Ravensgate Keep Realm of Mystery-magick,witches,spells,raven,runes,dragons,keep,angels,faeries,feng shui,tarot,ley lines,druids,the fates,pagans,genf,masssage reclinerchair,stuttafords,allied/pickfords,poland,barry sherman,genentech,mugabe,becker,saddam,bush


Well, well, well, lookie here. Prior to joining Genentech in 1985 Dr. Sherman was Professor of Medicine and Endocrinology at the University of Iowa College of Medicine where he served as Associate Chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine and Director of the NIH sponsored Clinical Research Center. I found a blast from the past. I knew him then.
Barry Sherman-- what a total piece of putrefaction. I worked with this “Frankenstein” in the 1970’s. I was really hoping the pyoid creature had slithered on to a kibbutz! The man severely lacked “people skills”. I may add him to my “cauldron” someday, or maybe my ‘rug’. Only the guests who have visited all the pages of my website will understand what I mean by “my rug”.

What goes around comes around…

This is a RAVE for the music of John Williams! Hear, Hear!!!

Fox News “fair and balanced”, my arse!!!

World of Interiors in South Africa has in its employ a creature named, Mims. She is one of the creatures inhabiting my Dungeon.

Why, you might ask? Because she did an evil thing. We purchased a Genf massage chair from World of Interiors in South Africa on 23 December 2000. It came with a 24 months guarantee. On December 4, 2002, I phoned her to tell her our chair needed servicing and informed her that the guarantee said we had until December 23rd for it to be repaired at the manufacturer’s cost. She was supposed to phone me back with details of the manufacturer because she said they could not help us from SA. We live in Poland now, but the chair was supposedly built in Germany which is basically ‘next door’ to Poland. Of course, the guarantee did not SAY that it could not be serviced from anywhere but South Africa, so it should have been binding in Poland. I tried several times to phone her, but I believe most heartily that our phone number was blocked. Either that or no one ever answers the telephone at World of Interiors. I tried several times for several days. Anyway, our guarantee has now lapsed because it is, of course, past the deadline. It’s as if we have been robbed.

We will have to pay for the repairs ourselves, but we will certainly warn anyone who may entertain the idea of doing business with World of Interiors. This isn’t the first time I had problems with these people. If you have anymore questions or need anymore information, please email me. Meanwhile, Mims goes into my dungeon because she acted in a very deceptive and uncooperative manner. You might want to read this before purchasing a Genf Massage Recliner Chair as the obviously do not own up to their guarantees. Not only that, but they make it nearly impossible to be gotten hold of when repairs are needed! I STILL can’t find a contact number for this merchant. I’ve even tried the Internet and Goolge Search engine. Actually, I ventured there between the time I phoned Mims for the information and when the guarantee expired. No luck. They simply did not provide the necessary information or contact for repairs. Think twice about purchasing anything by Genf!

NOTE: Senator Lott has taken HIMSELF out of the Majority position!

See June 2001 Rants and Raves
Isn’t life interesting?
Raven, January 5, 2003

I don’t know who penned the next two sayings, but I like them and wanted to share them with you.

These things, I warmly wish for you-
Someone to love,
Some work to do,
A bit of o’ sun
A bit o’ cheer
And a Guardian Angel
Always near.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.



Home:http://www.ravensgatekeep.com || Email Raven :magickone@comcast.net


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