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Well, well, well, lookie what we have here.--- This is excerpted from The Wilderness Society. Please see my comments that immediately follow this excerpt.

"Sadly, America celebrates the 31st annual Earth Day facing the systematic roll back of critical environmental protections by the Bush administration," said William H. Meadows, president of The Wilderness Society. "From arsenic in our drinking water to industrial development in protected places, the first three months of the new administration produced a stunning litany of anti-environmental proposals that threaten our health, our communities and our world-famous wild places."
The enviromental rollbacks that directly threaten wildlands include:
 proposing to drill for oil and gas in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and in national forest roadless areas, national monuments and other public lands protected for their unique beauty, wildlife other natural resources
 failing to support existing protections for national forest roadless areas
 undermining protections for national parks from damage caused by snowmobiles, swamp buggies and other off-road vehicles  abandoning a pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions that cause global warming
 signaling the intended withdrawal of new reclamation safeguards for "hard rock" mining
 soliciting ideas for reversing protections afforded national monuments from damage caused by all-terrain vehicles, industrial development and other destructive activities
The safeguards the Bush administration is trying to unravel are the result of years of open public process, involving millions of people. For example, they continue to delay implementation of the Roadless Area Conservation Rule, a U.S. Forest Service conservation policy that resulted from the greatest public outreach in the history of federal rulemaking. The U. S. Forest Service received more than 1.6 million official comments from the American public and conducted more than 600 hearings nationwide.

I really do hate to say it (but I just “gotta” ’cause this is an R and R page),


to all those people who voted for Ralph Nader. You really should have listened to me and only voted the Green Party for local election. That way, you still could have “voted your conscious” without inflicting immense horrors on the environment! If all of the presidential ‘Nader’ votes would have gone to Al Gore, we would not be facing this environmental crisis (among others). No matter what the ‘Naderites’ argue, it was definitely their votes for Nader that swung the election to its frightening conclusion in the lap of the Supreme Court of the United States of America! Do the math! Now, we have a destroyer of worlds and ecosystems in office! So, to all of you Naderites out there—get off your bums, roll up your sleeves and start fighting for the environment. And to the Witches—start cooking your cauldrons!

Blessings, Raven, April 22, 2001

I don’t know who penned the next two sayings, but I like them and wanted to share them with you.

These things, I warmly wish for you-
Someone to love,
Some work to do,
A bit of o’ sun
A bit o’ cheer
And a Guardian Angel
Always near.

May joy and peace surround you,
Contentment latch your door,
And happiness be with you now
And bless you evermore.



Home:http://www.ravensgatekeep.com || Email Raven :Magick@yebo.co.za


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