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News thats going on in the SUMMER!
News thats going on in the SUMMER!
Copy and Paste that. ^^ I don't know haw to make that  link thing.
Unknown Author-- Muahaha you don't know who I am j/k!
Current Events
A= Aileen, C= Cassie, T=Trinity, L=Lynndi, P=Paris, K= Kenny D=Data

Ok the so called World War 3 is over. No side one people called it even. Current Events...hmm...nothing really happened but P's dad went on trial he was convicted as though stealing all the kid's paper. P is very sad because of this but she knows it was wrong of his father so he sould be sent to prison. Also everyone is asking if A or K is going to go back together. Who knows...but think people he does have a g/f. D doesn't like C, well thats what he told us but what if he doesn't like P and likes C just to say that because he actually likes C. That was a mouth full. T and L well they are doing there usual. Bowing down to the shrine. People also has told me that A has a secret b/f is that true? Did she dump K because that she likes this new guy? Well that will be unknown i guess.

Check back tomorrow or Tuesday.
Up coming events
Up coming events are...

A is so called seeing her new b/f that she dumped K for. She also has to sort out a new fight.
C is seeing if D actually likes her. She has to go to her L Auntie Mary's Hmmm... does she have a shrine to in her closet?
D so called Jake says that everyone is liking him. HOW THE CRAP IS THAT?! WHY WOULD THEY LIKE HIM!? ...smokin' something j/k
T doesn't have really anything coming up but just going on sidelines and watchin' thet action.
P went to trial with her dad. She was watching him while the kid was saying bad stuff about her father.
L has some problems at the moment. She is telling everyone that they are stuck up someone's butt. MAYBE THEY HAVE ACTUALLY A FRIEND! not like you because you call people names.
K hmm...his g/f told me that she has a secret to tell him...what could that be hmmm?
I have one guess SHE IS DUMPING HIM! j/k I don't know.

What do you think is going to happen?
What do you think is going to happen?

Do you think D likes C?
Does P knwo that her dad wants to be a drag? (did i say that?)

Does A actually has another b/f?
Will K get mad?
What is K's g/f's secret?

One way to find out check tomorrow or Tuesday.
Up Date!!! Read all about it!

Top 10 reasons I don't care what you think....
 10. Because we aren't related
   9. Because i don't see care bears flying out of my butt.
   8. I actually have a life so thats why
   7. Why would you even care about this top 10 to begin with.
   6. If this is Lynndi guess what I don't care about you.
   5. You wouldn't be someone i care about if you are reading this. j/k
   4. Your weird to begin with. (or 4th with)
   3. I have my own life so why would you care of what i don't care about.
   2. Your and idiot
   1. YOUR STUPID...!

Yay nice top 10 huh.
D is gettng all mad because people think he likes C. He also thinks why in the world people like him? Well i can't answer that one because whoever does then whats up with them?! j/k.

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