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*!~ Quotes for Today ~!*

*!~To all the people who have inspired Kelly to write these poems and quotes, i would like to thank you, cause wthout you, i would not be who i am, or where i am today.~!* ~!* Anyone who is reading this, and wants us to add on to my page with some idea's, poems, or quotes, email me at

~!* I want to give a special shout out to all my friends... that have been there for her through thick and thin, and supported me with everything i have done... My truly great friends that I Love ta spend time with chillen, include Jen Sousa (Mini- me, i hope that you find true love someday with someone that will treat you with repspect, cause u... more then anyone deserves respect.. i love ya), Valerie Willard ( Your so adrorable, and so sweet, i love ya so much),Angie Mull (your truly one of a kind, and i hope the we stay truly good friends for as long as possible, cause i can honestly say, i dont know what i would do without you), Nadine Murzin ( The one that truly makes me happy, and without you as my friend, my school day wouldnt be complete!), Lauren Falk (I'm always here to talk to you about anything, and you know that, ur the best gurl, and i repsect ur loyalty, and morals), Steph D'Ambrogio ( Your so adorable, and im always here for you!), Nicole Fanelli ( You make me laugh, extremely hard at that too, and i hope someday in life your happy with what you have been given, cause, u should be treated good, ur such a good person), Ali Lopez( Your funny, and even though now that your gone, im always gunna remember you! Mabey, someday... we'll meet up. Haha. we already do... Your a good person, and i love ya, stay cool.) Anne Webb, Valentina Prempti, Lean Steinmiller ( Your sucha sweetie, and wait till i come to WHS, its gunna be great, i love ya, and go to his house!lol BFFL) Amy Petrella ( You laugh at anything, and im always here for you, move on from guyz, ur always getting hurt, and u deserve better then that, but im ALWAYS ur shoulder to cry on), Staci Kav, Elyse Fernandes ( truly great friends, forever and ever since third grade), Bethany Sicora, Chrissy Driscoll, Jenny Cooper (Ur so funny, our little circle of friendship! its SO cool, they wish they could be in our circle, they cant! ur such a caring person, stay sweet... friends forever), Sabrina Mollica ( the one thats always there for me, that actually understands me, and im so happy, that im always gunna have you, and your my friend for life, lets try to keep it that way), Ali McCarthy ( i love ya with all my heart, we've been friends since the fourth grade, and without you, i wouldnt be who i am today, i love you gurl!) Chrissy Motta ( Your so special. Truly great friends are an honor to find, difficult to argue with, and IMPOSSIBLE to leave behind, let us never argue about guys again. I love you!), Leah Sawyer (You make me smile, but, when times get tough, and were arguing, listen to me... i want to be your friend,, for as long as possible, believe that!), Adina Badaluesko ( Ur such a cutie! dont worry bout what christian says about you, it doesnt matter anyway. ur a great person, let him like u for that!)Tracy (My Sis! Ur sucha COOL person, and Dan doesnt deserve you... your too good for him, and dont let him hurt you. Dont wait around for him either. Ur Beautiful, and u can get anyone that you wanted to. Love ya Sis. BFFL) Linda (Happy Hooligan Belt Company! U make me laugh sooo hard, and this year, things are different, and i have a different opinion towards you, but in my eyes, no matter what anyone ever says about you, your always gunna be the same... sweet, and kind! Love ya!) Eugene Haynes ( Always been a great friend, you found/find strange ways to express it, but u do it the best way possible, i love u), Luis Maldonato ( Talk to me about anything, and try to stop hurting her... she does like you luis, she does, please, try your hardest!), Jose Zuniga, Mike Coccomo ( Our inside jokes, to see a smile on your face, fills me with hapiness),Rob Hutter(My friend, thats always there for me, and especially to rate my homework!... lol... i got a 90 on that paper... thanz hun, were gunna move on from our schooling, and friends, but i will never forget you, and how incredibly sweet u were towards me) Matt Sinnasgalli ( truly best friend forever, no mater WHAT happens), John Cirullo, Tom Griswold, Jon and Josh Pasuaretta ( Jon, ur humor is scary, but interesting, lets stay friends forever! Joshy, stop calling me Becca, its not funny! Someday u will be with that one special gurl that u love, u deserve it!), Jamie Groman ( My brother! forever and always till the end, thru good times and bad, stress, anxiety, happiness, strife, whatever the situation! u know im always there!), Josh Carew, Marco Miano ( If i knew the things you were going thru then, i would always and forever be there for you, i am now, and i always will be... great friends forever), Dan Gugliemi (My brother), Brian Garrity, Steve Costello, Harold Parrott (I love the way you support me, and make me feel so good about myself... thank you so much. Truly great friends will last forever, and i believe that we will), Brian Trifiro, Paul Cavaleri, and any other of my truly great friends, that have always been there for me, and i love you all.. Best friends for Life ~!* My Interests include, Shopping, Listening to Music, Talkin' on the Phone, Going to the movies, Talking online, Going clubbin', Going to the beach, Driving around with my 16 year old friends, and Just Hanging out with my friends (Listed above) So, if anyone is reading this, and is interested in me, email me... I'm always open to having a conversation with anyone, I'm friendly, and I love everyone. Thanx Ya'll *!~

~!* If anyone was forgotten and feels offended... dont take it personally, but, if it really means that much to you, IM me *!~

~!* Lastly to Danni, thank you for being such a good person, and such an inspiration for 4 years now. *!~ To Terry, and Ryan... the best brothers that i can ever possibly imagine. I love you both, and thank you for being so incredibly kind and lovable. i love you guyz! *!~

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