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The days of survival, hope you enjoy!

These photos were taken during my month-long bush adventure with my buddy Ryan. We went out to a wicked 4WD/tourist park about 400km's inland from brisbane, check out . We went in with 10kg's of rice, and a 22, and spent the time honing survival skills. Managed to only loose about 5kg's of weight, and hike out the 15km's back to the office with a 35kg pack on my back! P.S. I'm writing a short story about the trip and will include it at the bottom once it's done

Survival pics

This is Ryan and I sampling some yams, our mainstay diet for our month ordeal

Chilling out

Just showing off the old bed in the hut we made.

Posing in the hut

Nice further away shot of the inside of the hut, Ryan and my bed shared a communal beam so we'd often be bouncing if the other guy was having a tuff sleep!

For those of you who just need to see more of the survival shots, here you go, but make sure you've got a decent connection, because I'm too lazy to fix it!!!

Click here to go back to my main page.

Click here to check out the wicked website for the tourist park where we practiced our madness!