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The Acoustic jazz Guitar artistry of Timothy William

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Hello I am Timothy William, and thanks for stopping by. A little bit about me and my music I been a musician since I was nine year s old, my main instrument being the guitar. I play bass, and some keyboard. Musically I was heavily influenced by Jazz/Fusion music of the seventies, artist such as Al Di Meola, Steve Kahn, Herbie Hancock, Stanley Clarke. More recent influences include Earl Klugh, Peter White , Marc Antoine, all whom are acoustic Jazz guitarist. I would describe my sound as Earl Klugh with an urban groove. The music on my site has smooth syncopated rhythms overlayed with the smooth sound of nylon from my classical guitar. I do all my sequencing and programming for the musical arrangements using Yamaha digital equipment. Right now I working on new project, and it will have a world beat sound to it with mostly Latin jazz influences. You can check out my song entitled "This momemt forever" on the lycos Listening room site for indie artist Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!