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Dew's Agatha Christie Mystery Site



Please note that submitting any information to my email box, guestbook, or through my site's forms constitues acceptance of these terms:
  • You agree that this website is intended for Agatha Christie FANS and SUPPORTERS ONLY. In other words, my email box and guestbook should contain only constructive, positive posts. Of course, there is nothing wrong with disliking a particular story/character/plot, etc. In fact, I encourage honest and in-depth discussions. However, totally trashing Agatha Christie or the mystery genre is not acceptable.

  • You agree to provide a working and valid email address.

  • Want to submit an editoral article or book review? Terrific!! However, you agree that by doing so that it becomes the property of Dew's Agatha Christie Mystery Site. Furthermore, you must ONLY submit editorals/reviews that you have written yourself. In other words, don't plagiarize!

  • You agree to send any personal, private messages which are intended soley for the webmaster via this feedback form insteading of posting it in this site's guestbook.

  • You agree that all forms and emails sent become the property of Dew's Agatha Christie Mystery Site. Their contents as well as any information derived from them may be posted in any format on this website or to another party. All threatening, harassing emails/forms will be reported.

  • You agree that Dew's Agatha Christie Mystery Site reserves the right to publish, edit, modify, delete, or not post any content submitted.

Now, for the DON'Ts. When submitting any information to my email box, guestbook, or through my site's forms:

  • You agree NOT TO submit any content that is profane, hateful, hostile, threatening, sexually explicit, unlawful, abusive, harassing, obscene, vulgar, libelous, defamatory, or promotes violence.

  • You agree NOT TO attack or threaten, etc other posters, the webmaster, or anybody else for that matter.

  • You agree NOT TO submit any unsolicited advertising such as junk mail, chain letters, commercial sales pitches, "Get Rich Quick" schemes, etc.

  • You agree NOT to submit any content such as business offers, movie scripts, book manuscripts, etc. I am simply a fan of Agatha Christie and I do not have any contacts or connections in the film, movie, or book industries.

  • Important:You agree NOT post your home snail address or home phone number on my guestbook or message board. Remember, the internet can be fun place, but please surf safely--the people who are reading these things are strangers. For more information about internet safety, please read these Safety Tips On The Internet from the FBI website.

  • You agree NOT to type in all capital letters or use repetitive characters. It's hard on the eyes and typing in all caps is considered shouting.

  • You agree NOT to put book spoilers in any guestbook entry. A "spoiler" is a piece of detailed information about a movie/book (particularly the ending or who the murderer is!!) that may spoil or ruin the movie/book for someone who hasn't seen it.

