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This page is dedicated to THE GREATEST TV series in the known Universe. (Sorry Barnem&Baley you LOSE)

The Cast

We all LOVE to watch Mulder and Scully track down weird monsters from beyond the black lagoon, find the answers in the toe nail clippings of a psycho, and say things like "I scream you scream we all scream for tutti-futti nonfat yogurt!" You can't deny it! But what are the people behind the magic REALLY like?

Duchovny, in my opinion is a jerk. He gets paid more in a week than most Americans get in a YEAR, and he bitches about it. He's been trying to escape his contracts with the X-Files forever. He wants to "expand". X-Files MADE Duchovny wether he likes it or not.

Anderson is a self described "goof-ball". When I first read some of her interviews I was surprised. I had naively expected a "this must have a scientific explanation" person. Boy was I off! Gilian has even had here house freed of evil spirits by an Indian Shaman.

Carter, now THIS is my kind of guy! He created the X-Files universe for which he deserves demi-god status. Now what is Carter's dream? Him, a surf board, on a deserted beach. Now can you top that? Well maybe a snow board and a powdered mountain, but thats just me.

The Episodes

Now everyone has a favorite type of episode: the mythologies, the comedies, the horrors. Me, I lean towards the comdies. They're the BEST.

Small Potatoes

Summary: A man has fine muscle controls which inable him to change is appearance at will, he traps Mulder and takes on the studly FBI agents appearance in an attempt to seduce Scully (a RIOT)

Now who could forget this episode? Duchovny must have had a scream filming it. I know I would've. "F! B! I!" "fbi" "FBI!" "You lookin at me?"

Dream Land I &II

Summary: a two parter in which Mulder and a man named Morris do a body switch. Mulder has a HARD time convincing Scully he is Mulder, not the fat slob that he appears, and getting back into his own body.

The mirror dance? wasn't the mirror dance just fantastic? And one can NEVER forget Scully's line "If you weren't so ugly Mulder, I'd kiss you."


Summary: They finally did a Bermuda Triangle Episode! Mulder gets lost in the BT, then trapped back in time to World War 2 where he is brought aboard a ship and meets a Scully look-alike.

When Mulder wakes up in that hospital bed, and sees Fohike, Langley, and Byers leaning over his bed one will never look at the Wizard of oz the same. Mulder looks at Frohike "Cowardly Lion," Langley "Scarce Crow," Byers "and Toto"

The End?

Well all good things must end sometime or other, including X-Files. This may be the last season, most likely it is. Duchovny and Carter's Contracts run out at the end of this season, Anderson is the only one who has another year. The writers are playing it like its the last season, doing things they've been wanting to do, so they'll get the chance to. Well as Carter said "The writing's not on the wall,"
Well I have heard, second hand mind, that there WILL be another season of X-Files, but Duchovny will only be acting in half of them.