RavensGate Keep Realm Of Mystery

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June 2003 Rants and Raves

Let’s have a great big “Hurray” for David Letterman!!! He is championing Martha Stewart. Maybe she wasn’t too nice sometimes and annoyed a few people, but who hasn’t?
[Martha, darling…You should have franchised yourself all over the country! Women everywhere would be in revolt! And those dunderheads wouldn’t be getting away with their abominable behavior towards you.]
I think the Attorney General of NY is on a Witch hunt, and guess what? He’s acting like Cardinal Richelieu! Someone should investigate his religious affiliations because maybe he really IS on a Witch hunt. I have always felt that Martha is a closet Witch, or at the very least “Earth Mother”, or the hearth Goddess. She’s like a domestic Goddess for the hearth and home for gods’ sakes. What irks me the most is that I don’t think the “authorities” would have bothered if she had been young and non-threatening. No kidding!!! I’m quite serious! Let’s face it; nothing has changed in all these centuries. We still have our persecutors and our knights in shining armor. I always knew David Letterman was a knight in shining armor, and now he’s proved it!!! You go guy!!! It’s a ‘Good thing’ for Martha that he is.

Read the book, Crone by Barbara Walker. It will explain everything about Martha’s case and why those in ‘power’ want to ‘get’ her.

Someone I know and love rented from the very scary Waterford Court Apartments --Lafayette, Indiana (Actually, M&J Management). Uuuuuuuu…..Be sure to stay tuned for some REALLY IMPORTANT information regarding this business. If you don’t, it could cost you LOTS of money. BEFORE you rent or lease from them, you will want to EMAIL ME for pertinent information. Please see email address below. If you rent or lease from them anyway, lots of luck…You’re going to need it!!!

Well, I have about had it with our moving company. After they nearly crippled me through their own negligence, now they are threatening me with a VERY limited time in which to prepare my claim for missing and damaged items in THREE shipments that have been delivered (air, sea, storage). I need at the very least six months. They want to give me 90 days!!! And don’t you love it?---They want you to present receipts that are decades old for items that went “missing” or are broken.
Many items failed to appear in our move from South Africa. One of the items was a Sentry safe which contained a lot our important receipts. I don’t think that is fair to ask people to present ancient receipts for items that are on the packing lists. They have either arrived or not arrived. If they haven’t arrived, or have arrived damaged, then the moving company should be liable, especially when the client has provided insurance. Oh, and forget it if the item happened to be a wedding gift or gift given to you by a friend or relative decades ago. If you don’t have a receipt, they won’t pony up. All told, I have probably had somewhere in the neighborhood of 1200 boxes to check and they ALL need to be checked because so many were mis-marked by the moving company!!! ---yet ANOTHER reason why I should be given more time to prepare my claim.
At one point, we were even threatened.

Did anyone notice the announcement by the federal government that new rules are going to be implemented against moving companies? Oh, yes… and that’s JUST the beginning. I wonder if they have any idea of what “Rue the day” actually means? What were they thinking???

Stay tuned for this continuing saga. You’ll be glad you did. Wait until I tell you about the hole in the container that they KNEW was there before they shipped it overseas. Yep, lots of cookbooks, etc. were damaged. Trust me, you will surely will want to tune in later for my woeful story. I'll have pictures, too. There’s a story here to tell. I hope it will save you from a similar experience!!!
Forewarned is forearmed…

I LOVE the Osbournes!!! What hilarity!!! They really ARE endearing people. The show gives me great laughs. I highly recommend it to one and all.

I don’t know who penned the next two sayings, but I like them and wanted to share them with you.

These things, I warmly wish for you-
Someone to love,
Some work to do,
A bit of o’ sun
A bit o’ cheer
And a Guardian Angel
Always near.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.



Home:http://www.ravensgatekeep.com || Email Raven :Magick@yebo.co.za


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Ravensgate Keep Realm of Mystery-magick,witches,spells,raven,runes,dragons,keep,angels,faeries,feng shui,tarot,ley lines,druids,the fates,pagans,stuttaford,allied/pickfords,poland, mugabe,becker agency,saddam,bush

My December 2002 rants dealing with 911 have been moved to my new
911 RANTS 2002 Page.

I don’t know who penned the next two sayings, but I like them and wanted to share them with you.

These things, I warmly wish for you-
Someone to love,
Some work to do,
A bit of o’ sun
A bit o’ cheer
And a Guardian Angel
Always near.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.



Home:http://www.ravensgatekeep.com || Email Raven :magickone@comcast.net


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