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How bad is it in your neck of the woods?

As you should know by now, my site is far from original. There other pages that have been around much longer than me and have a much larger following. I thought I'd try something I don't see much on other sites- asking those who may have a pic of some spectacular example of automotive idiocy lying around their house somewhere to scan it and send 'er here for others to enjoy, since not everyone has a web page.

Besides, IdiotBoy can't be everywhere. There are plenty of horrible vehicles out there. I can only take pics of the ones I can find. Remember people: there's more out there than just rice, which is the most popular at the moment. I've seen cars with bodywork constructed of wood and nails! That's like old-school body kits! Open your eyes to the ugly that is everywhere!

I thought I'd get the ball rolling with the first pic I've received via e-mail. This Autotrader pic comes to us from Konstantin F. in Toronto.

You can read all aboot it HERE.

A few things to know before shooting me an E-mail:

The picture HAS to be taken by you -OR- from an Autotrader (either magazine or website) in your area. This is how I operate and I would like for those that send me stuff to operate the same way. I don't want to pull a BEATERz® and start showcasing pics that have been taken from other web pages and message boards.

I may edit the pictures as I see fit before putting them up. Reasons may include: editing out the license plate, cropping/resizing for ease of uploading/viewing, and improving sharpness/contrast/brightness to make the picture clearer.

There is no guarantee that I will use your picture. Reasons may include: crappy picture, nothing about it that really makes it worth posting, or in the case of an Autotrader pic, someone else might have already sent me the same one.

If you are going to send a picture, you must include:

1. A decent description of what's in the picture. Sometimes the description really helps! Such is the case with one of my older works, the Celica dragster.

2. Whether or not you want me to include your name (be it real or screen).

3. Whether or not you want me to include your location (city, state, province, whatever).

I will NOT use your E-mail address unless you want me to.

Please limit your file attachments to less than 500K total. Angelfire's mail servers only give me about 4 megabytes to work with. If you have more pics than the 500K max, let me know in the message and I'll let you know if I want you to send me them.

I may not respond right away. I'm not in front of a computer that often. I should reply to your message within a week.

Don't risk your neck to take a picture! A lot of people with really visible cars don't like people taking pictures of them for some reason (don't they like the attention?), and might just cap your bitch ass for doing so. Or key your car next time they saw you. No car picture is worth that. Mmmmkay?

Now, after reading though all that garbage and you still wanna send me something, my email addy is

Now fly, monkeys, fly!