Sabrina Online.... My god this is the best well-known furry comic strip. If you’re an anthro fan, and do not know about this comic, even if you do not read it, then get your head out of your @$$ and click the link.

This comic was also the inspiration for my “Work” series. So if you want to know more about two of the main characters in my story. Namely Sabrina and Zig Zag, spelled ZigZag by me in the story cause its my quirk so there, click the link.

Fans Of Sabrina Online

A Sabrina Online fan club I am apart of and where you can meet other members of the furry fandom. Has slowed down in recent months but the list is great nevertheless.

Sluggy the Freelance

ONE OF THE FUNNIEST SCI-FI/COMEDY STRIPS ON THE NET! I mean unlike with other strips I read; this one doesn’t require much brainpower. Not saying that’s a good thing. But it can have plenty of action and comedy from any topic. Not too adult, not too serious. It is a perfect comic done by an awesome artist.

Extinctioners has and probably will always be considered, a "furry" version of X-men. And I say so what? Great artwork, story telling, its so powerful, I can tell this even though I have yet to see an issue. How? Let's just say my "writer sense" is tingling ~_^


Back again with the correct link! I thought the artist of this strip had given up about a year ago, guess he got back in the saddle and moved his site! Well once again this is a hilarious take on RPG's and how funny they could be. A must read if your a gamer.

Dela the Hooda is sci-fi, fantasy with a nice helping of comedy. A great comic strip by Style Wager and Greg Older, so check it out!

The first online Sci-Fi comic that got me addicted to it!

Okashina Okashi –Strange Candy-

This comic strip is a recent discovery, it is strange indeed and deals with anime themes and jokes; plenty of bishonen men for the ladies and plenty of cute and sometimes crazy women for the guys.

Rommies is the story of a Pony obsessed with Mint, an emerald green tiger with shades and a computer obsession. And um, comedy? Whatever it is I have been following this strip for a while. Just thought I would share the link! Oh and it has super uber hot bunnies. Not that that had anything to do with me liking it so much. Buhhhnny....

Poisoned Minds, funny very funny comic by a British artist. His story is one that weaves science fiction, daily life comedy involving explosives and narcotics use, and a love story or two. Did I mention its furry related? Sure I did, just click the link.

Tails From the Mynarski Forest is a story about a Vixen named Liska and her cute Bunny friend Skippy. With a cast of other equally cute forest animals. This comic is purely a twisted fairytale. I love it nonetheless lol.

Amanda Payne is a kick ass artist, her artwork is damn neat and I am now an official fan. Check out her site, pretty nifty for someone else who does not know HTML all that well.

Chrono Trigger Rip-Off is hilarious! Read it from the start, though it does not update as often as other strips. It has plenty of humor in the archives to hold one over.


A sexy assasin, and her assistant whom she is also sleeping with. Yea it may seem like a small plot, but its got magic, and demonic stuff too! Plus subtle humor, which I am bad with at times. ~_^

The author of Scrued homepage

Melissa Jewell the artist who draws the above web comic, "Scrued" has an awsome homepage! Check it out folks!

Fred's Coolnut Archives

This guy has not updated in a year. Still good stuff available on the site for Breath of Fire fans. But part five is coming out next year in the us so...I am not sure what he will do concerning updating for that game.

Save Our Knuckles

Fan site about Knuckles and the Chaotix, took me a few years to realize it is chaotic with an x. What? I was not a good writer then! ^^0

This is a VERY good furry artist! I found him one day while browsing the VCL's new art area. Just look at the way he draws anthro wolves!

Pink is an old friend I just stopped talking to. But you never forget influences such as her. Be warned tough her art covers various topics.


A site with a good look style and good graphics

Julies art tutorials are now on the official how to draw manga site now. Just follow the links ^^. While it has been two years since I gave up on art. I could still easily with enough practice and work become a manga artist. That sort of scares me cause my time is eaten up by my writing enough as it is.

Anime Plus Unlimited is a fan site about what else, anime! Check it out if you have the time~!

  • eMenagerie Not to be confused with "The Class Menagerie. This fan fiction site houses Miguel Tigre's furry stories and art and his comic strip Bunny Worxx. Miguel is very cool even though he is sort of my rival in a way we are so alike i hate to admit it but he is my better at drawing. Sure i have only done ONE fan drawing of Sabrina but hell you have to start somewhere. Course i should probably ask Miggy for some tips.. Ahem anyway check it out! i swear you will have a few laughs!

  • BunnyWorxx Sure you can find the link on Miguel's site but what the hell! This is a direct link to Miggy's err Migel's comic! Funny and fun! Laugh as Ebony stalks Max Blackrabbit! Gasp as She makes fun of Skunk butt err Sabrina heh and smile as she cracks wise at various comments and topics!

  • Andre's Site My friend Andre's site.

  • Mike Chargers Page * My other page. Not updated in a year.

  • Lang Lang Another good furry comic. It has its moments just like Sluggy Freelance does.

  • The Greyarchive The ADULT story archive run by a nice guy named Jason. I am known as Bluevirage the author there. My stories are under Science Fiction, Anime and Video games.

    Current stories published there by me:

    Outlaws Run-Outlaw Star fanfiction series in the anime section

    Dragons Revenge and Dragons Lament-Original adult stories in the Science fiction section by me.

    Crafty Lessons-Sly Cooper Videogame fanfiction, in the Videogame section.

    Currently I am working on the Dragons series as well as the Outlaws Run series.

  • The VCL An art and story archive that is not rated by the admins. So if you browse it you will come across questionable material. Some more shocking than others. The link is to my archive there. Check it out for stories not published on this site as well as adult ones.