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'Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?' 'I think so Brain, but there's still a bug in there from last time.'

Welcome to my page! It's mostly a collection of useless facts and opinions, but there are lots of pages like that all over the Net so one more page won't hurt.

Ok, I'm gradually adding more things to this page when I can be stuffed. And when I'm not doing things for uni. So basically when I'm really bored or procrastinating.

The first things listed here are just info about my online friends, me, some of my stuff and pictures I find amusing.

My Online Buddies

My Drawings - Page 1

My Drawings - Page 2

Me and My Nicknames

Funny Pictures

And here is the interactive side of the Page of Pinky! The tagboard is the latest addition and hopefully it gets some use. Yay for free services!



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Page of Pinky goes festive! Click below to enter the Christmas section of my site for seasonal games, warped carols, tasty recipes and more. Er, even if it's not Christmas anymore.

Christmas Pages

Feel free to return again and again for more updates and games. Please don't forget to sign my guest book!

Last updated: January 16th, 2005.

'Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?' 'Well, I think so Brain, but if we didn't have ears we'd look like weasels.'