A Winter Purification Spell

If winter makes you suffer from cabin fever and the seasonal blahs, let this ritual rid your home of all sorts of negativity. Start by using fragrances associated with January—allspice, ginger, and pine—, which are also ruled, by Mars, Tuesday’s planet. Mix a pinch of allspice and ginger, along with a drop of olive oil in one-quarter cup of water. Then anoint the tips of a small pine branch with this spice mixture. Sprinkle the mixture about your home, using the pine branch as a "wand," repeating at various place around your home:
"Scents of pine, allspice, and ginger,
Clear away negativity, which may linger.
Winter skies may be dark and drear,
but my home is a haven of warmth and cheer.

Sprinkle any remaining spice mixture near windows and doors. Perform as needed on Mondays and Tuesdays throughout the rest of the winter season.


Quantum Magick