No comments, just laughing...

Well, I got up this morning, kissed my wife the doctor goodbye as
she went off to work teaching the children of working families,
and then walked my nine year old son to our neighborhood school,
saving him several times from getting squished by government school

Then I called my thirty year old daughter to make sure that my
no-account Republican Reagan-loving actor son-in-law wasn't
trying to turn her into some kind of sexual trained seal (you
know how those conservatives are) and thus robbing my own marriage
of all meaning. This accomplished, I logged on to some secret
mailing lists to get my orders for the day in the class war
against the wealthiest .99999999999~%, checked in here and
noticed there were twice as many posts than usual.

My heart sank.
I don't know what makes Ted so stupid,
but it really works! --Dr. Hell Toupee


Evil mASSonic Shriner Secrets??

"tweety" wrote:

>Shriners equal to the Neo-Nazi's? SHRINERS? C'mon people. Shriners ride silly little cars and motorcycles and raise money to help crippled children.

And Brien informed him:

Well those "silly little cars" grow up to be big Chevy Caprices that run over little black children in NYC. Betcha didn't know that smartypants.

This is how they do it. First these Shriners dip their fez' into the blood of Christian babies, before eating them (the babies, that is). Then they put the fez' into the "silly little cars" as an offering to Lucifer who transforms said "silly little cars" into Chevy Caprices. Then these devious Shriners donate the Chevies to poor Hasidic families in NYC.

Now these Hasids think they're just getting big ass cars to stuff all their kids into, but these Luciferian cars are really POSSESSED AND DRIVE THEMSELVES. Their "drivers" think they're looking for parking spaces, but the cars are looking for little black children to squish, thus setting off race wars that ONLY THE MASONS can win.

Don't say you weren't warned.




A Watched Rock Boils

N o moss
