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:|:Best Buddies forever:|:

More coming soon!

Photos with me
This is an ok photo of me...not the greatest, Its in my schools library, I kind of resized it!
I look stoned here!
Jenn (left), Me (right) I love this girl, shes one of my best friends! Jenn: Smile! LOL!
For some reason Lyssa looks a bit disgusted....what? do I smell funny?
We all look like we're about to be sick....(left-Lyss center-Me Right-Jesse)
All my buddies lolz!
Will I fall?!?!?!?!
And I did fall...My foot STILL hurts!

Photo's with Alyssa
Left-Yoko, Center-Machi Right- Lyssa, With the japanese girls, she looks gorgeous!
ok...what the fuck...
I love this photo! Katie and Lyssa look soooo pretty!
hehe, look girls! lol Lyssa holding chloe! you gotta laugh!
I Love this...hehehe
Looks like chloe is about to drop alyssa...did she fall?

Photo's featuring Gansta Garcia
Sorry...but chloe this is the scariest picture that i've ever seen of you...
Not very photo-genic now are we?
Whats up with the japanese girls and their peace signs?

misc. photos
CUTIE! Once I have more photos of you i'll make you your own section!
Best Friends Forever!
Oviousely you can tell none of us were ready for the picture! oops accept alyssa...hehe

At Alex and Ryan's Home
Alex, the coolest brown guy ever!
Purdy Lyssa, and Sweet lil' Ryan!
oooh sexy!
Hott Stuff! Lmao!

Love || Steph!