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Riding the Cyclone

Hello and welcome to my scribble page. Some people call this kind of stuff 'poetry' but I won't assume that much. They are my thoughts and emotions at any given time. I scribble them down and put some of them here if they aren't too ... ummmm ... horrible! ;o) So, feel free to browse around and read.

Oh! Don't forget to sign my guest book! Tell me what you think of my scribblings. (Don't be afraid to write what you really think. It won't hurt my feelings...much ;) )

If you wish to contact me, please send to and I will try to reply when I can.

Directory of Scribbles
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Directory of Scribbles

Short Stories
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Short Stories

Some Links To Other Sites
Starving Poetess Society Homepage
Alexsya's Home Page (More Poetry and pics)
Flowerlady's Awesome Poetry Site
Salem's Page on Abuse and Survivorship
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