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Welcome to NYG Services, the only New York Giants newsletter still around... NYG Services newsletters brings subscribers the latest news the quickest...

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Send an e-mail to Lyme7@aol.com, write "NYG" in the subject line, and write "Subscribe" in the writing section to recieve the NYG Services Newsletter.

CLICK HERE for the NYG Services Pole of the Week.

CLICK HERE for the New York Giants schedule/record for the 2000-2001 season.

NYG Services New York Giants Newsletter contains:

- the lastest news on the organization and players.
- off the field news.
- the Giants off-season transitions.
- other NFL news.
- poll of the week (on the NYG Services Web Site).
- the Giants schedule for the up-coming season (on the NYG Services Web Site).

- the lastest news on the organization and players.
- a pre-game write up.
- a prediction of which team will win.
- a recap on the latest game.
- off the field news.
- who beat who around the NFL.
- poll of the week (on the NYG Services Web Site).
- the Giants schedule in 2000 and a win-lose statistic chart (on the NYG Services Web Site).

Email: Matthew Lyman(Lyme7@aol.com)

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