb that someone will probably do it. Supposedly, the North Koreans have three nukes. Okay. So we give the South Koreans FIVE nukes! That will level the playing field a bit and keep them occupied while Bush takes his family’s war to Iraq. Actually, if we do this, the South Koreans will have a definite advantage because they will have citizenry who aren’t going hungry. America gave North Korea money aid to help them feed their poor starving children. Instead North Korea no doubt spent it on nuclear weapons and all that attends to preparing for WMD (weapons of mass destruction). What a country (N. Korea)! It starves its children to buy weapons. And China was caught ‘red handed’ in their lie. They kept claiming North Korea was not dealing in WMD, especially ones that were nuclear.
PEOPLE!!! I HAVE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS THAT IT IS C H I N A THAT WE NEED TO BE WATCHING. I don’t usually refer to Biblical prophecy, but IT IS IN REVELATIONS!!! China, (and apparently North Korea) and whomever else China can muster, will travel down that Karakoram Highway into Iran and the Middle East and there will be The Apocalypse. See The Karakoram Highway by John King. Unfortunately, my previous hyperlink with Eco-Expeditions regarding the Karakoram Hwy. is now broken (404 Error). I read where some were concerned that Eco-Expeditions were harming the Eco-system of the Karakorams. Maybe that is why information was deleted. I suggest trying the Google.com search engine and see what you can discover about the Karakoram Highway. I may be repeating myself, but the National Geographic Magazine had an interesting article on it several years ago. Try checking their index at a public library. You’ll be glad you did.

Saddam has a biologist working for him who is known by various monikers such as, Dr. Death, Dr. Germ, and Germ Queen, who has made, among other items, a concoction that will literally melt the skin off a human being. Now that is right out of “Revelations”. Maybe later I will give the chapter and verse where this appears. Obviously from my website, you can see that I am not a ‘Bible Thumper’, but I do believe people should be informed. And this information is in that book (Bible). Oh, and while I am on the subject of terrorist, I would just like to point out that these people (demons) who spread hate and murder in the name of Allah, are no better than the people they are accusing of being power hungry and evil. It’s all about ‘power and economics’. They want the “power over” others that they deem ‘unfit’. The terrorist complain about the decadence of “western societies”, but they are far worse by comparison. They go about killing and maiming innocents in the name of their religion. I’ve got ‘news’ for those suicide bombers. You are NOT going to go to a wonderful place. You are, however, going to be spending an eternity in a HORRIBLE existence. And a word to that mother of a suicide bomber (who was just a very young man)—You were praising your son who was going to go kill himself while trying to take many of the ‘enemy’ with him. You said that if you had “100 sons you would give them all to suicide for Allah”. Well, my answer to you is that you are an evil, selfish mother. Is Saddam giving you $25,000 US dollars for his death? Is that why you would like to ‘give’ 100 sons?
As far as these terrorists are concerned, I am considering putting the whole lot of them into my cauldron. That will end this once and for all! Thing is, I just don’t feel I should have to. We have ‘agencies’ to do this. Where the hell are they, and why are they being so stupid? Hey, CIA, FBI, NSA, and all you other professionals out there---IT’S CHINA YOU NEED TO BE WORRYING ABOUT, NOT THESE OTHER JOKERS!
And maybe you should just give “truth serum” to those detainees. They are considered “enemy combatants” which means they don’t have any ‘rights’ anyway. What are you waiting for? These terrorists do not think as we do. Quit trying to work with them as if they were raised to know ‘right from wrong’. These terrorists are ‘coming’ from a completely different place than most Americans. Use it!

October 31, 2002


I don’t know who penned the next two sayings, but I like them and wanted to share them with you.

These things, I warmly wish for you-
Someone to love,
Some work to do,
A bit of o’ sun
A bit o’ cheer
And a Guardian Angel
Always near.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.



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