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Words to Live By

some things maybe u should think about...

"'s just not the same when you wake up in the morning with a smile on your face when you know you lied yourself to sleep to make it better"-mineral

"she stepped outside into the morning air to watch the cars go by and let the sun dry her hair i wanted to tell her how beautiful she was but i just stared i sat behind the wheel and watched the raindrops as they gathered on the windshield"-mineral

"and happiness is just a dream or so it seems it's something that i can never see and i just want to lay my head in your arms and bleed awhile sunshine go away i don't want to play come back again some other day when i've got someting beautiful to say and stay awhile"-mineral

"there are blue skies in my dreams and laughter that seems unending there are green grass fields there and happiness and hope for tomorrow my cup is full and my heart spills awkward and embarrassing blood onto white-golden streets and i am unashamed of the stains my steps leave tears stream down my cheeks only to meet their redeemer and be wiped away and there is joy ah there is joy"-mineral

"i wouldn't mind if you took me in my sleep tonight i wouldn't even put up a fight i wouldn't care if you took it all away today i'm sure i wouldn't even miss the pain"-mineral

"will you ever know how much i love you?"-mineral

"i wish you could put your ear upto my heart and hear how much i love you"-mineral

"so that when i'm driving home at night tired frustrated and pinned down by spite i'm reminded of your love"-mineral

"time doesn't always heal it just breathes and swallows memories"-mineral

"now i wonder if i can even move or breathe, without disappointing someone"-mineral

"on the road on my own waiting for the words to fall from your tongue into my ears"-mineral

"if i've learned anything, it's that you do what makes you happy, and follow your heart on all accounts, love those who love you, and always look forward, and not live by the past.."

"i once heard that you have to be happy with your self first, before you can be happy with someone else"

"i'm coming over to see your stary eyes, and i'll be wishing upon them the entire ride"-superstions about the sky

"all i know is that after each tear rolls off my face and on to the floor, i feel my heart rebuilding just a little bit more"

"don't tell me that you love me, those words they hurt too fucking much..."-you and i

"don't worry about me, i've heard it all before my heart has been broken so many times before, i think i'm strong enough. i can taste the pain, and i'm standing here ....alone can we be together? i wish it be. but you won't fucking try"

"i close my eyes.. and dream of you when you're sleeping... it's so nice... to see you smile when you are sleeping.... i hope it's me you're dreaming of... and i know it sounds a little selfish... but i wish i could be the one... i would never let a million miles come between us... and i wish i was some one special... so that you would dream of me"

"don't tell me...that you it you fuck"

"I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it."

"all i want is to smile and have one in return"

"your razors. my wrist. my tears. your kiss."-keepsake

"Money can't buy me love, but it can buy me food and I like food"

"So you send me your love from all around the world as if I could live on words and dreams and a million screams oh how I need a hand in mine, to feel"

"Always thought that when i looked back on my tears i would laugh, But not once did i think that when i looked back on the times i laughed, i'd cry."

"i cut off my arm, but it still didnt compare to the shock of losing you"

"im not sure what happiness is but i look in your eyes and i know that it isn't there"

"dont try to be like me, you dont even know who i be"

"it's only when the damage is done that you realize what you did was wrong. and i just can't put it aside. i thought we were on the same level, but i see you've always lied. you can't get back my respect."

"i know you don't believe that you mean this much to me but i promise you that you do"

"if i wasnt close enough i sure meant to be and i hope that i was something special."

"From beyond any known galaxy, bringing with them the laws and ideals of their green planet, Thundera, come the Thundercats thunder...Thunder...THUNDER ...THUNDERCATS...HOOOOOOOO!"-snarf

"..lost myself when pain from your heart left its trace"-Sunny Day Real Estate

"As the rain falls I sit here and the memories I have of you flood my mind...I cant help but wonder what i did that was so wrong... wasnt it you that said you had nothing but unconditional love to give... i thought that if i gave it in return it would be alright ...all that remains is the whole in my dress that your cigarrette caused when i bumped your can you do that it wasnt only you ...i stood there and watched you walk away as i felt the stream of salt flow down my face...cant you see what it is that you do to me...i dont need anyone... i believed in you how could you just stand there and lie to my face... dont you realize the power of your words .... is it possible that we left the lighter on the beach ....when you touch my hand there is no warmth there ...i remember watching the ashes drift in the wind ...its not my fault the damned blue nail polish broke in your bag they dont sell your brand of cigarettes there .... what was that story you told me about the lovers that were cast into the stars ... your gentle voice still burns through my veins ..why must the sound of the rain falling always remind me of you.."

"Never give up if you still wanna try never dry the tears if you still wanna cry never settle for the answers if you still wanna know never say that you dont love them if your heart wont let them go"

"Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched, and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives."

"Don't go for looks; they can deceive. Don't go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright."

"If we go to school to learn, and learning is knowledge, and knowledge is power, and power is corrupt, and corruption is crime. and crime doesnt pay, then why do we go to school?"

"kisses and hugs are all i want"-grade

"oh this falllen arrow never found its way to ur heart i shot it with all that i had left"-ida

"Sometimes I wish I was a little girl again, cuz skinned knees heal so much quicker than broken hearts."

"Why do your eyes paralyze me What makes me feel this way Just carry me away with silence and heartbeats As rapid thinking about your embrace and how it makes me feel I just want to feel this way forever Sleep on portraits painted as perfect as you Why have I been given the chance to fly When I'm not with you I feel lesser alone I remember your face imprinted on angels Your voice as beautiful as the sounds of waves crashing against my heart Time slows down when you look at me I'm infatuated with this infatuated with you It’s so hard for me to understand why I hadn't found you before don't dull away hold my hand"-poison the well

"I've lost faith in what I've been told it’s all a lie I show true feelings always feeling the pain Smash me to the ground a thousand times as before But I can't rationalize anymore carry me away on concrete pillows incinerate me once more Love means nothing to you anymore blood stains on the wall with disfigured forms end me-my mirror no longer reflects"-poison the well

"we kiss on the mouth but still cough down our sleeves."

"i know i wasn't good maybe i was even bad but i was way too young to know just what i had..."

"I should hate you for the pain you caused me...My head knows this I just wish someone would tell my heart"

"I only wish you would realize how much I miss looking in your eyes. I miss you so much it hurts."

"i hope your as happy as your pretending. im missing your bed, i never sleep, avoiding the spots where we used to speak. as for now i'm going to hear the saddest songs,and sit alone and wonder,how your making out,but as far as me i wish i was anywhere with anyone making out,im missing your laugh, how did it break? and when did your eyes begin to look fake"-dashboard connfesional

"do you remember the time? did you know what it meant? things never worked out the way i thought. my heart still stops when i see you. my hands still shake when im near you. why cant you see that your the one for me? remember the time we kissed? the things that meant so much to me, mean nothing to you. what am i supposed to do? i cant forget you. i dont want to hate you.i dream about dreaming about you. why the f**k cant i just be with you? why do i tourture myself over you? words have been said that can never be taken back. i know its all my fault. a dozen dead roses hang from my wall. they are all i have left of you."

"...I'm trusting that you won't intentionally hurt me or use my trust against me. No matter what you door say in the future, I will never regret the love I feel for you or our time spent together. I'm not saying that I expect you to hurt me, I just want you to know how much I love you and how significant you are in my life. You are so understanding and caring. I love the way you protect me. I will love you forever my dear." 4 years later "I've opened my heart to someone else and I never loved you that way."

"forgiving only gives a second chance for you to get hurt"-Torn Apart

"cause what might seem so dumb to you is pounding in my heart"

"apologies are the only words that flee from my mouth. although sometimes when it opens, hatred burns alive. meaningless things i do and say that are not in my understanding. pointless arguements that are brought up more times then once. my heart aches. its breaking. now broken. how i hurt so much. streams of water fall from my eyes into droplets that dry to my face. they stain my cheeks with redness and sorrow. my happiness has been buried alive, fighting to be free. your tight grip of your carelessness keeps it down. lights out and pieces shattered on the floor."

"if i cried a river just for you, would you swim in it some sunny afternoon?" -jets to brazil.

"if only closed minds came with closed mouths"

"I'm certain if I drive into those trees, it'll probably make less of a mess than you've made of me"-rainer maria

"with the sound of the ocean crashing, 7:30, friday evening, everything comes tumbling down, i choke back each tear that bleeds, i'd rather rest forever in your arms, i'd rather stay then go, but i know that i should leave, as i sit here helpless

"im here to save you here to hold you. im here for your smile.who are you? where are you? im still waiting."

"remember, the only things we need sometimes are chilly nights and warmer thighs cause nothings like being held sometimes."

"love is another word for regret"

"it's three in the morning and i stayed up all night drowning in my words writing about you - time seems to standstill since the day you left me a revolving door slamming this time so slowly"-a new found glory

"Did you really think that it was over when you hung up the phone and said goodnight? And did you ever think that it would be too much? I can't leave without saying goodbye. So did you really think that you could take it? Could you make it alone tonight? I never could have hoped for anything more. Be my angel if you can, alright. You always say goodnight, and you always say goodnight. So baby did you sleep an hour for me? How I wish I was there right now. I wasn't going to tell you I could change things. I'm afraid I never will know how. But I don't really think that I can take it. Will I make it alone somehow? So hold me in your arms before I leave you. I'll be back as soon as time allows. You always say goodnight, and you always say goodnight. Goodnight."-the juliana theory

"wait for me like i've waited for you"-new found glory

"well i never wanted it to be this way with you. so broken-hearted. look at all the things we've been through. sometimes i, sometimes i can catch up with your words. you're hard to follow, so hard to follow. tragic, to realize that you talk to much. so tragic, to realize that you're far too gone to say you're wrong. sometimes i, sometimes i can catch up with your words. you're hard to follow, so hard to follow. tie the rope around me once more. i might bend, but i won't break. take this timeout to find yourself. take this timeout to learn."-a new found glory

"and i can be the one to show you that life's not simple enough. and i can be the one to tell you i've held this back for too long. and my heart aches... these feelings i've held inside for you. and my heart aches... how can I stop the pain?"-a new found glory

"You know how, when your listening to music playing from another room, and you're singing along because its a tune that you really love, & when a door closes or when a train passes, so you can't hear the music anymore, but you sing along anyway, then no matter, how much time passes, when you hear the music again, you're still in exact same time with it...that's what its like." *love*

"you're not seeing what I'm missing 'cause I am missing you"

*I'd rather rest forever in your arms*your eyes see through my soul.. don't go*your the beauty that is deeper than than eyes can merely see. the closest thing to perfect but the farthest thing from me*

"I scream aloud into the wind, but my words won't fly. I hear the water pouring loud now, the sound is painful. our hands hang over the edge, dripping wonderfully, like hearts on paper, but my pen has run out, my heart is bleeding because i tried. I cried your name but You don't hear me. I'm tired of standing alone"-you and i

"i shouldnt be hard to find...ill be the one with my big mouth moving; my big words, saying nothing"-the gloria record

"im sick and tired of your reaction why dont u just shut the fuck up"-boy sets fire

"sing me to sleep underneath a blanket of stars tonite where all my hopes and fears look childish in the lite"-the gloria record

"so you hate me..ask me if i care..your not worth the air you breath..choke"

"so we look into these two empty hands,that used to hold onto those things i felt dear..and there used to be this big hole where my heart was.and now there is only this silence..and the memory is dead,remember i told you i never wanted to give up, i wasnt ready to lose control,isnt that what this is all about ,having control over one's life and decisions..and then you wake up and see behind the lie..the illusion i had to take away, yes im ready to surrender,to find this peace ive longed for,and you can cut me open,peel back that pale porcellian doll mask ive painted to save save your soul from feeling pity that breeds hatred in my eyes,i dont want to be saved anymore,i want to wipe away this nothingness,and show you how it feels it feels to be dead for this long..and you said to me you must feel something you must have emotion, cause you feel empty,no i don't feel empty.I just am empty.So are you ready to take one final look into the mind of a me and come back to reality and say all is lost ..all is lost...and you'll finally is dead"

" something so simple.innocent.naive.listen to the wind.gaze at the fallen stars.a worshiper of the lost cause.hold those in your heart closer.breath. promises,promise me,i can't say i'll open,breath,do you hear the words i'm trying to say.I'm not afraid of dying,I'm not afraid of tommorow,look deep into my heart.i am afraid of the simplest of fears..the worst nightmare i ever have..i don't want to be alone"

"we all have wishes..the pain to go away..not to see the one's you love have find what you've been looking for after all this time..and when you keep reminding yourself that these wishes one day could come miss the real world..passes you right by..but you can't forget those wishes..i wish i could be the one you love..i wish i wasn't alone so much..and i wish that one day i could be everything you say i am when you look through those beatiful eyes... ..i wish i could.. i really do.."

"let's count the times,i've let you down,and you won't let me forget that i will never be "good" enough..and when tell me how sorry you are..sorry that i could never be the one..well im not sorry anymore..i'm tired of living in someone else's shadow.if my will shall fail me..then so it was ment to be..i'm starting over today..and here is my goodbye.yesterday you were so close..and today your gone.i'll miss you."

"totally neat totally sweet totally knock me off my feet,totally rad ,but its too bad your not aware of all of this'totally lame that you wont say,you'll hang out with me everyday,i totally i totally love everything about you."

"the other night dear as i lay sleeping,i dreamed i held you in my arms,when i awoke dear i was mistaken and i hung my head and cried"

"and the snow falls down melts before it even hits the ground and i'm standing here listening to the sound of your hand washing back and forth across my filthy heart and i don't know if i should say "i'm sorry" or "thank you" i try to speak but the tears choke the words and i think i finally know what they mean when they talk about joy."-mineral

"my heart attracts broken arrows shot by angels with broken wings"

"When the rain is blowing in your face and the whole world is on your case I would offer you a warm embrace To make you feel my love When the evening shadows and the stars appear and there is no one to dry your tears I could hold you for a million years To make you feel my love"

"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted Is the most terrible poverty."

"When you wanna hold someone, You gotta hold em' Like it's the last minute of your life."

"And I don't regret the rain Or the nights I felt the pain Or the tears I had to cry Some of those times along the way. Every road I had to take Every time my heart would break, It was just something that I had to get through To get me to you."

"It's so hard to go to sleep at night when I cannot dream of you, It's so hard to think you might fall in love with someone new, It's so hard not to start crying when I hear your favorite song, It's so hard to sit and wonder, where did I go wrong, It's so hard to live without you, If only I would have known, I will never love another...I would rather be alone"

"The stars remind me of your eyes Sparkling against the moon-lit sky. You are perfect in every way. When you're around, I can't help but stare And wonder if you'll ever be mine. I treasure every moment I'm with you. I wonder if you ever feel that way too. The tears in your eyes when you are sad, Make me want to hold you in my arms And comfort you until they fade away Because all I want is for you too be happy In this world... If you only knew how much I love you. You are always on my mind I try to avoid it, But I can't stop thinking of you. If only I could find the courage, To tell you how much I care, Nothing else matters but you In this world..."-ryan ;)

"And I'm not sad, I just want to trust someone so badly. I just want something beautiful to happen here right now"-tgr

"will u be my eyes, when i cant see, will u be the light, on the dark side of me, will u hold me close, and keep near, will u tell me its alright, when i explain my fears, will u kiss me soft, and never turn away, will u make things better, when i have a bad day, will u be the one, i think about, will u take me away, when i need to be out, will u talk to me, and really care, will u listen to me, when i have things to share, if u do things, mine u will be, if u do these things, u wont have to ask me."

How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.

After the movies In the parking lot We stared so long And you kissed me With ripe young breath So I kissed you One night as forever In the movies Well, they never had it so good One moment So infinite On soft wet lips And I miss you Are you glad I'm finally gone? I'm so sorry to hear that I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Have I hurt you? I have hurt myself These sad songs won't change anything Love as fragile as a wineglass It should have been forever Love as fragile as a wineglass It couldn't last forever I'm so sorry It couldn't last forever I remember how we kissed One night as forever -Cursive

-if i could come back as anything, i would come back as one of your tears.... because i would be conceived in your heart, be born in your eyes, live on your cheek and die on your lips. If I die today, I want you to know I’ll love you just as much tomorrow.

-everything happens for a reason-and no matter how bad it hurts, remember it was meant to be.

years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones that you did, so

carrying a grudge is like a run in your only gets worse. forgive!

sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye.

it is my observation that too many of us are spending money we haven’t earned to buy things we don’t need, to impress people we don’t like.

as if we could live on words and dreams. how i need your hand in mine.

You told me you could understand. That you’d felt this pain as well. But how is it you understand, If you don’t realize, to me, it’s hell. I’m trapped inside you, And trapped in my own mind. Running to so I can be with you but I seem to fall behind. I cry out to you in my head, But you turn and walk away. I think of you when I lay in bed, Can’t sleep; you’re in my way.

You came into my life just as quick as you left. Everyday I saw you, I fell in love even more. With each smile you gave, With each word you spoke, I just kept falling. After you went away, The pain was unbearable. Each day seemed meaningless without your laugh, your touch. I just kept longing for you, just to see you again. I wept into my pillow thru the night, Hoping to hear your voice. I missed you, Oh God how I missed you! I cannot recall a day that went by that I didn't cry. But those days are no more. I am just too tired of the waiting... Waiting for you return. I am going to get you out of my mind, And forget you in due time, Even if it kills me.

These tears aren't mine, these tears are for you. These tears are for all the shit you put me through. I gave you my heart, your swore we'd never part, as i sit here alone and waiting. I dont understand, words dont comprehend, as our time keeps fadding..

"your whispers call like angels screaming,and everytime you cry an angel dies. i've held out my hands to touch your face, but hung my head too low and choked upon my own breath. I feel you,you breathing. I still feel you."-you and i

"moth to flame, we burn brighter on the inside see you in me and i pull my heart out...nothing has changed. the problem with me is the problem with you."-to dream of autumn

"Missing someone gets easier everyday because even though it's one day further from the last time you saw each other, it's one day closer to the next time you will."

There are songs to be sung, and pages to be filled with memories. There are roads to be traveled in places I have never seen. There are postcards to send, and so much beauty just to take in. There are dreams to be chased, and friends to be held more dearly. There is love to be seen more clearly. There are fears to be faced, and tremblings to understand. There are new days to brave, and all this foolish pride to lay down in your hands.-tgr

apologies are the only words that flee from my mouth. although sometimes when it opens, hatred burns alive. meaningless things i do and say that are not in my understanding. pointless arguements that are brought up more times then once. my heart aches. its breaking. now broken. how i hurt so much. streams of water fall from my eyes into droplets that dry to my face. they stain my cheeks with redness and sorrow. my happiness has been buried alive, fighting to be free.

"i never opened my mouth, but you drew a conclusion from what you heard. you think it's funny? i think it's sad. you feel your job in life is to distort my words."

"when everything falls apart, the emptiness leaves a mark."-keepsake

as our sun sets im stuck here with regret waiting for the sky to fall down and crush my heart and everything that surrounds. at nite. i awake afarid to to put on this light to see this lonliness that my existance has become and i say that i know its not my fault and your the one who is really missing out but i dont belive it belive it, your lyin in bed with your smile so wide, so wide it brightens up the sky i begin to cry, you wipe my tears away as you say "everything is going to be alright"

"oh great here i go again. im stuck in this rut and im not sure how to begin-should i tell you everything? im feeling out of luck so i won't see you too soon cause i know its too soon for you to see me. if this is the last thing you do, just tell me its okay for me to have these feelings for you and that its normal for me to want to call you. oh im dialing the phone and im letting it ring for hours and im pretending to hear your voice-why does my heart always beat before yours does? after a while you can make yoursself believe in almost anything so im making myself believe in you."

"give me passion, fill me with love, i have waited so long, so long."-you and i

"Why do we always ignore those who adore us, and adore those who ignore us?"

i had a dream once where there wasnt a heart left to break...reality claims this heart is left to ache..

i've gotta hand it to my heart. it should have shattered long ago. but the goddamn thing won't fall apart.

I need answers, and I need them fast, Or I shall be lost in this life so vast, Lost within myself, lost within my hope, Life within my thoughts as my heart tries to cope.

with every end, u realize there is nothing permanant in life.

Young and naive We know nothing of pain Sheltered for so long Believe life this way will remain. Great expectations Of what lies ahead A good man marriage children That's the line we are fed. Why don't they warn us Life's not quite this way Warn us that heartache and misery May find us some day. Why don't they prepare us for the worst As well as the best Don't blind us to the fact And leave us to guess. Tell us be ready Build strength for some day Who knows what curves life May throw our way.

you'll never know how much i care i notice the way that you look at me when you're not there still having fun in for the long run only just begun

'all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite.'

perspective changes with time as does sanity.

Still I assume this subject identity Shared with all the kids that qualify And that's a pretty high percentage to embrace But easier to clasify 'Cause all my friends are in the same target group And all of them look like all of you And they're restless in standstill But they don't know where to go They don't know... I wish I could dissappear My unwhole self Away from here Away from here... NOW! I don't want to let it sit around Just make it go away Let it cure itself, let it be a cure for us And if I never leave this hole Make sure you bury me here with all my dead friends We'll make a toast to the ones who ran away Just get me through... Just get me through... Just get me through....

shattered glass, empty hands and all I can do is fake a smile a burning fight through an endless night let it go one more time. I thought my friends were gone and I had hoped they'd come back by tomorrow. my lesson is learned... at least I'm wishing. and then I watched as they were still not there by tomorrow. my lesson is learned... but I'll keep wishing. I know tomorrow will be different. why do I care? It's like trying to dance in cement shoes at the bottom of the ocean, stupid I care. and I'm supposed to be happy remaining in silence. why defy? why deny? what if I? I can't let it go. not this time... you had to lie.-cobra kai

"and wouldn't it be nice if we could live twice in just one life? and then i'd know what to do when i'm shaking in my shoes and my heart skips a beat over you." - the promise ring

i ran, i ran until my lungs collapsed and my heart burst and my legs came off, and then i ran some more

Why dont you go clone yourself while you're still you can go fuck yourself--dedicated to those i hate

you always told me that you'd never stop loving me but you stopped before you started so now all i have are...

.its own way.-dedicated to my mom

It makes me feel so good to always tell you when your wrong.-dedicated to my "old" friends who never listened..and still don't

.it plagued me like a cancer. if you asked me what "it" meant. i couldnt answer. cause i sit here alone and gotta stop complaining. its been so long. i dont know what to say. the feelings gone. i remember. once upon a time. i wouldn't have cared just what i shared with you but now im hiding.ive been lucky to have someone who cared for sorry. cause when you got close. id run away. the scars are almost covered up. and im rising. she said she wanted to know me like a book. i was out of there fast. remembering all the   time that it took to get over the source of all the times that i felt dead. there's chapters in this book that i havent read yet. but there's just one thing ive gotta say to you. i dont regret the time we spent. but i do regret the time we met. cause ive learned my lesson. and ive learned it well. now theres no more secrets for you to tell.for all its worth. im still dreaming and feeling. without you. *kid dynamite

.maybe i read too much fiction because i'm still dreaming of going back to you. *you and i

.and i'll march slowly and i'll never forget how the music stopped or the feel of your breath. the flesh and the blood-they keep my body warm but still my mind is cold. *the anniversary

.will you stay near me now, don't leave this town, until we've figured out, between the two of us we're strong enough-i feel that in your touch. *the anniversary

.kiss your head don't say a thing, we'll live forever in the books darling. it's the secrets beneath the leaves i keep with me. i'm falling up and down. *the anniversary

.your words find secret pathways to my spine. *the anniversary

.there is no one that can give me inspiration like you, and i'm still wondering why. *no motiv

every other morning i wake up lost and tired of dreaming. *the anniversary

i´m asking you to smile because that's what i like best.

I'm happy that your not around, cause you always made me down...

.you better practice your evil looks in the mirror they dont work on me.

.i need to be this far away from you to understand that i can do this.

"what's your race. whats your sex. what's your rank. what's your fucking serial number. what are you?"-Portraits of Past.

"i have no use for the sun only reminds me that i'm still you know about loss?...loss deep inside...oh god, i have lost the love for my life..."-j church

its better to hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.-dedicated to my mom, thanx for hating me and what i have become

i hold hands with failure because we're quite a pair, i've never met someone so loyal

This is so hard, it's like a brushing tear always falling from my face. The sky always so dark and the stars aren't so bright anymore. Your face is what I see when I look in the rain puddle, and when I realize my dreams are never coming true, it breaks away as a crying laughter, because I know one day everything will be okay.

"it's hard to give up the one you never thought you'd lose"-the juliana theory

all good things have endings

"Take a loaded gun and blow my dreams away"

"I lost myself when i looked in your eyes"-sunny day real estate

"I can only stand in front of a broken mirror for so long. Staring at the reflection of failed attempts at love and a black heart. My heart, once nourished with hope and compassion,now is black as death"-shai hulud

i said id give my life for just one kiss. id live for your smile, and die for your kiss

Without music; Life would be an error. - Fredrich Nietzsche-for danyelle and me

i Still Feel The Same And Thats Okay I am not Ashamed Of LovingYou i can move On,but, ill Hold a place For You in my Heart Because i am So Happy to be alive i know sunsets will never look the same and moonlight reflecting on the ocean waves wont affect me the same way now that youer gone but ill have a fresh view without you im just grateful to have had the chance to be with you i feel my life is too short to waste on selfpity i tried my best with you im sorry it wasnt enought but i tried and i know thats a step for me i have so much growing to do and the futrue scares me but i have faith and trust to remain Optimistic

One night, one wish. All I ever wanted was you. Change. A smile that once shined so bright. You were the sun. Yet, the light of day must lend itself to darkness at dusk. In the absence of light, I cannot see the way. Reaching. You no longer hold my hand. Aimlessly searching, surrounded by shadows. I scream in silence. Once unbroken, only shards remain. I think I broke my own heart. Shattered. Dreams now nightmares, love now lost. A river of tears, a flooded mind. Drown.

with every step away from me that you walk, the craving of your lips & mine multiplies 1000 times the urge i have to sweep you from your feet... so dont measure my feelings in anger because these words are coming straight from my heart, taunting & tearing im falling apart with every breath i take i will always love you-red roses 4 a blue lady*

i musta dreamt about you, i woke up in the worst of moods.Let me inside. and you can always come over, and i can always miss you all over, and you can always come over and i can always kiss you all over

I can never go back to where I was That one time that summer that I so quietly died. So goodbye to this skyline, goodbye to the trees And goodbye to the beauty that you could never see. Long walks with myself down all dead-end streets With the thought in my head and the knife in my back. So I draw the line between now/yesterday. We will never breathe in that same air again. I'm dead and gone. We breathe the same air but look different ways. The promises All seem to have broke, forever got shorter. And I cannot stop shaking. My heart isn't whole, my body a shell. Someone take a picture. It could be the first but it could be the last. My bitterness is killing me. Killing me. Your absence is killing me. Killing me. This isn't about you. It's about me. This isn't about us. It's about what we never were. Take my hand in your hand and you'll feel that it's cold. Take my heart in your hand and you'll feel that it's dead. Take my body in your hand and you'll feel that it's hollow. Take my thoughts in your hand and you'll see they're hateful. Take my mind. Take my heart, and throw it against the wall. Take my love, thought it's love, but now know it's not.-stephen (as we burn)

And oh, the moon is bright tonight. The way it drenches your eyes with spots. Illuminate the tears welling in my eyes. The kind of tears that go along with the night. How many ways can I say I love you? And how many ways can you say “No, you don’t.” Such a beautiful night, such a crushing last word. Say goodbye, cause I can’t. Cause I can’t. Remember the nights when we gazed at the stars? No matter how far, they could put me there with you. Just knowing that we were looking at them together. Knowing that the starry night belonged to us. My heart has been bled, my fingers are numb. I burned them on the stars when I reached up too close. They fluttered away, starry nights been replaced. By clouds, bitterness. Self-hatred and you. So I gaze up at the moon (so quietly). Familiar tears sting the cuts on my neck. And I look into your eyes (so quietly). And see that you couldn’t care any less. I look down at my wrists (so quietly). And see the scars that had just started to heal. She always said, “Don’t do it” (so quietly). She sees me now but doesn’t say a lone word. I want to capture the stars. Where love was once, it surely is not.-stephen (as we burn)

Why do we want what we can't have? What seems so close is so unbearably far. Please tell me that you'll be home soon. Cuz the night is dark and my sheets are still cold. Everything is not gonna be okay. And there's no comfort in your "I love you too". Try to forget but you never forgave. Tried to forgive but you couldn't forget. Falling Apart Is second Nature Yelling At the wall At what we Created. Someday it will fall. Fall. I watch you love And I know you can do it without me. Don't forget me when I'm gone You've taught me to fly And now I teach you to stay on the ground Smile tonight Remember tomorrow.-stephen (as we burn)

they're only words, how bad can they be?

"what are you afraid to heart or yours?"

who needs a heart, when hearts can be broken?

"it wasn't right for me to waste time with you. thinking i even had a chance to make a difference in your life. just forget about it. forget about me. i was only trying to make you happy. you touched my face and kissed me on the forehead. this could not be the end, the end of something that was never started. and i will not give you any space. if any is given, it is the last feeling of our lips. how many times can you make up excuses not to be with me? only once."-a life once lost

"and i'd never find the strength to look inside, deep inside, too much pride. and you know it's way too late for you to even try to save me and you know i've spent my time in this dark and insane room called my mind named a lie. and i tell you with a tear, i can't find the door. set me free...please kill me"-all else failed

Why, I've found perfection now it slips through my grasp. Child, you touch me now as life flows through my hands, Grey skies have been broken, I'll never see the warmth in your eyes. Cold eyes softly spoken, though your face will be forever etched in my mind. Love, I can do this if you stand by my side. Alone, the fear it fills me and shall never subside. You speak to me in rhythm and it waves across the water, You speak to me in ways that I don't understand. Deep inside me I know I know I'm alone How I cherish your persuasive warmth. This is not what I want life to be. but there is no way I can stop this now, there is nothing left inside of me.I long for your touch. I need to breathe your breath again. Deep inside me I know I'm alone.

my heart skipped a beat that night before we said goodbye, did you catch it? please say you caught it. as i looked in your eyes, i grabbed every sigh. please don't forget to breathe. because it's killing me. the moon was gone for hours. we should have stayed up longer, but your eyes were tired. i know. please understand that i'll be back. if you're still around, that's where i'll be. you have my thoughts and you have my words, but road has my contempt. pavement hisses me to sleep as we drive away. the hardest part was touching your face and knowing i had to let go. chalk another mile to the board of separation. i wish that i could catch a shooting star home right now. but we're moving too fast, can't slow down. no one cares just how i feel.-kid dynamite

am i still here? am i still breathing? im more alive than ever. its you that comforts me on the inside-me

These feelings I get when I think of you. I don't know what to make of them. What to make of you. What to make of me. What to make of us. It seems your happier with me, and I'm happier with you. If I try to fit your slipper, I'll be going back on everything I promised myself I would avoid. Collapse on the floor from breathing iron air weighing me down like your smile...does to me.-my first step toward failure

i dreamt of a fever one that would cure me of this cold winter set heart. some heat to melt these frozen tears...i swear that i would follow anything, just get me out of here.-bright eyes

but i fell for the promise of a life with a purpose. but i know that that's impossible now. and so i drink to stay warm and to kill selected memories. cus i just can think anymore about that or about her tonite. and i give myself 3 days to feel better. or else i swear im driving off a fucking cliff. cus if i cant learn to make myself feel better, how can i expect anyone else to give a shit? and i scream for the sunlight or a car to take me anywhere. just get me past this day of eternal snow. cus i swallow time slowly but it's happening and if the perfect spring is waiting somewhere..just take me there..just take me there..just take me there. its gonna be alright. its gonna be alright.-bright eyes

kiss the rainy day away cus i know that everything will be ok. let me see you smile cus i know its been awhile. and ill be the first to tell its ok to laugh when you feel sad. if i told you i think you're ok..would you get mad? -superstitions of the sky

and if i die tonite, then i guess i die tonite...let me go-bright eyes

"i am a memory.and i never i am falling.her name.a single word.melts me.takes me to the ground.only alive.if she could only destroyed by yesterdays" -shai hulud

i wish upon stars.the same wish every night.i ask myself how long does it take for just one simple wish to come true.are the stars out of order because i refuse to believe this doesn't work.without the stars what's left for me to believe in.when will someone come and claim me as theirs.hold me close to their heart and embrace me everyday.when.until then i remain here.not soft to your emotions.not sympathetic to your smile stare emotionless.i feel about you what i think of you.nothing.

i know very well the rain falls in drops.winds call rain falls in drops.i drop my ashamed and tempted to heart has caught up to me.but still these words hold my hand.please stay a while longer.i don't want to be see in your eyes is to stare in clear skies.clouds don't trail me anymore.

"I once had a heart, but hearts are like snowflakes, One warm touch and they melt away"

saying goodbye from your house under a stary sky i wait for you to say dont you leave me...driving; i cant with these tears..never forget that kiss -superstitions of the sky

when we said our sorries you asked why we couldnt be close..well i know we can too..its not ok cus you broke my hart in two..and its not ok cus i'm in love with you -superstitions of the sky

fill the void with your arms in the air raise your hands to the sky commit yourself to the day when you feel you can ask for the favor in return for the promise that is kept the promise to your life this horizon has saved my life your persistence has kept me in line all the things I dream for myself are one step closer than the last I extend my gratitude to you for the things you've given to me and now that you've opened my eyes what can I offer you you light up my world and I thank you

I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth, and one touch of her hand, than eternity without it.

With the depth of a bottomless pit I sink into your eyes. Through that window I enter a void, where I wish to be. Breeze-like kisses on your soft face my lips secretly wish. Between the wall and me there is only you and two heart beats. Why must a wrong feel like this and, why do your hands  touch beyond skin? Ecstasy from the nothing, desire beyond any control. The want to make you feel a woman, a reason  you were looking for, believe. 

there is something greater. there is something worse and it is so real. i woke up from a dream. i know i'm in the right place. why are you not here? all my life i wondered where you were.

i have traveled oceans. i have swallowed tears. i have looked for one like you for years. it makes no difference now that you are here. it makes no difference today. would you marry me? would you say forever? take me away if it's still inside you.

i don't have the right stuff.all i have are empty boxes to carry away your heart.i think that tonight ill sneak into your house.ill sing you songs to wake you up.and ill take you blind folded dancing on to bridges.

The sky grows bigger every day And the other week I hopped on a train Cutting through state lines To come to you as the crow flies And out there in there offing everything was melon and orange Did you know, my sweet That I once took the liberty of watching you in your sleep? I rolled over and over Trying to touch your knees underneath the sheets I just want you to know that every pool of water reminds me of you Is that all right? I hope you think it's cool 'Cause sometimes a train can't go as fast as I want it to.

i'll never take it back. your voice is like an angel guiding over every move i make. i'll never want it back, the direction that you've gave me. nothing can replace what i've gained.

i am positive. you are never going anywhere unless you want to. i can't stop you but id try my best to. if you never want to go anywhere i promise you that my love will be bigger for you every second and that ill always be yours only. i swear.-gene

you know your eyes? yea the ones that hold the stars inside. all my love and dreams lay within those eyes. those beautiful eyes. in them i see you. my world. in you i see me. i could stare into those eyes forever. it's where i want to be. with you until the end of the world.-gene

the night the stars shone brighter then any light before. the night my black heart was shattered into oblivion leaving behind only the memory of it's existance. the night my heart beat warm blood through me once more. the night i smiled. the night my dreams came true. was the night i met you. i love you.-gene

"the sun has set. the leaves have fallen.the air is cold and my mind is sinking into a state in which i dream of you.if tonight is the last night i see you.then tonight i will be yours.everday after that in the night i will dream i am with you.i promise ill never let you go.weeks have gone by.since i last kissed you.i long to hold you firm in my arms.and whisper the three most sacred the world.your mystries cast a spell on a prisoner anyone can cross the distance to feel your touching grace."

and when she cries, i swear i have never seen a sadder star fall from the sky-mineral

without you im nothing.i can see it when i stare into the heavens held in your eyes that i will never be alone.i love you today.i loved you yesterday.i promise you that i will always love you tomorrow.-gene

oh baby if only you knew that your love kills me.death isn't a bad thing with you.nothing is.i know im dead because i could never be so happy.i could never be with an angel unless i was in heaven.everytime im with you or when i think of you.all the time.i am there.for you id die a thousand times just to see your smile.-gene

one of these days, im gonna forget how to fucking breathe...

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