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"Excepts From 1109 Daily Reports"

"Excerpts From 1109 Mcu ORB at PRO AIR29/2653"
08/01/56 - 09/01/56 Boston cut off by road - blizzards. Telephone u/s on Tech site - power lines down Port of Boston closed to shipping. All personnel engaged in snow clearing
20/01/56 10:10 Boston Pilot Sloop keeper reported explosion 500 yards inshore from Sloop position with 4 A/c in vicinity. Pinnace 1271 investigated. Sloop boarded for details from keeper. Wainfleet range informed.
23/01/56 14:00 - 15:20 1642 conveyed investigating officer (bombing error investigation) to vicinity of Sloop.
02/02/56 - 04/02/56 ½ - ¾" ice in dock. MC swung to keep free of ice
05/02/56 & 06/02/56 1271 locked out to inspect river and dock for ice. Found clear
08/02/56 11:45 Received SAR alert from ATC RAF Watnall. Pilots of 2 Hunter a/c baled out 6m SW of RAF Marham. Search Wash area 1642 instructed to take appropriate action. 12:00 Confirmation of Unit alert passed to RCC 18 Group. Base radio maintaining CW on 5695.5 Kc/s and 121.5 M c/s 13:00 received from ATC RAF Watnall 'End of emergency, cease search action.'
20/02/56 Unit u/s - dock frozen, ice flows in river
21/02/56 1642 moved trough ice to lock gates
22/02/56 1642 in service outside dock.
14/03/56 1271 Range Safety Boat Picked up Boston pilot (Mr. Parker) and conveyed him to Base.
07/04/56 Rangemoor arrived
09/04/56 Rangemoor Left for Wash
11/04/56 Unit u/s lock gate failure 07:00 - 16:00
12/04/56 Rangemoor returned to dock
13/04/56 Rangemoor left for Wash
14/04/56 Rangemoor returned
16/04/56 Rangemoor left for Grimsby
20/04/56 1271 sailed for Felixstowe en route Newhaven
12/05/56 1642 beached on sand to inspect propellers
18/05/56 1649 brought to 20 minutes readiness(Royal Flight) Aug records not in file but are located elsewhere in PRO - will check out on next visit
08/11/56 Airmoor II arrived (no details of when left)
10/01/57 1649 RSB Crash call. No further details.
06/02/57 1642 conveyed injured seaman from Wash to Boston
13/02/57 Airmoor II arrived
15/02/57 Airmoor II sailed for Grimsby
30/03/57 1649 stand by - Fighter Command signal 'SAR 151 refers'
16/04/57 Airmoor II arrived from Grimsby
17/04/57 Airmoor II left Wash for Grimsby
30/04/57 1649 RSB Wash Stand by ASR call 09:00 - 13:00
13/05/57 1642 RSB Wash Crash call Holbeach
25/05/57 1649 Stand by at sea for Operation Vigilant
29/05/57 1649 Stand by for Royal Flight Wash
04/06/57 1649 Stand by for Royal Flight in centre of Wash
19/06/57 1642 RSB Holbeach. New pontoons moored in river
21/06/57 1642 RSB Holbeach 1649 in Wash - Exercise with AOC
29/09/57 1642 to sea with ATC cadets
24/10/57 Airmoor II arrived for work in Wash
30/10/57 1649 ASR call out
16/11/57 1642 standing by for fighter exercise
28/11/57 RSL No.? Convey Coningsby Liaison officer to Wash area
03/12/57 1642 Convey Coningsby Liaison officer to Wash area
14/01/58 Part of wreckage brought in by fishing boat
03/04/58 RSL 1649 proceeded to sea SAR crash call
14/04/58 RSL 1642 on passage to 1103 MCU Felixstowe
28/04/58 Ops ceased in Wash area 08:30 MC being prepared for removal to 238 MU
10/05/58 RSL 1649 departed for Felixstowe. Captain Flt Lt R Greasley; Crew: Sgt R Low; SAC C Arbon, LAC B Williams, LAC K Powell, LAC M Gibson. Crew returned by road 12/05/58. Unit disbanded 31/05/58
"Records of Servicing in Kings Lynn"
13/03/56 16:05 - 18:25 1642 to Kings Lynn for slipping 14/03/56 07:00 1642 slipped at KL 15/03/56 07:20 1642 launched KL, sailed 08:20 Arrived Boston 10:20
07/06/56 1645 to KL 11/06/56 07:30 1645 lauched KL, Arrived Boston 10:40
08/07/56 16:50 - 21:10 1649 escourted 1642 to KL 16:50 - 20:15 1642 to KL 09/07/56 1642 slipped KL 12/07/56 1649 to KL to escort 1642 09:50 1642 launched KL and returned
19/09/56 16:15 - 18:15 1649 to KL 20/09/56 1649 slipped KL 02/10/56 1645 to KL to escort 1649 launched KL 03/10/56 06:15 - 07:15 1649 returned from KL 06:00 1645 slipped KL 23/06/56 1645 launched KL 26/06/56 1645 KL to Boston
16/01/57 1649 to KL for slipping 17/01/57 1649 slipped KL 18/01/57 08:00 - 09:00 1649 returned from KL
31/03/57 15:40 - 17:00 1642 to KL for slipping 01/04/57 1642 slipped KL 12/04/57 1642 launched KL 14/04/57 18:15 - 20:00 1642 returned from KL
02/05/57 1649 to KL 03/05/57 1649 slipped 15/05/57 1649 launched 17/05/57 1649 KL to Boston
28/07/56 1642 Boston to KL 29/07/56 1642 slipped 30/07/56 1642 returned
26/08/56 1649 to KL 27/08/56 1649 slipped 10/09/57 1649 launched 11/09/57 1649 sailed KL for Boston
04/01/58 1649 to KL 08/01/58 1649 slipped 23/01/58 1649 sailed KL to Boston
03/02/58 1642 sailed to KL 04/02/58 1642 slipped KL 07/02/58 1642 launched KL RTB