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Pretty ice... 


cherry blooms...


Too much to waste on liars 


They lie as you past by
Their dishonesty is so deep
They will make you cry
They’ll make you apologize
Finally at the end they will apologize
Without much act in saying sorry
 Belied as humans are

Liars are like a white paper
Front of your face with the word
“Liar” written all over it
You don’t realize that until they finally broke the glass 
Every promise they made is like
A string of beads that has already been cutted by
 They chatter in back of you
Talking in laughter’s about you and your family too
 Even when you’re near by

They’ll look at you with a rising laugh
 Can’t believe such a fool as I was to truest/not judge such liars

Can’t believe what a fool, as you were probable to believe in liars too
Can’t believe a lesson is always learned from liars
 As they say“ Friendship is like gold, rare, but valuable”
Liars are like trash that you wish you had never picked up
 As time past by

They’ll do largely everything to make you hate
Why do you even care about such hate?
The world is too wide
The time is too much to waste on liars
Too much too waste…
Too much to waste on liars

copyrights @ 2002 coco



Milk my favorite  person...


snoopy night night 

My favorite singers 

徐真英(Seo Jin Young)
Zhou Hui:Vivian Chow? 
Alex Wang
Seven vol.1 - Just Listen
Fly to the sky 
Turbo Turbo
edison Chen
Alex Su
Jimmy Lin

Jimmy Lin


Jerry Yan (f4)



little notes:

My computer cant read Chinese and I don't  really  like it

music: A song by ENERGY