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Sugar Islands

Welcome To The Sugar Islands!

We are a group of islands in the ocean, ya go figure. We have 4 islands currently inhabited and a population of 15 counting all visitors. Many more islands available so feel free to talk to us about it. There is a limit of 2 people per island and you receive 2 outfits in addition to the one you are wearing on arrival. Most everything we have is made from undissolving sugar and also tastes great! You can bring one item with you when you come also so choose wisley. We have food and fresh water applenty so don't worry.

Current Islanders

Patty and Liz (with Hannah and her squirell friends in an underwater cave)

Chad and Melanie (with Jade attatched by tugboat)

Eric (all alone with the sugarcane fields)

Leah (With shadow puppets and Stella McCartney the pig)

Laura is floating around in her yellow submarine...her yellow submarine...

Tristan is floating around with pink floaties and a duckie float

Jenkies! Billy is driving around in the Mystery Machine! Look guys a scary guy in a fake mask!

Elyse is up on cloud 9

We are being visting by Scuba Alex hes brave to be down there

Heather is in a very hot subterranean cave with her imp minion Barbie...ok so what I mean is hell but i was tryin to be nice.

Well tats all of us! Thanks for stopping by.

get this gear!

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