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Nikki's Poetry

Here you'll find just some of my poetry. I do not claim to be a literary genius. In fact, I write more for the therapy of it than the art of it. I hope you enjoy these, as they are a few of my favorites.

Divine Revelations:
by: AradiaRising (aka. Nikki)

You say to look within your book
and seek my answers there.
You say if truth lies not with him
it isn't anywhere.
You say it is the "gift of life"
and only way for me
to save my poor and wretched soul
from Hell's eternity.
I wonder where it all began
and where humans went wrong
that they would seek truth from a book
and not in nature's song.
You tell me that this "truth" of yours
was handed down from God
directly to his messengers
and written down... How odd
to me that you would see
divine in written word
and yet ignore the sacred voice
that in nature is heard.
I tell you that I need no tome
to speak to me of "the way"
as God and Goddess can be seen
and heard around me every day.
The whispy curls of sunlight
breaking forward with the dawn,
the laughter of the flowers
blooming, scattered on my lawn;
The singing of the bluebird,
the laughter of a child,
the warm caress of moonlight
on a night so warm and mild;
The autumn leaves that dance
the coming of winter on the wind,
the peaceful sleep that comforts us
as our lives come to an end;
The deepest blue of twilight,
the whipser of a breeze,
The wonder of the workings
of the ants, crickets, and bees;
The sacred touch of a lover
in the moment when two are one,
the glory of an infant's cry
when a new life is begun.
In all these wonders of our world
and the beauty of creation
is it not more than evident
where to find "Divine Revelation"?

When Spirits Speak
by: AradiaRisising (Nikki)

it's not with words they speak...
not that you can hear.
Their summer sun-beam message
is only clear
to those who listen
with heart,
with soul,
with inner quiet of night.
The flutter of butterfly Spirit songs
will not clang,
or crash,
or sing with the heavenly choir.
The words of those passed
dances with leaves on the wind...
never to end
with a dream
or a sigh...
or even a "goodbye"...
So why is it that you cry?
"You know I never left you....
I only had to change for a while....
I had to grow..."
they sing this upon the winter snow,
in the secret hide-outs
where only children may go.
They scamper their chorus
to and fro
with the fairies in the garden...
there..hiding in the morning dew...
Can you not hear their
"I love you"?
And still you tell me they are gone...
yet everywhere they TELL you...
"I live on...."

You come to me...
I DO see them and feel them...
as you with me...
yet this is not how they want it to be.
Every time they come to me
they are rainy-day heartbroken...
for you do not understand
and cannot open
yourself to them...
any more...
and so without YOU...
they are lonely too.
Open your souls
that you might know
their peace...
and they might show
with spring's rebirth
how we grow
and glow...
for eternity.

...As You Slept...
by: AradiaRising (Nikki)
(For Mike)

Last night while you slept
and while I lay awake
I listened to every breath
you would take

and held each one carefully
near to my soul.
I put my arm around you
so that I could hold

you closer and closer
and feel you so near,
quietly whispering
love in your ear.

You didn't notice,
as your sleep was so deep,
that each little moment
I was trying to keep

locked tight in my heart box
safe and sound in the night
so that I'd never lose it
and could hold to it, tight.

I do this as each day
passes by us in time
for I know that 'forever'
is a state of mind.

I treasure each moment
of laughter and tears
and I carry them with me
to last through the years.

For one day, I fear
that you will be no more
and loneliness will come,
once again, to my door,

and I can't live without you...
that lesson I've learned.
Just a moment and I feel
like I've crashed and I've burned.

So, I keep all things sacred,
even our little spats,
for I know that with you
is where heaven is at...

and one day, when you're gone,
as I've seen in my mind,
with sacred memories I know
I won't be far behind.

Life is uncertain,
and doesn't last long,
but true love is eternal,
lasting, and strong.

So if one morning I wake
to find your heart still
my memories will keep me
holding on until

the day when our souls
are again one, at last
and there are no more worries
of future and past.

The light of your smile
is the light that I see
when I have my visions
of eternity.

So wait for me, darling,
should you cross before I
and be there to hold me
when my time comes to fly

to the Island of Apples
that shines far away,
and we'll take rest together,
forever to stay.

Return to Mother
by: Aradia (Nikki)

Labored breath;
clinging to life’s thread
by fingernails...
the silver cord’s edges frayed
to just a ravel.

The dancing youth,
skirts twirling to the seemingly endless
caliope of ageless song,
has now faded, as the light,
into the twilight of days,
the but a memory.

Ancient Eyes gaze on withered hands;
hands long since bled dry
of labor
of the toil of life,
but never short on love.

Memories of nightingale lullabyes;
lulling little heads to dreamy slumber,
the joy of hearting the word ‘mother’
uttered from the mouths of babes...

trickle down memories
of stories about pirates and princesses
echoed through the years
to prancing, dancing angel-buds
known as "grandchildren"..

flooding memories now,
with flowing tears of honor from those loved
and who loved;
The dam shattered
by death’s kindly hand.

A legacy is left, this night,
from a silent Goddess;
One whose smile
mended broken hearts,
whose kiss
could calm the angriest sea,
whose loving sacrifices
earned her the title ‘great’
with the cry of the newest cherub
born to this world.

Darkness unfolds itself,
it’s great arms of mystery
envelope one little white dove,
carressing her very soul...

"Well done, my child."

by: Nikki

Shattered dreams,
shards of glass
thin as paper leaves
scattered on the winds of change.
My heart betrayed my soul again
stabbing it's ever-feeling,
burning blade
through what was left
of one once enlightened,
then only frightened.

You left me here
to bear your tears,
facing my fears...
and losing the delicate grasp
on the jagged edge of my sanity.
Where were you,
when my heart bled rivers of pain;
when the caverns of loneliness
swallowed me up;
when the cold steely taste of death
was gnashing it's teeth at my throat...
as I cried out your name
for seemingly endless eternities?
Where was your rose-petal soft caress then?
Where was your angel-light,
gliding effortlessly
on whispy wings of starlight?

I died a thousand deaths each day,
and each night a million more...
while every guilt-ridden,
maddened thought tore
through my spirit with talons of ice...
just like you...

I fought my way
through the pitch-black-hole of depression,
through the seering anger of those
once loved,
scorching my very being.
I fought with hasty words of magick,
spoken on moonlit nights...
not quite a magick of white...
but of desperation
and starvation...
for the love that is my oxygen,
my sustanence...
for what you would not...
for US...

and I won.

A Soul Betrayed
by: Nikki

Had they even bothered
to unearth even the slightest
of my deepest fears...
they might have known...
somehow in their oh-so-closed 'open' minds...
that it was they who held the power...
and power corrupts...
And so it was that I was corrupted,
becoming the antithesis
of their Sunday-mornin'
hodge podge of lies and deceit;
of their 'brother, sister, how'd'ya do,
the Lord Almighty'll come for you
and toast you in a fiery fit of rage and retribution...
but ya be sure ta come back and visit with us again sometime'
spew of festering dogma garbage...
ready to take the wisdom words of "Love thy neighbor"
and paste it into their oh-so-convenient
spiritual suburb
of cookie-cutter religion, where "All have sinned
and come short of the glory..."
with the exception of the Pastor's wife,
who OFCOURSE had to be
cream-cheese and strawberries perfection,
lest the congregation frown upon her humanity.
...and oh how I wanted to believe...
and how I TOO was deceived...
As they cradled me in their lulling, strangling, vines
of the comfort of conformity,
I began to choke and spew forth my human nature
in guttering spurts of bible-brainwashed-bile...
crying my anguish of faith-abandoned.
And where was my comforter?
I found no comfort in those 'saints of God'...
as they subtly removed my name from their
cherry-blossom-choosy Christmas card list...

And so my fears of loss and leaving,
of God's betrayal and deceit,
of love in name alone, and not in substance,
were brought to the bitter, stabbing, blinding light of truth.
To think that all my soul longed for,
was to sing it's freedom-spirit song
and bless the souls of even one...
and now that voice is silenced.

And they fear me?

Desire's Aroma

Let me breathe deep
your wanton aire
filling my lungs
with the soft, supple, sweetness
of you;
stealing away in moments
of satin, pillowed caresses
in torn fabrics of purest passion.
Diamond dewy beads of sweat
glistening on moonlight glowing flesh,
quenching thirsts of lust inspired cravings
and long-lost romantic loves.
Inhale now my life's breath,
with lips devouring,
limbs entwined
bodies crashing in rhyming rythms,
surging with the Goddess tide of
loves eternal ebb and flow.
Gasp the scent of pleasure's petals,
ecstacy's perfumed delight,
enraptured aroma of desire's perfection...
the height of you and I.

One Pagan's Plea
by: Nikki

Goddess-chill my soul,
be still and bring your breath
of wonderous icy-dying dew.
Blanket my aching bones
of time-hardened heartbreaks
in Persephone's amber embrace.
Leave me not to wither and fail
with this tormented burning heap of souls,
scattered in night's wind to a demon's cry of anguish.
Throw their books upon the fire,
for I care not for their empty, hollow ringings
in my tempest-tossed mind,
slashing with tendrils lashing...
silencing my spirit-voice.
I raise that voice in righteous anger,
crashing waves against their bitter wall
of self-sufficient hypocrasy,
burning bridges with flames of holy indignation.
Return, oh fire, to transform...
water, to shape...
air, to move...
and earth, to heal...
and recclaim thy rightful throne of all divine,
burning bright in your glory-Goddess-light,
for all to be in sacred silence of the night...
In awe...of she who is ALL.

The Annual
by: Nikki July 28.

Today is the day where I allow myself the hallowed indignity
of being a broken woman...and I cling to it.

I grant myself the healing burden of grief, above all on this day.

I treasure every tear drop.

I drink in every sorrow revisited.

I rest my head on nature's rock hard be just one step closer to oblivian.

While the rest of the world spins on without me....I stop, just for this one day...stop, to remember you, my child.

Eleven years ago you elightened my miserably vacant soul with the loss of you. You brought me to my knees in glorious pain. You opened my eyes to the depths of life's darkness...and showed me just how precious a moment is in this vast expanse of a lifetime. You took away my hope, and replaced it with a much needed heartache...

that heartache bleeds anew on only this day... my annual day of death and rebirth...

Today is July 28.
