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Rants regarding luggage are hereby temporarily suspended awaiting alleged arrival of it after a five week wait. A good fellow at LOT Paris informed me today (February 11, 2002) that it would be arriving in the next few days. I await with bated breath!

The luggage saga continues. . .
Blessings, Raven

Luggage Update:

After six weeks, my luggage has finally arrived. The only things missing were the combination locks and one strap that had a combination lock. I will be providing helpful information regarding luggage at a later date. At least I hope it will be helpful information. I will provide some tips and spells to protect your luggage. Oh, and as the characters in the movie, Galaxy Quest said, “Never give up. Never surrender!”


BEFORE you book Stuttaford Van Lines to do any local or overseas moving (or removal), you will want to email me. You might want to hear my frightful and horrific experiences with them. Yes, I suggest you talk to me first. (See email address at bottom of page.)

Home:http://www.ravensgatekeep.com || Email Raven :magickone@comcast.net


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