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Here is the most asked question of all Frequently Ask Questions:

Where is the list of books, software and products which I can review?

There is no list. You can request any PC, Macintosh, Unix software title currently being published. Any consumer product costing less than $300. You can request any fiction or non-fiction book title. It does not have to be computer or net related. It can be any title on any topic by any author. There are hundreds of thousands of books available. .

We do not maintain any list of book or software review titles. The list would be too large for us to maintain.

You have to supply the book or software title as well as the publisher's name and address. We give you some helpful hints on the FAQ page, but you have to do the detective work. If we did this research we would have to increase our fees.

 When you become a reviewer we provide you with the links to our pages where you can find detailed information and links to book and software publishers and manufacturers of consumer products.