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Sounds like a waterfall...

Here I lay, on the floor of a dirty basement. Behind me are rows of canned goods, clothing, and other necessities of life, all blocked off by a curtain. The section I am in, is the "chapel." Shane has already been down here for a while. On the wall around us, are prayers of forgiveness, of praise, of healing, and of guidance. The cross nailed to the wall is in the middle, with the cup and the bread beneath it. On the far wall, lies the sewer water pipes, running deep into the ground. After a while, Shane looks at me and smiles. "You know, if you close your eyes, it almost sounds like a waterfall." The same thought had been running through my head. That in the midst of that dark, dreary basement, I could hear a waterfall.
My mind was very cluttered that night. I had a friend that was in his own dark world, and my heart was aching for them. I was afraid; worrying about the outcome of all that could happen. I couldn't seem to focus on God. I wanted to pray so badly, but I did not know how, and what to say. There was a great burden on my heart. But then I stopped, and I listened, and yes, it did sound like a waterfall. And then I was transported back to my childhood "secret place." It was a waterfall in Nevada that my friends and I use to hike up to. It was so peaceful there. And there I was, sitting by the water all over again.
All of the burdens on my heart just seemed to disappear then. I felt God's arms around me. I heard his voice in my ears. All my troubles seemed so far away. I had closed my eyes and seen the grace of God.
And now I sit on an airplane. I was one of the last to get on the "open seating" jet. I chose a seat near the front, so I could get off quickly. Now I realize that was a mistake. In front is an infant, and to my rear and side, are small children. This seemed like it was going to be a doomed five hour flight. I pull out my CD player and headphones. The baby in front is screaming, the kids on side running up and down the aisle, and the kid behind me, kicks my seat. I put in one of my favorite classical CDs, turn it up as loud as it will go, and close my eyes.. The cries disappear. I am oblivious to what is going on around me. My soul turns still. Calmness runs over my body. Here I sit again, next to that waterfall.
I use to get asked a lot, what makes a Christian different than somebody else. People that don't believe in God are happy too. And Christians have just as much suffering. So what is really all that different? I use to not know how to answer them. I would make up some story to try and satisfy their desire for the answers. But now I think I know the difference.
You see I close my eyes, and I feel the difference. Because know matter what is going on in my life, no matter how bad the suffering is, I can close my eyes, and feel God's hand upon my shoulder. Despite all of life's challenges and obstacles, I can close my eyes and feel God's guiding ways.
My friends God did not promise us a life without suffering. But He did promise us that he would always be here. After he rose from the dead, Jesus has this to say:

"I have been given complete authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28: 16-20

"I close my eyes, and I see your face, and life is, so dreamy..."