The Throne Angels

According to The Book of the Angel Raziel, the throne angels number 7. Other sources give the number as 4 or 70. Below are the 7 given by Raziel. The other 15 listed are cabalistic throne angels and cited in The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses. They are invoked in magickal arts.

1. Gabriel
2. Fanuel (Penuel, Uriel, Feniel, Phanuel)
3. Michael
4. Uriel
5. Raphael
6. Israel
7. Uzziel (or Usiel)

1. Thronus
2. Tehom
3. Haseha
4. Amarzyom
5. Schawayt
6. Chushcha
7. Zawar
8. Yahel
9. Adoyahel
10. Schimuel
11. Achusaton
12. Schaddyl
13. Chamyel
14. Parymel
15. Chayo