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Writings 6

*Disclaimer* The following piece will probably offend people, for that, well it should. However, I'm not talking about ALL of everyone of I'm talking about..I'm saying most, but don't think that that automatically disqualifies you from what I say, think about it before you jump to conclusions, and please feel free to e-mail me and bitch at me, I take it really well....thank you***p.s. all ages are examples.

Silent Plea

You are setting them up for a long pattern of lonely relationships. You are encouraging them to lie and/or fib to their parents, causing hostility and more anger on the home front. Do you not realize the impact you have on them? You are setting their standards low. Women (or girls) have bodies to be treassured and loved, not manipulated and used for sexual pleasure. Instead of tying them into a "relationship" show them the beauty of their body in positive ways, however, I'm still not suggesting a relationship with younger girls (that young). The mere idea of it makes me sick to my stomach. And love - at 20 I don't know!! Not until recently can I honestly say I can even phathom the idea of it. Do you know how powerful that word is? Have you actually sat down and thought about how you view it and how a 15 year old would view it. At 15 love should be given and shown to family not boys that say "I love you" then reach down your pants. And boys, "I love you" at 20 should be honest and true or not spoken at all. Love isn't getting what you want or good sex, love is something not even a scientists can make or a poet can define. Love doesn't happen every 3 months or for some happen every 3 weeks. Love is a one time thing and by being tied into sad childish relationships you're not giving yourself the opportunity to REALLY know!!

Again to the girls - so you're 15/16 and a 19 + boy likes you!! How exciting!! You're friends will envy you. But wait - ask yourself - NOT HIM - what do you two have in common? What does he see in a girl - ANY girl your age? What makes you stand out from that? Don't bullshit yourself, don't tell me you're grown up, you have a bad life, and I don't understand. I don't want to hear your very unoriginal bru-ha-ha. And if at 20 they can't get a girl closer to their gae, shouldn't that give you at least a small clue that they aren't worth it? If you have to have reasons or excuses or what not to go out with someone, then it's not meant to be. I do agree girls mature faster than boys, however, the maturity level maybe the the same. but life experiences even simple life experiences are very diverse. Let your body grow and develop into a goddess before you have a distorted figure made happen by your own child on ti's way. Honestly, please consider the possibilities, missed opportunities and many lifeves before you become on with another person. The beauty of a real relationship is having two whole people involved, ready and willing to submerge into a deep emotional quest, that is love.
That's were I stopped, but trust me, I'm sure I'll be back for more. And I hope I pissed a few of you off, cause if I did... I proved my point!!

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