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Writings 7

Close Your Mind

Close your eyes,
Look into a mirror,
It's not easy to do.

Close your mouth
Tell me what you're thinking
It's even harder to do

Plug your ears,
Listen to me talking
Nothing can come from this

How can one see without ever crying?
How can one talk without ever lying?
How can one hear without ever trying?

The glory of Love is hard to find.
It's wrapped like a present, wrapped in pain
It's kept in a small place for you

If you close your mind
You'll never understand

Hurt's Heart and Pain's Passion

I'm leaving, what did you do with my coat? I have to go, I can't be around here, too much Pain, too many memories, ruined and gone. I don't know where I'm going. Just away, anywhere but here. Away to a place with no emotions, no thinking, anywhere without Hurt. I"ll be back, I don't know when. Until my Pain is gone and one can tell me that Hurt won't look my way, I'll be gone. I'll come back when Love is a feeling from deep in Hurt's heart. I'll be here when Pain can promise to look into my eyes and tell me absolutely no lies. I can't be sure if I'll ever Love again. When Hate is an emotion stirred up from jealous Love and calmed by a glistening white smile and twinkling eyes. When Love and beauty have two different meanings and beauty is pushed aside for colorless Love. When Love means passion and romance and knowing smiles and tingling stomachs and pointless conversations. When Love conquers all, I'll Love again. To all Love Pain and Hurt will enter my heart. Like ink meeting paper or thoughts reaching a mind, they will always happen, help me grow, always have my Heart and always come with Love.

Hungry Bee

A familiar face in a sea of confusion
A touch on the arm during an era of depression
A whisper in the night by an unseen body
A look of love, that's all you are, a memory

No more smiles, no more tears,
No more hugs for all those years
No more laughter, no more good-byes
No more caring looks, deep in your eyes

A flame holding light in a gust of air
A heart staying together after your loving stare
A rose capturing the eyes of a hungry bee
That's all you are, a memory

Alive and here,
Seen but not here
breathing steadily
Only a memory

Kind In The Soul

I'm not asking for a knight in shining armor ruding up on a white stallion. Accept me for me.
I'm not wanting a lifeguard in red trunks splashing upon with a float. Accept me for me.
I can't be a super model, with long silky hair and a tan perfect body. Accept me for me.
I can't be a princess with gold rings and a millionaire for a daddy. Accept me for me.
I'm rough around the edges,
Soft in the heart.
I'm hard in the head,
Kind in the soul.
Accpet me for me
Beaty is passing
A heart is strong,
A union of souls stay long
Be my security blanket
Be my heart and soul
By my Valentine
Be you!
Accept me for me
Accept me for me


The glass fell betweeen us
shattered and destroyed.
I finally had your hand,
but did I have your heart?
I cared for you when everyone else failed to.
I put myself on the line, when I know it didn't matter to you.
I've done it all and so much more.
You consume every thought and embed all my rationalization.
The door slammed behind me and I left a silent hush
I didn't want to back out I wanted it to work.
I dried my eyes and said a long forgotten prayer,
I started my car and just sat, I didn't want to leave,
Days later I pulled back in, sat in my car.
I didn't want to feel the pain I felt when I left,
I opened the dorr to the same silent hush
In front of me as I walked the steps was a glass
Glued together, restored and alive.

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