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Bon Bon~Hey hey gurl wassup? hehe...well, me waz doing tish webpage and haha...den it came 2 me dat i reallie need a shoutoutz page ne~ wassssuup? danx soo much foo being my good friend gurl! i mean, wit being there foo me and everything! danx soo much dat i know iv i'm in trouble, i'll know dat at least i have you to talk to. hehehe... well, good luck wit schoo and wit "ahem" lah~ time gotta vote more on moi poll! you know dat you deserve the "day dreaming" one! ^_^ hehe...we gotta learn some more HTML codez togetha and use dat "copy and paste" strategiez in da future! haha...well, you know dat me will be here foo you too gurl~ hehe.payce!

Percy~hehe...wassup gurl??? hahaha...well, how are yo doing over da summa ne?? man, i'm bored bored bored at home as usual, and getting fatter everyday..need 2 go out more ne!!!! haha..o well, danx soo much foo being a super friend to me, i mean who else can i go around and eat soo much wit rite?? it'z all good, you better stay wit me and make annie jealous rite? haha... and ob course, we gotta go team up and beat amiee at eating aitez?'z all good..stay sweet and dont' change foo anyone tho aitez?? hehehehe...

Heya cndie~hihi gurl~ wassup? hehehe...yea, me gibing you a shoutoutz too ne! haha...well, ob course you know what i'm gonna say 2 you rite? hehehe..wish you good luck next year wit all dat promz and heheehehhehehe....hehehehehehe.... and luck wit schoo work ne!, you're cool cuz you're lyk working now, man not lyk me, juss sitting at home everyone being a lazie butt, foo me it'z lyk sleep sleep..etc..haha..yup yupz~ man, at least yo're getting some excersizez lo..^_^ o well, heheh...hope dat you lyk moi page soo far but hehe..hab a GREAT summa and i'll be seein you online a lot~

Cherry~heyo! hehe..wassup gurl? man i hope dat you're habing fun over da summa k? i don't see you online dat often anymore ne...i guess we'll juss talk on quickdotz rite? hehee..hope you lyk moi page soo far..needz hecka more improvementz and now it's still under loz ob you can see. haha...o well, hope you bonnie percy and nick hab fun in Miller lah~ me! it'll be better dan staying at home and do nothing. least you guyz can hang out and see eachother ne~ hehe..o well, i guess i'll talk 2 you in YG tish saturday lah~

amiee~ hey gurl wassup? hehe..well, me juss reallie missed you over da summa ne...*sigh* no more fooling around wit amiee gurl no more? daz sad ne...=*( hehee...o well, hope dat we can go kick it sometimez still gotta sign moi yearbook ne...i need your little angel thingee in moi yearbook k? haha..well, don't mean 2 rub it in or anything..but i did beat you in eating at schoo! whahah! sowwie, iv anyone is reallie will be happie 2 remind you guyz aitez? haha...j/k j/k but foo realz, man, lyf sux witout you guyz yo know dat? *sigh* but o well, hehee...hab a great summa aitez? ttyl~

Alice~hey hey gurl? wassup wassup? hehehe...well, me willie missed your talkitive voice over da summa ne..even tho dat me ish probablie da MOST talkative in da whole group here know dat i need you here wit me too rite? haha..j/k j/k man! i reallie missed your mom'z sushi ne~ what should i have foo lunch from now on? ^_^ hahaha..juss playing...=P hehehe..i hope dat you're habing a fun fun fun summa tish year o...dunno cuz you'll be at mittie taking chemistrie huh? heheheh..well, i'm prettie sure dat you'll do fine ne~ do you hang out wit amiee loz in da summa? hum...o well, hehee...okay...well, hope 2 see ya sometimez in da summa! haha..soo glad dat you could come out and hang out wit uz at Tino Villege last day ob schoo~


Kai(Gu Gu)-HEY!! wassup? ^_^ hehe, yea...i don't even tink u are going 2 come 2 tiz page, so it's kind of weird writing a shoutout 2 u, not sure iv i ever told u the URL or not...but anywaz, i'm still going write 2 ya!~ perhaps i will tell u one day...^_^ hehe j/k anywaz, where should i start...i've "known" u foo...2 years? hehe, online is a weird thing 2 uz but it's wut brought uz to where we are now, you are always going 2 be my god brother~ ONE AND ONLIE god brother, ob course the bestest! danx u foo being there foo me in the past and kno dat me will always be there 2 listen 2 u k? perhaps i will see u one day...but just 2 say, i am everything, we like dont' reallie talk anymore, hehe anywaz, hope everything is going 2 be well wit you and dat one day u will find dat someone special foo ya daz going 2 be wit u forever, May God take good care ob u and know dat i am wit u always, ( a way ^_^) lub, mei mei

JoHn (big bearie)-hallo hallo! wow, i haven't talk 2 u in the longest time, where have u been? haha, it's weird, sometimes i see u on aa but never on aim anymore, but it's okay tho, i know u've been busie! hehe, how r u doing wit your gf? you guyz doing good? =) i sure hope so! haha, i tink the next time wen i talk 2 u iz going 2 be a lot of caughting up to do! danx u foo listening 2 me in the past and then gibing me suggestions and advices, kinda miss the olds where we just talk either on aim or aa, haha private chatroomz! anywaz, take carez in Canada k?! hope 2 talk 2 u soon!

Richard-HALLO! =) hum...daz german way 2 say "hello" rite? ja? haha, yupz it's been good knowing u and...your gunz, military hobbies, um...hahahaha, rite...well..danx u foo bringing me and nick 2 the range dat day...waz..a first time experience foo me, it waz quiet...LOUD, but it's good memoriez. haha, i still have the bullet! j/k! (well..i do) anywayz, haha, danx u foo being there foo me,(i tink i put dat down foo every single person...on the shout out list) and reallie..danx u foo listening 2 me and going through bad times wit me and wit our youth group, u did a good job leading uz! we danx u and we danx God foo it also. It's no mistake foo all ob uz to meet and to know eachother through the Lord, it's good dat u've been trying to tell uz how important it is to read the bible...yes yes, we shall do day, well...i do..sometimes, hehe, anywaz, i know God will be wit you always and dat like u said, either we meet or not in the future, CYA in heaven k? wish you good luck after u leaves, GOD BLESS

Nick-wassup? haha, man...can't believe i know someone like u in the YG, haha always hitting on girls...? yea...dont' need 2 deny dat...haha, it's okay 2 try 2 be a it? i dunno, anywaz, it's been good knowing you and danx u foo bringing me and the rest of the crew into the YG, i pray dat we will grow in the Lord and dat we will always trust in Him in everything we do, i pray dat we can see He is the light and dat we don' need 2 worrie about anything. ^_^ it waz fun watching ff...did i say dat? yea...guess i did, haha anywaz, Emmanuel!

Jamz-HEYO! wassup? first of all...i just need 2's okay jamz, u do not need 2 turn .."g*y" seriouslie, i tink u should stop hitting on tom and nick, or are they hitting on u? it's okay...dont' need to explain, u can and SHOULD be straight,daz the way it should be. j/kj/k!! haha, just playing, but anywaz, it's cool dat u work and pay off everything by yourself, reallie respect u foo dat, just hope u don't work too hard tho...hehe hope u find a job soon! it waz fun at the movies, you are going 2 be a senior next year so 1 more year u and nick are gonig away to college, hope we can all kit tho, anywaz, may you put your trust in the Lord k? and ... dont' fall asleep during YG

Steve 2-hahahahaha...sorrie...don't mean 2 laugh or anything, but hey first me just wanna danx u foo signing my guest book, sriouslie, at least u signed it! sigh...not like some peepz...j/k anywaz, it waz good knowing u through GOd, and u are such a good christian! it waz GREAT knowing someone dat loves God very much, tho there are struggles here and there but it's going 2 be all rite, cuz we have the Lord to trust. it waz fun teasing u and...stuff....just dont' hit my pig next time k? dat'll mean a lot to me, hehe anywaz, i hope the next time i go 2 prayer meeting, then i will have the courage to pray in front of you guyz, hehe sure hope so, anywaz, keep up all the good work, and continue 2 read the bible!

Peter-DON"T WORK Too lATE! hahah, anywaz, it waz nice dat u and i have civics, altho urz iz 97 but its all good, maybe u can teach me stick shift one day...haha yea rite!!!...somehow i don't tink it's a good idea, maybe i'll see u one day in the video store! =) yupz, hope u can visit uz sometimes at YG and hope 2 see u sometimes, it'll be like the YG wen we used to have it at jamz' house. danx u foo telling me all the info about SATz and studying 100 words and taking 1 practice test everyday, dat....reallie...HELPED....sorta, haha procrastination, hope i will do wut u did one day, and then perhaps i will have a future and can get into a good college, ^_^