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Last Chance Saloon

Serving the community since January 17, 2003
A little bit about me: I am a freshman at Northwood High School, and I'm in the band. Sadly enough, the band is practically my whole life.
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This is my brand-new guestbook. It's the same as it was before, just empty. So sign it!!!!!
More news! Extra great news! I have a Sexy Face! Plus, Quiz Bowl is going to be on television again.....Brain Game finals! Ha! Anyway, the airing date is: May 17 (Semi-finals) and May 31 (finals). Yes, we made it all the way. How far did we go? I'm not going to tell you, you have to watch! Or ask me later. Anyway, that's about it. Sign the petition! Lance does not go to NCSSM!
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate English projects? They take up all of my time!
Band concert coming up. May 20 (my b-day....this is going to be interesting). Buy tickets!

Where else?

The Links Page!
The Quiz Junkie Page!
Just Stuff
The Late Night Shower Rambling Page!