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Turn up the volume and hang back 'cause you've reached Carol's Page.

Look what you did! hehe~ >>>

Hi! GO CANUCKS GO, GO CANUCKS GO! Woo hoo! Canucks' first round Stanley Cup Playoffs against the Detroit Red Wings! Wings lead series 3-2 as of tonight. We're soooo gonna go kick butt on Saturday. Welcome to my homepage! How's it going? Wa... it's been unbelieveably long since I've updated my page. Well, finally found some time to update it on April 24, 2002. Grad and IB Exams are less than a week away... arghhh... Just one more months to go! Sweeeet! The countdown is on! So Happy Easter, everyone! I've updated some shouts Don't forget to sign my guestbook before you go.

If possible, do it EVERYDAY, k? =) If you find any problems with this page, please email me at or you can leave me a message on my icq; the number is 103095750 (new!) Oh yes, just got MSN so look me up "". So have a fly time looking around. -Carol

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