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From the Journal of Rionnac

Welcome to the Journal of Rionnac.

Within you will find stories of other times and places. The Stories of Ceolta and Rionnac and The Stories of the Insane Angel are both found here.

Warning these stories are not Sunday school material...Ceolta and Rionnac are lesbian lovers in a violent time (CR)...The Insane angel is about vampires, werewolves, and other creatures of nightmare.(IA)

So if you feel that you will be offended by this I'm sure there is a place for you but it's not here.

Comments? Direct them to Rionnac

~~Why does she call you Pixie?~~
The explanation of Rionnac's nickname. ( The Lover's series)

~~Slowly she closes her sad eyes~~
A poem ( The Insane Angel series ) Autumn tale~~
This is a dark tale. Lyco finds Rionnac alone and sets in to motion a chain of events that will threaten the lives and souls of all three. Warning___Violence and language (The Lovers Series)

~~Journey of the lovers~~
A seperate website containing more stories of the Lover's

~~Amazon Tribe Reborn~~
The tavernwall has the on going story line containing the Lovers(Pixie and LA) and other delightful charaters. And the ~Tale's from the tavernwall~ (Lala's page) has the original story line.

~*~ Just a odd assortment of poems~*~
In the Night~*~ ~*~ ~*~My Dearest Hope
Finding a Mate~*~ ~*~ ~*~I'm Sorry

Mousekin I give you this. They are not refined, raw and still painful a fire that burns but does not kill. If you make sense of it. Tell me!!!