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GIVES Food Fair

The Guangzhou International Voluntary Expatriates Society (GIVES) organized a food fair in Nov 2002.
We joined the Malaysian Consulate in their food stall sales. 

Together with Chooi, Jacky & Kevin, we dish out our famous Malaysian Hainan Chicken Rice, Nasi Kunyit, Curry Chicken & dessert, Fa San Wu (Peanut Sauce).  The guys performed their heroic act of carrying all the pots, plates and food for us to the food fair site, in Ersha Island.

Amazingly, our food sold very well. By noon they were sold out! Unfortunately, we ourselves hardly get the chance to taste the food prepared.

Khadijah prepared rojak with peanut sauce. That was a hit too!

This food fair made us proud - as we Malaysians come together and joined hands to contribute to the community in needs in China.

Seen here is our team.
(from right: Chooi, Shafik, Khadijah & moi)

Malaysia Boleh!!!




17 Jan 2003


Wonder what Guangzhou is like? Go to the navigation bar "Guangzhou" located below the title of this page.

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Sunny Jenny's Geocities Website:

This is the website that I maintained while I was in KL.
Unfortunately, Geocities is not accessible in China.

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