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this baby has a decease that is call jandusethese babies are in the intensive care.



These babies are healthy and they are happy!!!!

This is a baby that is in the magazine.

This baby just got born and it is in the attentive care.

Some babies die because there  bellybutton cord is wrap around it's neck.
Also some babies die because some mothers get fevers and it burns the baby brain.
Another things babies die of is when there mothers smoke.
They can get brain damage to.
Some times the attentive care unit can not help your baby and some times it dies.
But most of the time they can help your baby or bring it back to life.
If your baby has janduse they can cure it real fast .
If your baby comes out with a cone head you can make it round by rubing it.
Also you can get some good tips at
They have good tips plus good things to buy.
So if you need any tips or something to buy you can always go there.
Another good website is
You know you can ask them any thing.
Even persanal questions.
Some people perfer smaller babies so not all people who have small babies do not always  smoke.