Fan2000's Plumpers- Page 17

This page features Danielle Fisher, Charisma Carpenter, and Nikki Cox.

Freedom at Last

Now that Danielle has finally felt "Boy Meets World" she is finally free not to starve herself as executes wanted. Danielle had been up happy for years that she couldn't be like normal kids and each when and whatever she wanted. Now the former actress is happily growing into her new role as a normal teenager.

Angel's Growing Star

Charisma Carpenter, who current plays Cordelia on Angel and formerly on Buffy, has been gain weight at a heft pace. The reason is because she wants to, duh! Charisma has said that she has surpressed herself enough and wants to let out some. Angel producers have been fine with the change especially with the succes Friends and Charmed are doing thanks to the growing of Jennifer Aniston and Alyssa Milano. Charisma though just wants to act as she has always dreamed.

Every Show has its Drawbacks

Nikki Cox's new show has had a drawback for the young actress--ratings. The growing actress has been disappointed with the ratings of the show, but the weight gain has nothing to do about it. Cox's gain started on her own and the season finale would have her enter the ring with her on-screen wrestling husband. But now who knows if their will be a season finale? Though Nikki has been getting offers to join a few established show that want a get a ratings boost.

Plumpers 18