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My Lil' Corner of the Web!



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***Click below to check out Carson Daly and Jon Rifkind's record label, 456 Entertainment. Artists include VAST, The Sounds, UN, and Seymour Glass.***


Hi everyone! Thanks for visiting my small corner of the web! I can be reached via e-mail at


I am a 25 year old who has now entered the real world. LOL, this used to say I was a senior at UK, but I've since graduated with a BS in Telecommunications. I want to pursue the field of music production and I am also a main love and dream, however, has always been music journalism. (Rolling Stone, take note)! Before UK, I got my Associate Degree in Applied Science, so I have been a busy girl and practically have no life! :) However, to veer off from music, I took a job working with the Police. How's that for a twist?

I hope you enjoy the page, which is devoted to my friends, my family, and myself. The page is still under construction, so check back often for updates.


My first dedication for the page goes to my wonderful wonderful mother, father, and grandparents. Also to my little 'girl' Lexi, my lovely weiner dog, who has taught me alot about parenthood because she's convinced she is NOT, no matter how she appears, a dog. Also to Criss, who has taught me alot about openness, friendship, and love. I love you all, from the bottom of my heart.


I want to dedicate this to my friends Jamey (like my brother), Tonia, Mary Ellen (a.k.a. Merlin), Kellie, Andy, Mike, Paula; and to my favorite cousin Tara...;


For a little probe inside my mind, I am all about music. I love all music from the 50's to the present, with a little special spot in my heart for INXS. I was an INXS fan since age 4 and it hasn't changed. I am all about 80's music, and Disco is my guilty pleasure! I also love Duran Duran, INXS, U2, Simply Red, Paul Young, and Culture Club. After all, I know every song that they have made, and I find myself never growing old of the music. It's funny how bands that I loved as a small child ended up being lifelong loves that I would never grow out of. What can I say, I am a child of the 80's!?! As for my other loves, I am a HUGE fan of Lenny Kravitz and Ryan Adams, Maroon 5, The Foo Fighters, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linda Perry, Keri Noble, Gavin Degraw, Seal, Outkast, Norah Jones, Counting Crows, SR-71, Black Crowes, David Gray, The Rosenbergs, Macy Gray, Coldplay, Matchbox Twenty, Santana, Fleetwood Mac (hence the name Lindsay), Van Halen (Sammy, not Dave), Motley Crue (oooh Vince), etc. Did I say MANY MANY? I listen to all Top 40 (thanks to my favorite DJ since childhood, Rick Dees), have a weakness for and N'Sync and Justin Timberlake, and I listen to a wide array of music. Honestly, there's not much I can't listen to and it's such an ecclectic mix that I could chat for hours about it!

If you click the picture below, you can enter the late Kelland Hutchence's website in memorial to his son, Michael Hutchence. Kel's site is very intimate and personal, with beautiful pictures of Michael, INXS, and of course, Tiger Lily. Michael was, and I feel still is, the biggest musical inspiration in my life, as well as the largest influence...his influence is still a huge part of me and I tend to wonder if I would be pursuing a career in the music industry today had it not been for he and his music.

To visit my website to Duran Duran:

The Duran Duran Directory


Also, as entertainment goes, I am and have always been big into Don Johnson (big Miami Vice fan growing up), Paul Reiser, Benicio Del Toro, Janeane Garofalo, Ben Stiller, John Cusack, Mitch Hedberg, Patton Oswalt, Sam Kinison, etc. My favorite movies are 'The Breakfast Club' and 'Pretty in Pink' as well as 'When Harry Met Sally' and 'Say Anything.' I love to watch Nash Bridges (it was cancelled, can you believe that?), Felicity (also cancelled), Mad About You (if we could all be as perfect as they are, that would be actual LOVE, and who couldn't say Paul Reiser's the perfect man?), Law and Order (all of them) and all the talk shows, as well as The Young Ones, even though it doesn't come on in reruns anymore! My friends would also add that I am obsessed with Carson Daly and his show Last Call with Carson Daly...I also enjoy Queer Eye For The Straight Guy, CSI: Miami, and anything on Court TV...I'll pretty much watch anything except that Sue Johannsen lady on Oxygen (she's just too dirty for me, even though I commend her for being her age and still being dirty)!

Also, I've grown up as a Saturday Night Live fan. I've been there since the early 80's cast, and I have to say that I adored having Dennis Miller, Chris Farley, Dana Carvey, and so on there, but it doesn't get any better than the cast which was made up of Belushi, Akroyd, Curtin, Radner, and Murray (etc.). Currently, I enjoy Colin Quinn (of Tough Crowd, formerly of SNL) and Jimmy Fallon.

I'm a huge fan of Independent Cinema, so if anyone has any great ones in that category, pass them along!


As for art, I adore Andy Warhol, Dali, and Picasso, with Warhol being my favorite.


Here are some random thoughts I wrote in a diary once upon a not-so-long ago time:


-I have an irrational fear of garden gnomes, Christopher Walken, and chanting.

-I worship my weiner dog and believe that she is my equal, since she is a huge fan of sleeping, eating, and watching TV.

-I love all animals, especially koalas, lemurs, ladybugs, and hedgehogs. Most animals love me, but no amount of love in the world can draw me to a snake or spider.

-I love Colin Quinn, Sam Kinison, and Dennis Miller.

-I'm not political; I believe you vote for who you agree with, as long as you vote.

-I am an only child and love my family more than anything in this world.

-I love Chinese food, pizza, and mint chocolate chip ice cream.

-I think Dr.Pepper is more addictive than cocaine.

-I want the guys from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy to help plan my wedding. I love those guys!

-Growing up, I wanted to marry Don Johnson and live in Miami.

-I was blessed with somewhat of a curvy figure and am *almost* there to believing that no amount of fat-sucking lipo or plastic surgery can change who you are on the inside. That's the angel on my shoulder talking. However, the devil on my shoulder is telling me that my thighs have gotta go! It's a constant battle between those two.

-Infomercials bother me, but Tony Little makes me want to order that damn machine and get thinner!

-I love T-shirts and tennis shoes; Ellen Degeneres and Janeane Garofalo are my fashion idols. Yet, I can be a girly-girl and love makeup, hair, and heels.

-Law and Order has made me a wonderful detective.

-I think people talked too much about the 'wardrobe malfunction.' It really wasn't that big of a deal, people.

-Music downloaders are committing crimes and paying fines while real criminals are going free. Don't you love the justice system?

-Aqua Teen Hunger Force has sucked me in to their show, but I still find myself asking 'WTF?'

-I love musicians, especially drummers. My past, however, has shown that drummers are not for me.

-I've had my heart broken. More than once.

-I am a romantic. I figured that one out after it had been hidden for quite some time. Love at first sight does exist; take this from the reformed skeptic.

-I have guilty pleasures, like everyone else. Only mine are Neil Diamond, Lionel Richie, and chocolate milk.

-I love people, especially interesting people who peak my interests. College gave me that opportunity, to meet quite possibly the most extreme and interesting individual (you know who you are), almost as interesting as Andy Warhol. No one could ever be that interesting and I love Andy Warhol for that!

To all of my friends and family, I LOVE YOU. *Linz*

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