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Merry Meet and Bright Blessings!

My other website was getting too small for me so I decided to move part of my life over here. This site will provide you with an intimate look at me, my life, and what my dreams and aspirations are for the future. Of course, like the other sites I own, I suppose I will be adding a lot of extra stuff, too. :P There are links here to my photo albums so you can see those I love, and to my other websites.

Enjoy your stay and be sure to sign my guestbook and to return again for updated info.

Accept yourself as you are.
Otherwise you will never see opportunity.
You will not feel free to move toward it;
you will feel you are not deserving.

Maxwell Maltz

Tribute page for the September 11, 2001 Tragedy

The Time is Now

If you are ever going to love me,
Love me now,
while I can know the sweet and tender feelings
which from true affection flow.
Love me now while I am living.
Do not wait until I'm gone.
And then have it chiseled in marble,
sweet words on ice cold stone.
If you have tender thoughts of me
please tell me now.
If you wait until I am sleeping, never to awaken,
there will be death between us,
and I won't hear you then.
So, if you love me,
even a little bit,
let me know it while I am living,
so I can treasure it.

---author unknown

In Memorium....

Read my Letter to My Dad

See My Tribute to My Mom

Remembering Becky

Here's something to think about:

I hate the way our country treats its people, spending millions of dollars overseas to feed others when we are starving here. Our veterans deserve more than that. Our children deserve more than that. All US Citizens deserve more than that. There are children here living in their cars with their parents or living in shelters because our polticians don't care about them, but in a show "of good faith" they have to take care of the starving children everywhere else. There is something wrong with this picture. It's time we stood up and were taken notice of.

ŠA. R. Bihlmaier 2000-2003