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Welcome to soulwhat! You will find updates on our event information below. Take a load off and browse around through our sub-directories. 'SIGN' the guestbook, and tell us what you think of our site and our parties. 'LOOK' through our archive of photos and old flyers. 'CHAT' amongst yourselves. But most importantly 'CONTACT' us. We value your feedback and comments and take them seriously. Thank-you very much, and please, ENJOY!!



Currently, soulwhat has closed the Mellow Mondays parties at Nasa. After 4.5 years, we have decided to take a well deserved break for a bit. But we will be back we guarentee it. Right now, we are brainstorming on ideas on how to give you a better party enviornment. What with the past events that have put a cloud over our scene in the past couple of years, it isn't easy to remind many people how to party again. Sounds stupid, we know, but this is our concern regardless. We will continue working on promoting events that other people are organizing; with our H2H vehicle, which in itself is a tiring task.

But for now, you can catch gaDJet and Chico Pacheco at various events in and out of Toronto.

gaDJet is currently playing in the lounge at Roxy Blu on Saturdays. 12 Brant St. (King and Spadina)

SOULWHAT would like to give special thanks to those who have supported us and our vibe thoughout the years.

designed by gaDJet