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Welcome to Toni's Webpage!

Me in front of Cheers (aka the Bull & Finch), Sept. 2000.

Class of '88 - check out my pictures from our 10 Year Reunion! (At least the pictures I got before my camera battery died...)

Also, Class of '88, please check for your name and address on the Class List link. This is the information we currently have. Please use the "Class of 1988 Form" below to email me your information. (I'll make it private per your request.) As you can see from the ClassList we're still missing a lot of information and probably even some people.

Our 15-year "Get Together" was quite fun! I'm already looking forward to our 20-year reunion and hoping to get this spreadsheet completely filled out before then!

Also, I made a photo cd of the people that were there. If you're interested in purchasing one, they're $10. Just email me at and I'll give you my address where you can send a check and your mailing address. All profits will go the class fund for our 20 year reunion.

10 Year Reunion Pictures

Class List for the Class of 1988

Class of 1988 Form

Pictures of other things not relating to a reunion. :)

My Flooded Basement: August 19, 2003

My 2002 Halloween Party!

My 2001 Halloween Party!

My Carnival Cruise: April 2001

Bahama Pictures: April 2000

More Bahama Pictures

Feel free to Email me