About: A "possible future" NJO fanfiction. Very short and rather angsty.
So many times, I have sat here taking my life in my hands just to watch the stars above me, to feel the wind on my face and to take a break from the stinking underbelly of broken Coruscant.
It's unusually quiet tonight. The Yuuzhan Vong creatures are few and far between. I needed only to kill one to hide my existence this evening. Maybe they think that no one is left. It has been twenty years…twenty years of torture and nightmares, blood and loss. All my life, it has been a battle for life…for freedom. The Yuuzhan Vong have control of most, if not all the planets in our galaxy - we lost our communication equipment a few years ago, so we can't be sure. And on Coruscant, the one world they refuse to take, (too polluted by machines, I believe) everything is burning in ruins. The scattered survivors spread through the tunnels and the mortal hell under the once glorious skyscrapers.
Sometimes I wonder if there really is a higher power out there like the Yuuzhan Vong believe, and if he or she is mocking us...
I close my eyes and try to imagine a galaxy of peace where you grow up surrounded by family and friends. Family…my family has been dead since I was five and I still have my father's lightsaber. I wish they were here - I'm so confused! I don't know what to do! How am I supposed to save the galaxy on my own? Everywhere I go people hate me, or try to kill me...
Consider revising to: “So many people are gone: people I knew and loved, people I could have known...
The Wookiee Chewbacca - I had heard many stories about him: friend, mechanic, adventurer. He died in the first Yuuzhan Vong assault, when they used a dovin basal to pull a moon onto the world of Sernpidal.
The Jedi are all gone. The one-time defenders of the Republic, crushed by the Empire, were rising from the ashes to live again but were struck down yet again. I am the last, for whenever someone shows the slightest Force talent now, they are instantly killed.
Luke and Mara Jade Skywalker, Han, Leia, Jacen, Jaina and Anakin Solo: one by one, they fell to the power from beyond.
My eyes narrow, for I can feel them watering. I curse and dash away the impossible tears. I stand and prepare to return below for the night. The cold, night air swirls my black cloak about me, I touch my father's lightsaber and take one last look at the heavens.
I am Ben Skywalker, the last Jedi Knight, defender of what once was...
I am alone...