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I changed the music on this page back to “Beauty and the Beast.”

Cheers, Raven


November 1, 2002

It’s All Saints’ Day

I have a special “Thank You” to Saint Anthony. As I have grown older, he has been very helpful in helping me find lost objects.

The folks here in Poland go all out for this day. They honor their dead by putting beautiful candles, flowers, and whatnots on the graves of their dead friends and relatives. It is quite impressive. I am hoping I can talk my very busy husband into taking me on a short ‘road trip’ tomorrow so I can take some pictures. I will then be able to put some pictures here so you can get the idea. It is really quite a touching act. I’ve never seen anything quite like this until I moved to Poland.


November 2, 2002

I was deeply saddened by the deaths of those wee children in Italy. They died when an earthquake leveled the school where they were having a Halloween party. May their souls be happy. My sympathy to those who remain with their memories.

I don’t know who penned the next two sayings, but I like them and wanted to share them with you.

These things, I warmly wish for you-
Someone to love,
Some work to do,
A bit of o’ sun
A bit o’ cheer
And a Guardian Angel
Always near.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.



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