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Sunny Jenny's Homepage
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Team Building at Chonghua Hot Spring, Guangzhou

The Systems Integration team - that's moi's team had a get-together for team building.  This is the 1st time for us.  Our team comprised of 3 beauties and a thorn - as the head! 

Get to know us here:  wink! wink!!
From right:  Head honcho - Quoi, Aileen, Sabrinna & the Sunny Delight!

During karaoke session:
Seen here with Vivian & Aileen
Showing off - with the mike!!!



03 Dec 2002


Wonder what Guangzhou is like? Go to the navigation bar "Guangzhou" located below the title of this page.

Or check out the monthly That's Guangzhou magazine at:

Sunny Jenny's Geocities Website:

This is the website that I maintained while I was in KL.
Unfortunately, Geocities is not accessible in China.

To put a footprint of your visit to this homepage, visit this unique guest map!!
