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Meghan's Journal

Welcome to Meghan's Journal!

Welcome! Okay, this isn't a journal where I tell you my deepest darkest secrets. You wish huh? Well this is a page that tells anything weird, funny, dumb, embarrasing, etc. that happened to me on each day! To email me your comment, click here

January 27, 2000

Today something extremely stupid happened. When I was at my friend's house, we were going down the slide to the pool and stopping ourselves when we got to the end and getting off the side before we fell into the freezing cold water. I went down the slide once, got off, and waited for my friends to go. When she went down the slide and got off the side, it was my turn to go again. So I went down...but...I lost my balance from my hands when I was at the end of the slide and went speeding into the freezing cold 50 degree water! I got out as quickly as I could and I was soacked! I Just changed into my jacket and wore my wet pants for 20 minutes. Then I walked home with my pants going "squeek squeek." When I got home, my mom didn't even notice! Neither did my stepdad. They are too old to notice anything I guess. hehe. Well when I got on the computer, Mom noticed my hair was wet and she said "Meghan, is your hair wet?" And I didn't wanna tell her that I fell in the pool because then she wouldn't want me to go over to my friend's house anymore. So I stupidly said "I don't know." And she said "Meghan, you should know if your hair is wet!" So then I said "Oh, my bad, it is wet." and she said " did it get wet." And again I didn't wanna tell her what happened so I said "I don't know!" And she said "You should know how your hair got wet!" And I said "Did it rain today?" And she said "No! Meghan...why is your hair wet? Is there a reason." So then I knew she wasn't gonna stop bugging me so I told her "We were standing in the yard and the sprinklers came on." Stupidly, she believed me. lol. Well that's the embarrasing thing that happened to me today. See ya next time!

January 28, 2000

When I was at the busstop, my friend asked me and another friend to go with her to get her jacket at her house. So we did. We were walking back, we heard the bus. The people on the bus said that we were around the corner, so Mrs. W the busdriver turned the corner. Then we saw the bus and came running! I was getting on the bus when I kinda tripped. All I did was have one leg bent on the ground. Right when I tripped, these whores who sit in the backseat cracked up! They are lil' slut bitchy selfish stuck-up whores! Well anyways, if they get so much humor out of seeing someone trip, they have HUGE problems. They have low self-esteem and it's not like they haven't ever tripped! And I didn't even trip! I only KINDA tripped! And when I went back to the back of the bus where I sit (I was laughing along with me tripping so I wouldn't seem like an idiot), they were all like "You're so stupid." And I was like "You all have problems if you get so much humor just for something that wasn't even funny!" Plus, when one of them messes up someway, I'm gonna crack up to show them how it feels! They started like making a huge deal out of it and told the whole freakin bus! Even though it wasn't funny! Well, these 3 people who I'm talking about are such whores! They where clothes they don't fit into and make funny of people who are ugly, when they are the ugliest things I've ever seen in my life! Well this incident made me realize that I should make a hate list. The hate list is down at the bottom. Well the girl who is in the last seat on the bus driver side, she complains sooooo much about EVERYTHING! and she is the most stuck-up one there! She expects everyone know everything for her, and she expects her parents to be made of money. She complains way to much and she never shuts up! Plus, she talks about the grossest and gayest and stupidest things! 2 mornings ago she was talking about dicks! and she screams and is sooo loud! Plus, she wears short shorts when she is overweight and she complains they are too long! They look so gross cause they are too short! And her shirts...They are a couple sizes too small! You cam see every fat roll that she has and the shirts are so skin tight! It's extemely gross! The girl in the backseat on the other side of the bus is a very loud bitchy slut! She wears short skirts and is stuck up! She calls anyone a bitch who does something not in her way. Whenever we say something, all 3 of them, esp. her think we are so stupid! But ya know what, they act like very immature 17 year olds when they are 13! They act like they're all cool and popular but if you ask anyone in the school if you know who they are, they will say "nope." They are sooo stupid! And anyways, back to this girl, she always screams and yells also. The person who sits with this girl always gives us weird looks whenever we do anything and has a very bad attitude (just like the other 2!). Well anyways, those are the 3 girls that cracked up when I tripped even though it wasn't funny and no one else laughed, only those 3 whore sluts in the back! Oh yeah! I forgot to mention, Mrs. Bitchy (the busdriver), Just had to mention that me and my friends "decided to go home for some stupid reason" when we didn't even go home! We went to a friend's house to get a jacket! I hate my busdriver soooo much! She's as bad as the 3 in the back seat! Something else embarrassing happened but it wasn't big so I can't remember what it was. Well see ya!

August 1, 2000

okay, I haven't written on this webpage in quite awhile...anyways...Something quite interesting happened to me today. My parents took me and my friends out on the boat, and we docked on a little island called Shell Island in the middle on the ocean. Muh friends and I decided to swim way out because Mom and my stepdad (Steve) told us that their was a sandbar out there. So we started swimmin out there. After awhile we came to a sandbar. It wasn't too big so we decided to go on. Pretty soon....we were out really far...seemed like a mile. We saw a big storm headed our way so we just kinda started swimmin back at a slow speed. We stopped after about a minute when I looked behind me and what do I see? Shark! no, just kidding. Not a shark. But I bet you thought it was a shark huh? Okay, as I was saying...I looked behind me, and what do I see? a frickin tornado/water spout. I was like " that a tornado?!" and my friends said "omg, yeah!" so we started swimming back pretty fast. But then as I turned around again about after a minute, it was going back up into the clouds. So we werw again, just kinda sittin out in the middle of the ocean about a mile from our boat. But then, it started comin back out of the clouds again...little by was actually a pretty cool site to many people actually get to watch a tornado form? Well anyways, we saw it forming again and we started swimmin really fast again. After a few minutes we were all dead tired because we were swimming against the wind and the currect in deep water. But then we kept goin on, and like after a long time we reached our boat. I was like "Mom! lets go! did you see that?!" And shes like "oh well...its a few miles worry." And obviously she doesn't know tornadoes can travel a mile in a few seconds. We watched the tornado/water spout dissapear. So about 5 minutes later we packed our crap and headed off the island...where there we attempted to escape the huge storm headed our way. We eventually made it to somewhat of a sunny area (not really) and just kinda sat there in the boat for half an hour until most of the storm just past away. That was a pretty freaky day for me...
.......Oh and of course, I can't forget my little tubing experience with Steve driving for me......I was tubing in the always....Steve drivin the usual. Well he thought he would be funny if he went over huge waves and a great speed to try and flip me out. And did he? Yes! Man! I flipped outta that tube and was left in the ocean to sit there and wait for them to come back. And about after a couple minutes they did. I was like "Steve! You fag! Why'd you do that!" and he's like "well it got you out didn't it?" And im like "I didnt needa get out! I WAS having fun until you decided to be a fag and flip me out." And that was the tubing experience of being flipped out and left in the ocean (fun fun fun!!!!) Well that's about it for now. Ba Bye!!

See some pics of me at my Homepage

~Webpage Created on January 27, 2000!~

~Webpage last updated on April 25th, 2000!~
