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It's a life time dedication of a man called :


Homoeopathy, the science and art of therapeutic medication, has a twofold existence-as an institution and in the personnel of its loyal, individual representatives.  

<Homoeopathy a System>

The fundamental principles of homoeopathy are embodied in a system of doctrines, laws and rules of practice which were first formulated, named and systematically set forth by Hahnemann in his Organon of the Rational Art of Healing. By that, homoeopathy was given a name, an individuality and a character which defines and identifies it for all time. The practical demonstration of homoeopathy is committed to its personal representatives, whose success will be proportionate to their efficiency. Efficiency in homoeopathy implies and involves native ability, acquired technical proficiency and logical consistency in the application of its principles. The exercise of these qualifications requires honesty, courage, fidelity to a high ideal and a right point of view.


Homeopathy is distinctive in its study of man in his completeness and in its recognition of mechanisms more subtle and more complex than anything the physical body of man presents to the five senses. These subtle mechanisms are prior to, and dominate, build and repair the physical body, and enable it to live and function on the physical plane of existence in matter. Homeopathy in the all important study of man does not exclude the use of the knowledge of anatomy, physiology, chemistry, biology and many other accepted and proven scientific procedures relating to the study of health and disease. Together with these things, it employs forces and mechanisms that can only be perceived and used through the media of, and upon plains of the super physical. Failure to comprehend and interpret the reactions (of that animating spark or force called life) to heredity and environment excludes us from the realm of causes and leaves us uncertain and confused in the whirlpool of effects.-GRIMMER A. H.  

For not only did Hahnemann discover homoeopathy, he discovered allopathy as well. Allopathy existed before his time, just as homoeopathy did in a way, but it was unconscious of its own existence. It was Hahnemann who gave it its name; and if he is the father of homoeopathy he is at least the godfather of allopathy as well, and on that account deserves to have his bust in the medical schools of both sections. Hahnemann pointed out there were three principal ways of using drugs-the homoeopathic, the allopathic, and the antipathic or enantiopathic. The homoeopathic is the like-to-like method, in which a medicine is given to a sick person because it is capable of producing a similar state when given to a healthy one-similia similibus. The allopathic (or heteropathic) method is that in which the drug given, being "without any pathological relation to with is naturally diseased in the body, attacks the part most exempt from the disease." The enantiopathic is the opposite of the homoeopathic, and is the treatment by contraries. When, on the other hand, in a case of headache we give a drug like Belladonna or Glonoin (nitro-glycerine), both of which produce a variety of headaches of great intensity when taken by the healthy, then we are practising homoeopathy. -FROMCLARKE COLLECTED WRITING