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As the "New" Executive Director, I'd like to use <a href='http://www.360logodesign.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> this space to tell you about our exciting news!<BR>The New Year will launch our year-long celebration of the 60th anniversary of our charter. For the last 60 years, BASF has worked on behalf of our members and the industry to provide the economic and legislative environment <a href='http://www.creativebusinesslogos.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> that best promotes the attainment of the "American Dream" for the citizens of South Florida. It may be an old mission, but home ownership is a brand new quest for each first-time owner, and a renewable one for all of us.<BR>Along with celebrating our new year, <a href='http://www.impact-corporate-logo-design.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> we are also launching a new logo, thanks to Lisa Hargrove, president of Marketing Innovations. It is a great time to refresh our look and make a strong statement. Although we are known as the BASF, we don't want to ignore what those letters stand for. <a href='http://www.ImpressiveLogos.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> As the Builders Association of South Florida, we are the lynchpin that links the Florida Home Builders Association and the National Association of Home Builders to our members.<BR>We think our logo conveys and strengthens our message to the public, especially those who are building, buying and <a href='http://www.instantlogodesign.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> remodeling homes. If they don't see our logo displayed when they are dealing with a contractor, remodelor, architect, banker, landscape architect or any of the many ancillary professions in the building industry, we want them to ask, "Are you a member of the BASF?" And we <a href='http://www.logojees.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> don't want them to take "no" for an answer.<BR>We want the buying public to take comfort in knowing that they are dealing with a company (or individual) that is a member of a professional association which prides itself on providing continuing education, holding informative meetings and <a href='http://www.mightyLogoDesigns.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> hosting national and local experts for the benefit and enlightenment of its building industry members. BASF continues to improve the level of professionalism among its members.<BR>The new officers of the BASF are just the team to take us to a new level professionally. For 2004, Oscar <a href='http://www.professional-logo-designer.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> Barbara of Quantum Homes and Quantum Development will serve as president. Rick Horton of The Green Companies is the BASF president-elect for 2005. John McQueston of the Whirlpool Corporation will serve as first vice president, and Juan Carlos Enriquez of The Sherwin-Williams Co. will serve as <a href='http://www.professionallogodesign.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> second vice president. Lani Kahn Drody of Lowell Homes, Inc. and Silvio Cardoso of United Homes International will serve as treasurer and secretary, respectively. Deborah Reyes of Capital American Mortgage, Inc. is the assistant secretary.<BR>The years of experience and dedication that these officers have devoted to <a href='http://www.smallbusinesslogo.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> the industry and to BASF is impressive. Their commitment to our members is commendable and formidable. Their commitment to the industry's consumers is undaunted, and evident in the services provided by the companies they work for.<BR>Speaking of companies that provide a great service, I would be <a href='http://www.WeDoLogoDesign.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> remiss if I didn't mention our Capstone Sponsors: Florida Home Builders Insurance Agency, Inc., Ocean Bank, and The Sherwin-Williams Co. The Green Companies is a Keystone Sponsor. It is with their assistance that we can offer new events and continuing education programs.<BR>[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED]<BR>And last but not <a href='http://www.CuttingedgeLogoDesign.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> least, the BASF News has a new home--SouthFloridaCEO magazine! Look for us every other month in the magazine, look for our new logo when you are dealing with anyone in the building industry, and look for our new officers to reinvigorate the BASF mission in South <a href='http://www.PremiumLogoDesign.com' target='_blank' title='Premium Logo Design'><font color=#0000FF>Premium Logo Design</font></a> Florida.<BR>&nbsp;<BR></P> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table></td></tr> </table></td> </tr> <tr> <td bgcolor="999999">&nbsp;</td> </tr> <tr> <td height="40" align="center" bgcolor="#F0E79F" class="ver12"><font color="#333333">All Rights Reserved &copy; 2004.</font></td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
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