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More Lisa Pictures

Here are some more of my favorites.

Hey, Mom, guess what?

Lisa was always looking for a challenge. This time, she talked the USNA boxing coaching staff into coaching her in boxing. She was pretty good, I'm told. She called home once in excitement: "Hey, Mom, Tom and I were boxing today and he forgot for a minute and punched me in the nose and almost broke it, but I didn't stop, I kept coming and I punched him really hard in the gut. He was so proud of me!" Oh, good...

More than friends, but not all dreams come true

A guy in her company named Graham caught her eye, but they couldn't date until the following year, when he went to a different company. She wrote a friend that she thought she'd found the man of her dreams. They dated, they fell in love, they talked about a future together... but not all dreams come true and death can change the best of plans.

Friends to the end

Lisa, Brian, Autumn and Robin spent a few hours after the 93 Army/Navy game chilling at a hotel room party, only a few hours before the accident that left Brian in the hospital and the girls dead. In a room full of people and cameras, I was told only one picture was taken that night,(L to R): Autumn, Lisa, Brian, and Robin. This is it.


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