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Designed & maintained by (!) Kevin Powell (!)
:) Screaming CuckooBroad Associates 1997,2024

Screaming CuckooBroad Associates part of the CircleOmega organisation

+++ Updated Virtual URL:
(*) Primary access - kevipow.vze.com

[>] Sites :: Jamz :: Works :: Blog :: Mirrors :: Contact :: Links :: &c.  

+++ Websites weve engineered
(*) fnni - the foundation :: mirror
(*) Linux resources page :: direct :: mirror
(*) Tsunamifon - it blows everything away
(*) Mars Longa - CircleOmega does the red planet
(*) TranceRave Capital Management :: TRCM direct :: TRCM mirror
(*) Droidsnap
(*) ExoChakra
(*) Al-Qonfoozyah
(*) Occupy Wall Street
(*) ROVmissions.2hell.com
(*) Starship Lulzwarp (mp4)
(*) FlipSwarm - we do rehabs
(*) = (wap) mobile (HTML) :: netx :: mirror
(*) = (net) DroidSite - port forwarding / termux
(*) Soros Aligned Antifas 4 Trump :: trump.bot.nu

+++ Music from CircleOmega
(*) = (mp3) Slippery When Retro : Matador in a MouseMaze
(*) = (mp3) Music for Jenna - 2008 autumn
(*) = (mp3) TRCM collection - jsBach
(*) = (mp3) Redwood Roadkill - selections
(*) SWR - follow us on Twitter

+++ Works

JS :: Net :: Q17 :: Hanzi :: Galleries :: Blogs :: Legacy

+++ JavaScript
(*) graph
(*) random
(*) unicode browser

+++ Net
(*) zrad
(*) snognet
(*) exochakra
(*) co.cc.rr.nu
(*) camsnip worldcams
(*) turnspin.2truth.com/camsnip

+++ Q17 Lunivenusian Calendar
(*) Q17 - doc v3.01
(*) Q17mobile - ecma

+++ Hanzi
(*) Favourite 400 Hanzi - learn these first
(*) F400H & keys: red :: green :: blue :: gold
(*) Complete Big5 Hanzi (A1-F9):(40-7E/A1-FE)

+++ Galleries
(*) Lanowa - SunBridge & environs
(*) North Coast - I have found it
(*) Humboldt Squatter Evac Network
(*) Tarrant county
(*) Berzerkeley - Deer Rigueur
(*) Regent st evac
(*) CoCo county trails

+++ Blogs
(*) flickr
(*) orgzero
(*) PlanitiaPost
(*) Alt-SysRq-Blog

+++ Legacy Projects
(*) Android Netpage
(*) Redwood RoadKill
(*) TurnSpin - images & info
(*) Blasphmoney galactic portal
(*) Fraudlike Seductions - CL Casual Encounters :: LOP
(*) Primaeval Transcendental Economic Revolutionary Oracle

+++ RANCOR - Redundant Array of No Cost Online Resources

angelfire :: tripod :: 50webs :: 000space :: orgzero
freeservers :: hozed@oocities
via rr.nu :: via vze.com

+++ Contact

kevipow@gmail.com - my principal address; mail goes here

alternate: secprobe@yahoo.com

+++ Links

 :: Jenna ::
Current :: Search :: Reality :: Media :: Tinfoil :: Tech :: Locales :: Credits
 :: TranceRave Capital Management ::

+++ Current

ABNA :: BNN :: CFP :: Finviz :: Freep :: INO.com :: newslinx :: phys.org :: RIA Novosti :: TRS
AE :: BBC :: CensoredNews :: DiscernReport :: InoSMI :: MaanNews :: NewKerala :: SchemaRoot :: TPM :: WorldTribune

[=] Aletho :: AnnaNews :: BadBlue :: BangkokPost :: CounterVortex :: CrowHouse :: DeccanHerald :: Fars :: GlAv.su :: HackBusters :: IFR :: KashmirMedia :: MacauDaily :: MK.ru :: Niqnaq :: patriots.win :: RMN :: SANA :: StarOnline :: TruthSocial :: Watchers :: Ycombinator [=] AsharqAlAwsat :: AsiaTimes :: Geopolitics :: HurriyetDaily :: ICP :: Maktoob :: MetaFilter :: OccD :: RealCliSci :: SJMercuryNews :: TheRussophile [=] AlDefaiya :: BakuStarbucks :: FinancialExpress :: GulfOil&Gas :: IranCartoon :: IZ.ru :: MarketWatch :: PublicIntelligence :: Reuters :: SouthFront :: SofexJordan :: SpaceWar :: Tarpley [=] AP :: Bollyn :: Coulter :: Drudge :: Edmonds :: Fulford :: Gnews :: HckrNews :: IWS :: JW :: KP.ru :: LastRefuge :: Madsen :: NEO :: OMG!ubuntu :: PhiBetaIota :: Quayle :: RealNews :: SiteIntelGroup :: Turner :: Unz :: Verdensalt.dk :: WEF :: Xinhuanet :: Yandex :: Zillow [=]

+++ Search
(*) eBay
(*) Baidu
(*) Brave
(*) Google
(*) Yandex
(*) Yippy
(*) StartPage
(*) Peakpx
(*) TinEye
(*) 1ft.io
(*) ChatGPT
(*) CarGurus
(*) City-data.com
(*) MerriamWebster
(*) dictionary.die.net
(*) I Dont Understand in more than 255 languages

(*) CraigsList
(*) Google Translate
(*) Switchboard.com
(*) Yellowpages.com
(*) Intelius
(*) You.com
(*) Topozone
(*) StreetView
(*) MarcoPolo
(*) MemeBetter
(*) CIA homepage
(*) NASA homepage
(*) Yahoo! homepage
(*) Open Directory Project
(*) UN Organisation Locator
(*) = (telnet) bogus.unknown.host.org/:6677

+++ Reality

Cams :: Spheres :: Space :: Mars :: Nature :: Oregon :: World :: X.com :: Telegram :: Parler :: Corps :: Asia :: China :: Dharma

+++ Webcams

(*) CamSnip worldcams
(*) map / list - camscape
(*) map / list - earthcam
(*) map / list - go & roam
(*) map / list - webcamtaxi
(*) map / list - worldcam.eu
(*) list - coolwebcams
(*) list - geocam.ru
(*) list - insecam
(*) list - see.cam
(*) list - weather-forecast
(*) list - web-online24
(*) list - webcamgalore
(*) list - webcamsmania
(*) list - webkams
(*) list - wxyzwebcams
(*) CL - Aerodromos
(*) HK map - traffic
(*) HK map - weather
(*) RU - Biysk
(*) RU - Kemerovo
(*) RU - Krasnoyarsk
(*) RU - KSCnet
(*) RU - Omsk
(*) RU - Novokuznetsk
(*) RU - Saratov
(*) RU - Sochi
(*) SG - onemotoring
(*) US AK - Anchorage
(*) US AK - AVO webcams
(*) US AK - FAA weather cams
(*) US AK - KPU Ketchikan
(*) US ID - ITD webcams
(*) US NY - Lower Manhattan

AE Dubai - coastal zone monitoring :: AM Yerevan :: AN Bonaire - reefcam :: AQ Amundsen-Scott :: BR Recife - PrataDoVale :: CA BC - Vancouver :: CA NF - StJohns :: CY CyprusCams :: EC igepn.edu.ec :: FK Stanley :: GR Naxos :: ID Bali :: ID Jakarta :: ID MtLokon :: ID MtMerapi :: IN Arunachala :: IN Chennai :: ISS :: IT Naples &c. :: IT Venice - Bacino sMarco :: IT Venice - Rialto Bridge :: JP MtFuji - city of :: JP fujicalm :: JP TVyamanashi :: JP Tanegashima :: JP Wuzhou :: KL KualaLumpur :: KZ Astana :: MN UlanBator :: MX Popocatepetl :: NO Oslo :: NP Ghandruk :: NP Kathmandu :: NZ Shoal Bay :: NZ Taranaki :: OM Dhank :: PA Panama canal - requires Flash :: RU Arsenyev :: RU Barnaul :: RU Kemerovo :: RU Moscow - Ostankino Tower :: RU Moscow - Ryazan Ave :: RU Nizhny Novgorod :: RU Novosibirsk - Proshad Energetikov :: RU Omsk - bridges :: RU Saransk :: RU Sevastopol :: RU Ulan-Ude :: RU Yekaterinburg :: SA Kaaba :: SG Downtown :: TH Phuket - lotus lodge :: UA - Kiev :: US AK - Denali NPS :: US AK - Fairbanks Daily News-Miner :: US AK - Juneau :: US AK - Shishaldin :: US AK - Skagway :: US CA - Berkeley LHS :: US CA - Butte County :: US DC - National Mall :: US FL - FSU :: US HI - Kilauea :: US MO - LaPlata :: US MO - StJoseph :: US MT - Lake McDonald :: US NE - Bailey Yard :: US TX - Port Isabel :: US TX - Reunion Tower :: VU Vanuatu

+++ PhotoSpheres
Barabash-Levada :: Chengdu :: Chengdu :: Chicago :: Columbia :: Malaysia :: Misrata :: Moscow :: Moscow :: Moscow :: Moscow :: Nizhny Novgorod :: Novosibirsk

+++ Space
(*) Messier Database - SEDS
(*) NGC catalogue - skyfactory.org
(*) Image Gallery - NOAO
(*) Astrophotos - Glen Yousman
(*) Hubble Images - STScI
(*) Hubble Images - ESA
(*) HEASARC gallery - high energy
(*) NASA portal - news highlights
(*) ROSAT orbit data - heavens-above
(*) Thunderbolts - infomercial for the electric universe
(*) European Space News - SpaceRef
(*) Solar Dynamics Observatory - Goddard
(*) GOES Image Viewer - NOAA
(*) Composite Satellite Imagery - dBaron
(*) Our Planet Earth from Space - Habich photo
(*) Remote Sensing info - USGS terraweb
(*) SSEC Images & Data - UW Madison
(*) Antarctica Composite - AVHRR
(*) Southern Auroral Oval - SEC POES
(*) NASA Visible Earth - by country
(*) Maptech - USGS topo maps
(*) Terraserver - the leader
(*) European Space Agency - ESA science
(*) Johnson Space Centre - digital image collection
(*) National Cheng Kung U - physics department

(*) Satellite Webcams - KSC NASA-TV / sun & moon
(*) Voyager I crosses the Jovian Bow Shock - uIowa
(*) An Atlas of the Universe - Richard Powell
(*) Night Vision - the awesome Java applet
(*) Planetarium Software - from SEDS
(*) SkyChart III Demo - this *is* the one
(*) Multiplatform Downloads - astrotips.com
(*) StarCharts & Astro Software - midnightkite
(*) Download Astro Software - pierpaoloricci
(*) Solar System Scope - free online model
(*) CosmoBrain - astro events &c.
(*) Current Planetary Aspects - astrologyweekly
(*) Moon Phases - 5 millenia from Fred Espenak
(*) Moon Phase (current) - google gizmo @ die.net
(*) Moon Phase (current) - gizmo @ daylightmap.com
(*) Online Astrological Natal Charts - wheels &c.
(*) SkyLights - weekly from UIUC
(*) Venus Conjunctions - 3 millenia from Richard Nolle
(*) Venus Transits - lunarplanner.com
(*) Halton C Arp - need I say more
(*) System Planning Corporation - radar physics group
(*) Lunar Anomalies - lotsa territory
(*) Spirosolaris - resonances
(*) StarTrek ASCII Art - HTMLified version
(*) Usenet Relativity FAQ - tachyons &c.

+++ Mars
(*) Mars Exploration Program - NASA
(*) Planetary Data System - NASA
(*) Captioned MGS / MRO Images - MSSS
(*) Mars Image Explorer - MSFF
(*) THEMIS galleries - ASU
(*) ESA Science & Technology - Mars Express homepage
(*) ESA Multimedia - Mars Express images
(*) Colour MER Pancam Pix - Cornell
(*) Spirit & Opportunity True Colour Pancam Pix - Holger Isenberg
(*) Journey to Mars Rover Cam Pix - earlier than JPL
(*) HiRISE - UofA LPL
(*) Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter - tharsis
(*) MSL landing sites - marsoweb
(*) MOC Images - USGS
(*) MOC Images - NASA (AB / SP1 / SP2)
(*) MOC Image Link Tables - nagii.com
(*) Kees Veenenbos - worldonline.nl
(*) Athena Cornell - image directory

+++ Nature
(*) Dinolinks @UCB Paleo - sic semper tyrannosaurus!
(*) Prehistorics Illustrated - art collections
(*) Vertebrates - Henskens fossils
(*) Animal Diversity Web - UofM
(*) Natural History Mnemonics - lest I forget
(*) Common Plants Image Gallery - Kahweah delta
(*) The Vaults of Erowid - psychoactives
(*) Earthquake Hazards Program - USGS
(*) Northern Pacific Rattlesnake - Crotalus viridis oreganos
(*) California Fire Map & Tracker - SF Chronicle
(*) US C19 Deaths per Day - ycharts

+++ Oregon
title9 :: tax :: insurance :: usda :: auction.com :: century21 :: coldwellbanker :: compass :: craigslist :: estately :: foreclosure.com :: hubzu :: hud :: movoto :: mystatemls :: point2homes :: propertyshark :: realtor.com :: redfin :: remax :: rockethomes :: trulia :: usdaproperties :: vylla :: yandex :: zillow

+++ The World of News
A-Infos. :: americasvoice. :: AMG. :: AnchorageDailyNews :: antifa.com :: AntifaNews. :: ArabNews.com. :: biden.com :: Buzzfeed :: CampusInsanity :: CGTN :: Cursor :: CWC :: DailyStar. :: DailyTruth. :: DCNF. :: DJT dotcom. :: DJT Twitch :: EurAsiaNet (OSI). :: EY (reddit) :: FitzInfo :: FJB :: frankspeech.com :: FreepBook :: FYS.com :: Garrison. :: GMIC :: Habilian :: HeadlineUSA. :: HimTimes :: InfoStormer gab :: ItsGoingDown. :: Independent :: InfoBRICS :: Inter-PressService .net :: Inter-PressService .org :: Interfax. :: JoeRogan :: JWO. :: KyivPost :: LibsOfTikTok :: NYPost :: NYT :: PakDaily :: PakObserver :: PakTimes :: ParsToday. :: ParsToday :: populist.press :: RCD :: ResearchSnipers. :: RealRawNews. :: RG.ru. :: Shamir :: Stonetoss :: StraightLineLogic. :: StrogoSekretno. :: SyriaReport :: SZH. :: TapNewsWire :: TASS. :: TheRebel.is :: TheUglyTruth. :: ThinkTankWatch. :: tvrain.ru :: VoE :: Whatfinger. :: wn.com. :: WSWS

8kun :: AJ+ :: Insider.org :: NewsAlternative :: MediaWorld :: NFU :: tlgrm.eu :: TodaysFrontPages :: WRMEA [=] Anglin gab :: Anglin unz :: deepstate.onion.dog :: deepstate.in [=] PoliticalSignal :: ProTrumpNews :: Rantingly [=] qagg.news :: qalerts.app :: qanon.news :: qanon.pub :: QResear.ch AOCpress :: BNB :: BreakingNews :: COP :: CyberBerkut :: DailyMail :: DJT Desk :: DJT gettr :: DS.ws :: DTforPres :: E-Ariana :: Edmonds :: FitzInfo :: FreeDominion :: Fulford :: Glenn :: GreatAgain :: gzuc.net :: InfoWars :: JafariyaNews :: JICreport :: LibertyHangout :: OneWorld.press. :: NesaraNews :: NewsBud :: Payvand :: Qanonposts :: qmap.pub :: qposts.online :: RevolutionRadio :: Rowan Berkeley :: RusReality :: Storm-Crawler :: The_Donald :: thedonald.win :: TheEdgeAM :: TheUglyTruth :: ThisAintHell :: Topham :: Topix :: TripoliPost :: Trump2016 :: TurkishPress :: uncanceled.news :: voterig.com. :: WanglinBlog :: YemenPost :: ZeroCen

+++ X.com
(*) DJT 2021jan08 :: Nitter :: TWstalker

ElonMusk :: AndrewAnglin :: Bando :: Crimethinc :: DavidDuke :: DiedSuddenly :: ElonJet :: EuropaActivism :: Hezbollah :: ItsGoingDown :: KathrynGraceJordan :: KeepNHGranite :: KevinMacDonald :: RobertDeNiro :: SabraG9996 :: UKgov [=] AlexBerenson :: AlexJones :: AndrewTate :: ArthurKwonLee :: BabylonBee :: BenGarrison :: BenGarrison :: DefundIsraelNow :: DiamondAndSilk :: DiedSuddenly :: GenFlynn :: GuntherEagleman :: InfoWars :: JamesOKeefe :: JordanPeterson :: KandKFilm :: KathyGriffin :: LibsOfTikTok :: LucasGage :: MikeLindell :: MTG :: NickFuentes :: OwenShroyer :: ProjectVeritas :: RogerStone :: RoseanneBarr :: RWMaloneMD :: ScottRitter :: SidneyPowell :: StellaImmanuel :: SteveBannon :: TommyRobinson :: Ye :: YuliaNavalnaya [=] AllenWest :: AyaanHirsiAli :: CandaceOwens :: Catturd :: Clandestine :: ConorMcGregor :: DavidIcke :: DmitryMedvedev :: DouglasMacGregor :: EdwardSnowden :: EmeraldRobinson :: GeorgeSoros :: JackPosobiec :: JamesWoods :: JDVance :: JeffRense :: KamalaHQLies :: KristiNoem :: KyleRittenhouse :: LargeMarge :: LauraLoomer :: MariaZakharova :: MattTaibbi :: MikePompeo :: mjg59 :: OliverAnthony :: OSINTdefender :: Prolotario1 :: RandPaul :: RepAndyBiggsAZ :: RFKjr :: RudyGiuliani :: SecPompeo :: SenJohnKennedy :: StoneToss :: StevenCrowder :: StopWorldControl :: SyrianGirl :: TaylorLorenz :: TrumpDailyPosts :: TrumpHistory :: TrumpSwifties :: TrumpWarRoom :: TuckerCarlson :: TulsiGabbard

+++ Telegram
(*) RDJT 2021jan17 :: 13365

President Trump :: RSBN :: Candace Owens :: Steven Crowder :: Donald Trump Jr :: Ben Shapiro :: Dan Bongino :: Charlie Kirk :: James Woods :: Madison Cawthorn :: Project Veritas :: James OKeefe :: Jack Posobiec :: Dinesh DSouza :: Benny Johnson :: ALX :: Ryan Fournier :: Students For Trump :: PragerU :: Turning Point USA :: The Daily Wire :: Daily Caller :: Breitbart :: TheBlaze :: Newsmax TV :: One America News Network :: NTD :: Trump Supporters Channel [=] trump@t.me :: donaldtrumpsupporters@t.me :: Fuentes@t.me :: HillaryClinton@t.me :: InfoWars@t.me :: KiwiFarms@t.me :: SouthFront@t.me

+++ Parler
(*) Freep 2021jan09

AndyNgo :: BatchelorShow :: Bonginoreport :: Candace :: CPAC :: DavidLimbaugh :: Dbongino :: Devinnunes :: DiamondAndSilk :: EricTrump :: GatewayPundit :: GenFlynn :: GlennBeck :: GovernorNoem :: IvankaTrump :: JennaEllisEsq :: JimJordan :: JordanSekulow :: KayleighMcEnany :: KurtSchlichter :: LauraLoomer :: LeoTerrell :: linwood :: LouDobbsTonight :: Mariabartiromotv :: MarkDice :: Marklevinshow :: MegynKelly :: MichelleMalkin :: NRA :: OANN. :: ParlerNews :: Posobiec :: projectveritas :: SeanHannity :: SeanSpicer :: SebGorka :: SharylAttkisson :: SidneyPowell :: StevenCrowder :: TeamTrump :: TedCruz :: TomFitton :: TuckerCarlson :: TulsiGabbard :: WashTimesOpEd

+++ Woke Corporatocracy
(*) ConservativeUS 2020jun06

23andme :: 72andSunny :: AbbVie :: Abbey Road Studios :: The Academy (the Oscars) :: Activision Blizzard :: Adidas :: Airbnb :: Alaska Airlines :: Amazon :: AMD :: American Airlines :: American Express :: American Apparel :: Apple Music :: Ancestry :: Armani :: Astro Gaming :: AT&T :: Atlantic Records :: AWS :: AXE :: Barclays Bank :: Barnes&Noble :: Bandcamp :: Bank of America :: Bayer :: Bergdorf Goodman :: Bethesda :: Ben&Jerrys :: Billboard :: BMW :: BP :: Booking.com :: Boost Mobile :: Bratz :: Burger King :: Bungie :: Burberry :: Burts Bees :: Cadillac :: Call of Duty :: Capcom :: Capitol Records :: Canada Goose :: Cartoon Network :: Chick-fil-A :: Chipotle :: Cisco :: Citigroup :: Coca Cola :: Colourpop Cosmetics :: Conde Nast :: Converse :: CORSAIR :: Creative Commons :: Criterion Collection :: Crunchyroll :: CW :: CVS :: DHL Express :: Dell :: Degree :: Devolver Digital :: DIRECTV :: Discord :: Disney :: Doritos :: DoorDash :: Doulingo :: Dribbble :: Dropbox :: E News :: EA :: Eaton :: eBay :: Eight Sleep :: ESPN :: Etsy :: FedEx :: Fender :: Figma :: FILA :: Fitbit :: Foot Locker :: Formula 1 :: FOX :: Frosted Mini Wheats :: Funimation :: GameSpot :: Gartner :: Gatorade :: Genentech :: General Motors :: Gibson :: Glossier :: GoDaddy :: Goldman Sachs :: GoFundMe :: Google :: GoPro :: Gorilla Glue :: Grammarly :: Grindr :: Guerilla Collective :: Gumroad :: Gushers :: Habitat for Humanity :: Harrys :: HBO :: HBO Max :: Headup :: Help Scout :: Hersheys :: H&M :: Home Depot :: Honda :: HP :: Hulu :: Humana :: Humble Bundle :: HyperX :: IBM :: IKEA :: IMAX :: Indiegogo :: itch.io :: Intel :: Invision :: ITV :: Kickstarter :: Lacoste :: Lego :: Levis :: Lenovo :: Lexus :: LinkedIn :: LOreal Paris :: Logitech :: Lowes :: Lucky Brand :: Lululemon :: Louis Vuitton :: Lyft :: Madden NFL 20 :: Marvel Entertainment :: Mastercard :: MATTEL :: McAfee :: McDonalds :: Merck :: Mercedes Benz :: Met Life :: Metropolitan Opera :: Microsoft :: Mozilla :: Napster :: NASCAR :: Ncsoft :: Netflix :: New Balance :: New York Life :: NFL :: NHL :: Niantic :: Nickelodeon :: Nike :: Nintendo :: Nordstrom :: North Face :: Old Spice :: OnlyFans :: Paramount Pictures :: Paramount Network :: Patreon :: Peloton :: Pepsi Co :: Pfizer Inc :: Playstation :: Plex :: Pokemon :: Popeyes Chicken :: Pop-Tarts :: Pornhub :: Porsche :: Pringles :: Procter&Gamble :: Puget Systems :: PUMA :: Pusheen :: Qualcomm :: Quicken Loans :: Reddit :: RedHat :: Red Lobster :: Red Wing :: Reebok :: Reeses :: Rice Krispies :: Riot Games :: Rockstar Games :: Salesforce :: Sanofi :: Scholastic :: Sega :: Sesame Street :: Society Generale US :: Showtime :: Sketch :: Slack :: Sephora :: Shopify :: Skillshare :: Snap :: Snapchat :: Sony :: Soundcloud :: Spotify :: Square Enix :: STARZ :: Starbucks :: Star Wars :: Subway :: Supreme New York :: Sysco Corporation :: Taco Bell :: Target :: TBS :: Tesco :: Thatgamecompany :: Ticketmaster :: TikTok :: Timberland :: Tinder :: TMobile :: Tumblr :: Twitch :: Twitter :: Uber :: Uber Eats :: Ubisoft :: Ugg :: Ulta Beauty :: Under Armor :: UnitedHealth Group :: Vanguard :: Vans :: VeggieTales :: Verizon :: VERSACE :: Vevo :: Via :: ViacomCBS :: Virgin Records :: Virta :: VIZ :: Vivaldi :: Warner Bros :: Warner Records :: Wells Fargo :: Wendys :: WeWork :: XBox :: Yamaha Music USA :: Yelp :: YouTube :: Zara :: Zildijian :: Zoom

+++ Asia
(*) IndiaPress newspapers
(*) Kurdistan National Network
(*) Tamil Nation
(*) TamilNet.com
(*) Sanskrit Documents in Devanagari
(*) Bhagavad Gita (MaBh VI 23-40) in English
(*) Centre for Middle Eastern Studies
(*) TourAsia Kazakhstan
(*) Kasetsart University Thailand
(*) = (ftp) Mahabharata in Transliteration
(*) = (ping) Chinese Institute of High Energy Physics
(*) = (ping) Peking University
(*) = (ping) Beijing Polytechnic
(*) TRCM SinoLinux Lab

+++ China
(*) china.com
(*) sina.com.cn
(*) Epoch Times
(*) Sing Tao Daily
(*) Purple Mountain Observatory
(*) ChinaLanguage.com
(*) MDBG Chinese English Dictionary
(*) Rendering Chinese Characters on the Web
(*) Zhongwen Chinese Characters Dictionary Web
(*) CUHK Chinese English Dictionary of Modern Usage

+++ Dharma

Buddhanet.net :: Access to Insight :: Journal of Buddhist Ethics Global Resources :: Buddhist Studies WWW Virtual Library :: Buddhism, Indology, &c. :: Internet Guide for Chinese Studies at Heidelberg :: NTU Library :: Bhikkhu Bodhi: the Noble Eightfold Path :: Bardo Thodol :: SiamSmalls :: Falun Dafa :: Soka Gakkai :: Drs Yogi C M Chen & Yutang Lin :: Dhammakaya Meditation :: SaddharmaPundarika BIG5 / GB / English :: Asian eTexts from ANU :: Tibetan Studies WWW Virtual Library :: Google Chittamatra

+++ Media

Music :: Audio :: RadioLow :: RadioHigh :: Video :: Tools :: Bib

+++ Music &c.
(*) Just Intonation Network - whats that sound
(*) OLGA - via GuitarNotes.com
(*) OLGA - (down) Harmony Central
(*) music-lyrics-chord.com
(*) LyricsWorld - its huge & its still moving
(*) LyricsConnection - good list
(*) International Lyrics Server - useful
(*) Sudens Oldies - lyrics & links
(*) MidiMaster - tonsa lyrics
(*) New Jukebox Singles - 45s ref
(*) Billie Holiday Discography - with pix
(*) Bach Central Station - what a guy
(*) Best of LedZeppelin on the Net - what a group
(*) Rise & Fall of Popular Music - a great read
(*) Green Eggs Report - spartiti links
(*) The Classical Bayan - free-reed.net

+++ MP3z / Audio
(*) wuzam
(*) mp3search.nu - ftp servers &c.
(*) cNet.com - search for MP3s
(*) Huge MP3 Archive .com - lotsa pointers
(*) Top 25 MP3 Sites - popup mania
(*) MP3box.to - the largest
(*) MP3clan.net - search engine
(*) Howto find MP3z - sSutherland incl notez on IRC
(*) Said the Gramophone - blog with lotsa bloglinks
(*) Russ Gladden - rather neat ;)
(*) Drum Software - iwritethemusic
(*) Identify Songs Online - ACRcloud

+++ Radio - Low Bitrate
(*) LaRadioFM
(*) Radio-Locator.com
(*) RadioTower.com
(*) The StreamGuide
(*) Gumbopages NonCommercial Radio
(*) DI.FM Digitally Imported - trance &c.
(*) Radio Paradise - listener supported
(*) KFJC-FM 89.7 Los Altos Hills - Foothill College
(*) WWOZ-FM 90.7 New Orleans - jazz & heritage
(*) KVCU-AM 1190 Boulder - U of Colorado
(*) Orbital Grooves - the finest in electronic dance
(*) PlasticAge - radio Australia
(*) WREK-FM 91.1 Georgia Tech - WrekNet
(*) KUOI-FM 89.3 UI Moscow - freeform
(*) KALX-FM 90.7 UC Berkeley - bear territory
(*) WCBN-FM 88.3 UM AnnArbor - from the basement of the SAB
(*) WUMB-FM 91.9 U Mass Boston - folk
(*) WHUS-FM 91.7 U Conn Storrs - radio for the people
(*) SF Liberation Radio 93.7 - pm1600 to pm2300 @100 watts
(*) UK Hit Music Radio - G Media
(*) MoreFM Oxfordshire - classic hit radio
(*) FM 100.6 Radio City Tyumen - Region 72 Russia

+++ Radio - High Bitrate
(*) WPRB-FM 103.3 Princeton - pretty awesome
(*) KUCI-FM 88.9 UC Irvine - mass cool
(*) WVFS-FM 89.7 Tallahassee - the voice of FSU
(*) KEXP-FM 90.3 U Washington Seattle - where the music matters
(*) KCSB-FM 91.9 UC Santa Barbara - from beneath Storke tower
(*) KVRX-FM 91.7 UT Austin - student radio
(*) WMNF-FM 88.5 Orlando - community radio
(*) WWUH-FM 91.3 University of Hartford - Public Alternative
(*) KCOU-FM 88.1 Columbia - UMo
(*) KUSF-FM 90.3 University of SF - legendary
(*) WVFI-AM 640 Notre Dame - voice of the fighting Irish
(*) KCR-FM 98.9 San Diego State - since 1969
(*) KSDT UC San Diego - live boothcam
(*) Radio Garden - live radio from around the world
(*) Radio Orange 94.0 Austria - free radio in Vienna
(*) pi.fm - international
(*) MosRadio - now live
(*) strana.fm - Moscow
(*) Radio Dom Druzhbi - Volgograd
(*) Radio Stalingrad - online red
(*) DFM 94.7 FM - Nizhny Novgorod
(*) Radio Tropeekano - from Ulan-Ude

+++ Video
(*) Low Spark - Traffic 1972
(*) Thrill of it All - Roxy Music 1976
(*) Troll Song - EA Khil 1976
(*) Suspended in Gaffa - Kate Bush 1982
(*) Athletic Dan - Frank Allison 1989
(*) Empty Pages - Traffic 1994
(*) Neon Tetra - Umberloid 2003
(*) Marcia Baila - Les Rita Mitsouko 2004
(*) Tanya Tereshina - Tochki Nad i 2011
(*) Incense & Peppermints - Strawberry Alarm Clock 2012
(*) Kot Begemot - Larisa Dolina 2012
(*) Kid Charlemagne - Steely Dan 2013
(*) Old Familiar Steam - Old 97s 2013
(*) Starship Trooper - Yes 2013
(*) Valenki - Pelageya 2015
(*) Vali Gulyai - Graducy 2017

+++ Tools
(*) Youtube to AVI convertor - clipconverter.cc
(*) Youtube to MP3 convertor - onlinevideoconverter.pro
(*) AVI to GIF convertor - online-convert
(*) AVI to MP4 convertor - freeconvert.com
(*) Burdine & the Tweevils - mother of pink (!)

+++ Bibliolatry
(*) Enuma Elish - crivoice.org
(*) The Tanach page - masoretic text
(*) Books of Enoch - nazirene.org
(*) Sefer ha-Bahir - servants of the light
(*) Sefer Yetzirah - Westcott edition
(*) Soncino Talmud - selections (come and hear)
(*) Soncino Talmud - complete individual chapters
(*) = (zip) Soncino Talmud - complete 30M download
(*) = (goo) Soncino Talmud - complete 50M download (various servers)
(*) = (goo) tempted to do evil he should go
(*) The Zohar - kabbalah.com
(*) Greek NT Web - basileia & dynamis & doxa &c.
(*) Bible in Tamil - its unicode
(*) Bible Gateway
(*) Bible Resources - NewAdvent
(*) Wisdom of Solomon - kjv online
(*) Works of Josephus - sacred-texts.com
(*) Morals & Precepts - Culdian Trust
(*) Webkitab - Al-Kitab.org
(*) Yusuf Ali Quran - Harun Yahya
(*) Hadith collection - iium.edu.my
(*) Bukhari Hadith - sultan.org
(*) Four Ahadith - guidedways.com
(*) Four Ahadith - searchtruth.com

(*) Sunan Abu Dawud - Prof Hasan image 1
(*) Sunan Abu Dawud - Prof Hasan image 2
(*) Rajam in the Hadith - no its not in the Quran
(*) = (goo) Those who purchase idle tales - music in the Quran
(*) = (goo) Bukhari on musical instruments - let the mountain fall on them
(*) = (goo) Abu Dawud 2263 - the funniest Hadith
(*) Kitab al-Kafi - partial translation
(*) Kitab al-Kafi - holybooks.com
(*) Dar al-Hadith - Cultural Scientific Institute
(*) Shanameh - Ferdowsi
(*) Biblioteca Pleyades
(*) Modern History Project
(*) JRs Rare Books & Commentary
(*) Library of Economics & Liberty
(*) Higher Intellect
(*) Morals & Dogma - Albert Pike
(*) Grundsatze der Volkswirtschaftslehre - Carl Menger
(*) Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu - Maurice Joly
(*) Zionism vs Bolshevism - Winston Churchill
(*) From Major Jordans Diaries - sweetliberty.org
(*) Red Symphony - Illuminati News
(*) Red Symphony - Biblioteca Pleyades
(*) Economics in One Lesson - Henry Hazlitt
(*) Clean Break - IASPS

+++ Tinfoil

RightSmarts2024 :: JudiciaryCommittee2023 :: USTreasury2022 :: NewsGuard2021 :: Telstra2019 :: Poynter2018 :: GovtSlaves2017 :: ComProp2018 :: PropOrNot2016 :: SHTFplan2016 :: DBKP2011 :: LoveEarth2015 :: Story2009 :: BLN2023 :: Misc :: NWO

+++ Top "Conservative" Websites
(*) RightSmarts 2024jan29

RevolverNews. :: OANN. :: HumanEvents :: NewsMax. :: BreitbartNewsNetwork :: WesternJournal. :: TheBonginoReport :: DailyCaller. :: ZeroHedge :: DailyWire. :: InfoWars :: WashingtonExaminer :: TheGatewayPundit :: WayneDupree.com. :: WashingtonTimes :: TheBlaze :: BizPacReview :: NationalReview :: WND. :: Townhall :: PJMedia :: JudicialWatch. :: AmericanThinker :: TheFederalist. :: HotAir :: FreeRepublic. :: Twitchy :: TheConservativeTreehouse. :: Heritage :: RedState :: WashingtonFreeBeacon :: Newsbusters. :: RushLimbaugh :: ChicksOnTheRight :: TheAmericanConservative :: PowerlineBlog :: CNSNews :: LewRockwell :: DailySignal :: LouderWithCrowder :: TheRightScoop. :: BigLeaguePolitics :: WeeklyStandard :: TruePundit. :: Lucianne :: WeaselZippers. :: McClatchyDC :: FrontpageMag :: Hannity :: ThePoliticalInsider :: TheFederalistPapers. :: WhatReallyHappened :: Spectator.org :: LegalInsurrection :: TrumpTrainNews :: IndependentJournalReview(IJR) :: PrisonPlanet :: TheHornNews :: TheLibertyDaily :: TheCommonSenseShow :: FirstThings :: BillOReilly :: RedStateWatcher :: InformationLiberation. :: 100PercentFedUp. :: ConservativeReview :: TheRebel :: CanadaFreePress :: AnnCoulter :: MRCTV :: GlennBeck :: BipartisanReport. :: DickMorris :: ConservativeDailyPost :: SteynOnline :: Dangerous.com :: ClashDaily. :: TheDailySheeple :: PatriotPost. :: MarkLevinShow :: TheBlacksphere :: MadWorldNews :: Linkiest :: GOPUSA :: BlazingCatFur :: MRC :: FreedomWorks :: MichelleMalkin :: DennisMichaelLynch :: Moonbattery. :: DownTrend :: DailyHeadlines :: ThreePercentNation :: AccuracyInMedia(AIM) :: TheResurgent :: WeAreChange :: JoeMiller :: Conservative-Daily.com :: RenewAmerica :: DanielPipes :: TheOtherMcCain :: TruthRevolt :: OutsideTheBeltway :: DaTechGuyBlog :: ConservativeHQ. :: WhitehouseDossier. :: ConservativeRead :: ConservativeFighters. :: RedAlertPolitics :: DebbieSchlussel :: AmericasFreedomFighters. :: Disinfo. :: RepublicBuzz :: TheMattWalshBlog :: Revolution:Radio :: Cernovich.com :: TrueViralNews :: PatriotJournal :: IHaveTheTruth :: USDefenseWatch :: Conservative101 :: 63Red :: SupremePatriot :: HeadlinePolitics :: Regated :: NewYorkPost

+++ Weaponisation of Disinformation
(*) Judiciary Committee 2023nov06

President DJT :: Senator Thom Tillis :: Speaker Newt Gingrich :: Governor Mike Huckabee :: Congressman Thomas Massie :: Congresswoman MTG :: Newsmax :: The Babylon Bee :: Sean Hannity :: Mollie Hemingway :: Harmeet Dhillon :: Charlie Kirk :: Candace Owens :: Jack Posobiec :: Tom Fitton :: James OKeefe :: Benny Johnson :: Michelle Malkin :: Sean Davis :: Dave Rubin :: Paul Sperry :: Tracy Beanz :: Chanel Rion

+++ Disinformation Outlets
(*) U.S. Treasury 2022mar03

SCF :: OdnaRodyna :: RhythmOfEurasia :: JournalKamerton :: NEO :: OrientalReview. :: InfoRos. :: NewsFront :: SouthFront. :: UWI :: Geopolitica.ru

+++ Misinformers
(*) NewsGuard 2021dec29

newsmax.com. :: TGP :: thefederalist. :: liveaction.org :: lifenews.com. :: djhjmedia.com. :: waynedupree. :: wnd.com. :: zerohedge.com :: returntonow.net.

+++ Telstra Exchange
(*) IWB 2019mar19

voat.co. :: 4chan.org :: 8ch.net :: liveleak.com. :: archive.is :: bitchute.com. :: zerohedge.com :: kiwifarms.net. :: eztv.is :: dissenter.com.

+++ Unreliable News Index
(*) Poynter 2018nov15

100percentfedup.com. :: 12minutos.com :: 21stcenturywire.com. :: 24aktuelles.com :: 4threvolutionarywar :: abovetopsecret.com :: abriluno.com :: aceflashman :: acting-man.com :: actionnews3.com :: activistpost.com. :: actualidadpanamericana :: addictinginfo.org :: adflegal.org :: adobochronicles.com :: aheadoftheherd.com :: ahtribune.com :: allnews4us.com :: allnewspipeline.com. :: alt-market.com :: alternativemediasyndicate :: americablog.com :: americanborderpatrol :: americanfreepress.net. :: americanjournalreview :: americanlookout.com. :: americanpatriotdaily.com :: americanthinker.com :: americantoday.news :: americasfreedomfighters. :: americaslastlineofdefense :: ammoland.com :: amren.com. :: amtvmedia.com :: ancient-code.com. :: anews24.org :: angrypatriotmovement.com :: anonews.co. :: anonhq.com. :: antiwar.com. :: asia-pacificresearch.com :: assassinationscience.com :: associatedmediacoverage :: attitude.co.uk :: awarenessact.com :: awazetribune.com :: awdnews.com :: awm.com :: barenakedislam.com :: barnesreview.org :: bb4sp.com :: beforeitsnews.com. :: benjaminfulford :: bigamericannews.com :: bighairynews.com :: bipartisanreport.com. :: blackagendareport.com :: blackgenocide.org :: blacklistednews.com. :: blingnews.com :: bluenationreview.com :: breaking911.com. :: breakingnews247.net :: breakingnews365.net :: breakpoint.org :: breitbart.com :: brokenworldnews:com :: burrardstreetjournal.com :: callthecops.net :: canadafreepress.com :: cannasos.com :: cap-news.com :: cbinfo24:com :: centerforsecuritypolicy :: channel18news.com :: channel22news.com :: channel23news.com :: channel24news.com :: channel28news.com :: channel33news.com :: channel34news.com :: channel45news.com :: charismanews.com :: checkoutthehealthyworld :: christwire.org :: chronicle.su. :: citizensunited.org :: cityworldnews.com :: civictribune.com :: clashdaily.com. :: clickhole.com. :: cnnnext.com :: cnoticias.net :: cnsnews.com :: coasttocoastam.com. :: coed.com :: collective-evolution.com :: commondreams.org. :: concisepolitics.com :: consciouslifenews.com :: conservapedia.com :: conservativeangle.com :: conservativebyte.com :: conservativedailypost :: conservativefighters.com. :: conservativefiringline. :: conservativehq.com. :: conservativepapers.com. :: conservativepost.com. :: conservativerefocus.com :: conservativespirit:com :: corbettreport.com. :: countdowntozerotime: :: countercurrents.org. :: counterjihad.com :: counterpsyops.com :: cowgernation.com :: creativitymovement.net :: cryptogon.com. :: dailybuzzlive.com :: dailycaller.com. :: dailydiscord.com. :: dailyheadlines.com :: dailyheadlines.net :: dailykos.com :: dailynews11.com :: dailynewsposts.info :: dailyoccupation.com :: dailysignal.com :: dailysnark.com :: dailysquib.co.uk :: dailysurge.com :: dailytelegraph.com.au :: dailywire.com. :: darkmoon.me. :: dataasylum.com :: davejanda.com :: davidduke.com :: davidwolfe.com :: dcclothesline:com :: dcgazette.com :: deadlyclear :: debunkingskeptics.com :: defenddemocracy.press :: democraticmoms:com :: democraticunderground :: derfmagazine.com :: disclose.tv. :: diversitychronicle :: dollarvigilante.com :: donaldtrumpnews:co :: dont-tread-on.me :: downtrend.com :: drrichswier.com :: drudgereport.com :: duffelblog.com :: duhprogressive.com :: dutchsinse.com :: eaglerising.com :: economicnoise.com :: educate-yourself.org. :: educateinspirechange.org :: electionnightgatekeepers :: elelephantintheroom :: elitereaders.com :: elkoshary.com :: elmundotoday.com :: empireherald.com :: empirenews.net. :: en-volve.com. :: endoftheamericandream. :: endtime.com :: eutimes.net :: ewao.com :: experimentalvaccines.org. :: expose1933.com :: express.co.uk :: eyeopening.info :: factrider:com :: fakingnews.com :: famousviralstories.com :: farmwars.info :: fbnewscycle.com :: federalistpress.com :: fellowshipoftheminds :: financialsurvivalnetwork :: firearmscoalition.org :: fognews.ru :: foodbabe.com :: freebeacon.com :: freedomoutpost.com. :: freedomsfinalstand.com :: freedomsphoenix.com. :: freedumjunkshun.com :: freeinfomedia.com :: freerepublic.com. :: fridaymash:com :: fromthetrenchesworldreport. :: frontpagemag.com :: gaia.com :: galacticconnection.com :: gangstergovernment.com. :: gatesofvienna.net :: gellerreport.com :: geoengineeringwatch.org :: givemeliberty01.com :: globalresearch.ca :: godlikeproductions.com :: govtslaves.info :: greanvillepost.com :: greenmedinfo.com :: guccifer2.wordpress.com :: gulagbound.com :: halfwaypost.com :: hangthebankers.com :: healthimpactnews.com :: healthnutnews.com :: healthy-holistic-living.com :: heartland.org :: heightpost.com :: henrymakow.com :: higherperspectives.com :: holyobserver.com :: horowitzfreedomcenter :: humansarefree.com :: huzlers.com :: icr.org :: ideaspots.com :: ihr.org :: illuminati-news.com :: ilovemyfreedom.org. :: immediatesafety.org :: in5d.com :: independentminute.com :: indiatimes.com :: infiniteunknown.net :: informationclearinghouse :: informetoday.com :: infostormer.com. :: infowars.com :: intellihub.com. :: intrepidreport.com :: investmentresearchdynamics :: investmentwatchblog.com. :: islamicanews.com :: itaglive.com :: jamesrgrangerjr.com :: jesus-is-savior.com :: jewsnews.co:il :: jihadwatch.org :: jimstone.is :: journal-neo:org :: judicialwatch.org. :: kagfeed:com :: katehon.com. :: knowledgeoftoday.org :: ladylibertysnews:com :: lewrockwell.com :: liberalbias.com :: liberaldarkness.com :: libertyblitzkrieg.com :: libertynews.com :: libertytalk.fm :: libertyunyielding.com. :: libertyvideos.org :: libertywriters:com :: lifenews.com :: lifesitenews.com. :: lifezette.com :: liveactionnews.org :: liveleak.com. :: livevote.com :: loanpride.com :: londonwebnews.com :: lovethispic.com :: lushforlife.com :: macedoniaonline:eu :: mad-yet.blogspot.com :: madpatriots.com :: madworldnews.com :: meanlefthook.com :: mediamass.net :: mentor2day.com :: militianews.com :: mminfo24.com :: moonofalabama.org. :: mrc.org :: myfreshnews.com :: nation.com.pk :: nationalreport.net :: nationalufocenter.com :: nationalvanguard.org :: naturalblaze.com :: naturalnews.com :: naturalnewsblogs.com :: neonnettle.com :: news4ktla.com :: newsbiscuit.com :: newsbreakers.org :: newscorpse.com :: newsexaminer.net :: newsfrompolitics.com :: newsjustforyou1 :: newslogue:com :: newsmax.com. :: newsmutiny.com :: newspunch.com. :: newstarget.com. :: newstoad.net :: newsuptoday.com :: newswatch28.com :: newswire-24.com :: newswithviews.com :: newzmagazine.com. :: nomorefakenews.com. :: northcrane.com :: notallowedto.com :: noticias-frescas.com :: notizzia.com :: now8news.com :: nowtheendbegins.com. :: nutritionalanarchy.com :: oathkeepers.org :: objectiveministries.org :: occupydemocrats.com :: occupyliberals.com :: off-guardian.org :: offgridsurvival.com :: oftwominds.com :: onepoliticalplaza.com :: orientalreview:org :: other98.com :: pakalertpress.com :: palmerreport.com. :: patriotchronicle.com :: patriotcrier:com :: patriotnewsdaily.com. :: patriotpost.us. :: patriotrising.com :: patriotupdate.com :: paulcraigroberts.org :: pjmedia.com :: platosguns.com :: politicalcult.com :: politicalgarbagechute :: politicalmayhem.news :: politicalsitenews.com :: politicot.com :: politicususa.com :: pollhype.com :: postcard.news :: postillon.com :: pravda.ru. :: pravdareport.com. :: prepperwebsite.com :: presstv.com :: prisonplanet.com :: private-eye.co.uk :: progressivestoday.com :: projectveritas.com :: puppetstringnews:com :: rawstory.com :: react365.com :: reagancoalition.com :: realfarmacy.com. :: realnewsrightnow.com :: realtimepolitics.com :: rearfront.com :: redstate.com :: redstatewatcher.com :: reductress.com :: remedydaily.com :: rense.com :: reporter.bz :: responsibletechnology.org :: returnofkings.com :: rickwells.us :: rightalert.com :: rightwingnews.com :: rightwingtribune.com :: rogue-nation3.com :: rt.com :: rumormillnews.com. :: russia-insider.com. :: rwnofficial.com :: satirewire.com :: sensationalisttimes.com :: shareblue.com :: sheepkillers.com :: silverbearcafe.com :: silverdoctors.com. :: silverstealers.net :: skeptiko.com :: smag31.com :: sonsoflibertyradio.com :: sovereignman.com :: speld.nl :: sportspickle.com :: sputniknews.com. :: stgeorgegazette.com :: stillnessinthestorm.com. :: stneotscitizen.com :: stormcloudsgathering.com :: stuppid.com :: subjectpolitics.com :: success-street:com :: tdtalliance.com :: teaparty.org :: the-postillon.com :: theamericanmirror.com. :: thebigriddle.com :: theblaze.com :: thecommonsenseshow :: theconservativetreehouse. :: thedailymash.co.uk :: thedailysheeple.com :: thedailywtf.com :: theduran.com :: theeconomiccollapseblog. :: theeventchronicle:com :: thefederalistpapers.org. :: thefreepatriot.org :: thefreethoughtproject.com :: thegatewaypundit.com :: thegoldandoilguy.com :: theinformedamerican.net :: thelapine.ca :: thelibertybeacon.com :: thelibertymill.com. :: themindunleashed.com. :: themindunleashed.org. :: themuslimissue :: thenationalmarijuananews :: thenewamerican.com :: thenewsdoctors.com :: thepeoplescube.com :: thephaser.com. :: thepoliticalinsider.com :: thepremiumnews.com :: theracketreport.com :: therightscoop.com. :: therightstuff.biz :: therooster.com :: therundownlive.com :: theskunk.org :: thesmokersclub.com :: thetruthaboutcancer.com :: thetruthdivision.com :: thetruthseeker.co.uk. :: thetruthwins.com :: theunrealtimes.com :: thevalleyreport.com :: threepercenternation.com :: thuglifevideos.com :: tomwoods.com :: topinfopost.com :: trend-news.com :: trueactivist.com :: truepundit.com. :: trumpbetrayed.us :: truthandaction.org. :: truthfeednews.com :: truthrevolt.org :: twitchy.com :: ufoholic.com :: unclesamsmisguidedchildren :: unconfirmedsources.com :: undergroundworldnews.com :: unitedmediapublishing.com :: universaleinfo.com :: unz.com. :: urdoca.com :: usamagazinestudio.com :: usanewstoday.com :: usasupreme.com. :: usawatchdog.com. :: uschronicle.com :: usdefensewatch.com :: ussanews.com :: ustruthwire.com :: vdare.com. :: veteranstoday.com :: vigilantcitizen.com :: viralcords.com :: viralliberty.com :: viralnewssocial.com :: wakeupthesheep.com :: wakingtimes.com. :: wallstreetonparade.com. :: washingtonsblog.com :: waterfordwhispersnews :: wearechange.org :: wearethellod.com :: weaselzippers.us. :: weeklyworldnews.com :: weshapelife.org. :: whatdoesitmean.com. :: whatreallyhappened.com :: whowhatwhy.org :: whydontyoutrythis.com :: wikispooks.com :: williambanzai7.blogspot.com :: witscience.org :: wnd.com. :: wolfstreet.com. :: wonkie.com :: worldnewsdailyreport.com :: worldtruth.tv. :: x22report.com :: yesimright.com :: yournewswire:com :: zerohedge.com :: zootfeed.com

+++ Bookmark This
(*) GovtSlaves 2017aug30

$kidie.com. :: 12160.info :: ACLJ.org :: Activistpost.com. :: AIM.org :: Allgov.com. :: Allnewspipeline.com. :: Americanthinker.com :: Anotherdayintheempire :: Antiwar.com. :: Artofmanliness.com :: Axios.com :: Barnhardt.biz. :: Bizpacreview.com :: Blacklistednews.com. :: Breitbart.com :: CaitlinJohnstone :: Campusreform.org :: Caravantomidnight.com :: Christianpost.com :: Citypaper.com :: Clashdaily.com. :: CNSnews.com :: Coasttocoastam.com. :: Collective-evolution.com :: Conservativedailypost.com :: Conservativekings.com. :: Conservativetribune.com. :: Constitution.com :: Copblock.org :: Corbettreport.com. :: Counterpunch.org :: Courthousenews.com :: Cryptome.org. :: Dailycaller.com. :: Dailysignal.com :: Davidicke.com. :: Democracynow.org :: Dennismichaellynch.com :: Devvy.com :: Disobedientmedia.com :: Drudgereport.com :: EAGnews.org :: Fellowshipoftheminds.com :: Freebeacon.com :: Freedomoutpost.com. :: Freedomproject.com :: Freedomsphoenix.com :: Fromthetrenchesworldreport. :: Full-Spectrum-Dominance.com. :: Globalresearch.ca :: Godfatherpolitics.com :: Gotnews.com. :: Govtslaves.info :: Ground Zero :: Hagmannreport.com :: Hangthebankers.com :: Hellofla.com :: Henrymakow.com :: HSLDA.org :: Independentjournalreview :: Informationclearinghouse :: Informationliberation.com. :: Infowars.com :: Intellihub.com. :: Joemiller.us :: Jonrappoport. :: Judicialwatch.org. :: Lastresistance.com :: Lewrockwell.com :: Libertybeacon.com :: Libertyheadlines.com :: Lifenews.com :: Lifesitenews.com. :: Marylanddriversalliance.org :: Massprivatei :: McClatchy.com :: Milo.yiannopoulos.net :: Minds.com :: Mintpressnews.com. :: Moonbattery.com. :: Moonofalabama.org. :: Nationofchange.org :: Newsbud.com. :: Newsbusters.org. :: Newstarget.com. :: Newswars.com :: Newswithviews.com :: NTKnetwork:com :: Opposingviews.com :: Patdollard.com :: Paulcraigroberts.org :: PINAC :: PJmedia.com :: Prisonplanet.com :: Projectveritas.com :: Publicintelligence.net. :: Raygano.com :: Reason.com :: Redflagnews:com. :: Refugeeresettlementwatch :: Rense.com :: Rollcall.com :: Ronpaulinstitute.org :: Sgtreport.com. :: ShaneKastler :: SHTFplan.com. :: Skywatchtv.com :: Sott.net. :: SteveQuayle.com. :: Tenthamendmentcenter :: Theamericanmirror.com. :: Theantimedia.com :: Theblaze.com :: Thecollegefix.com. :: Thecommonsenseshow :: Thedailysheeple.com :: Theeconomiccollapseblog. :: Thefederalist.com. :: Thefreethoughtproject.com :: Thegatewaypundit.com :: Theintercept.com. :: Thenationalsentinel.com. :: Thenewamerican.com :: Thenewspaper.com. :: Therightscoop.com. :: Thesmokinggun.com :: Thomasdishaw:com :: Topsecretwriters.com. :: Townhall.com :: Trueactivist.com :: Truepundit.com. :: Trump.news. :: Trunews.com :: Truth-out.org. :: Truthrevolt:org :: Truthstreammedia.com :: Twitchy.com :: USAwatchdog.com. :: USdefensewatch.com :: USnews.com :: Vdare.com. :: Veteranstoday.com :: Wakingtimes.com. :: Washingtonexaminer.com :: Washingtonsblog.com :: Washingtontimes.com :: Wearechange.org :: Weeklystandard.com :: Westernjournalism.com :: Whatreallyhappened.com :: Whitehousedossier.com. :: Whowhatwhy.org :: Wikileaks.org :: WND.com. :: WSWS.org. :: Z3news.com [=] 247wallstreet.com :: 321gold.com :: Acting-man.com. :: Agweek.com :: Alt-Market.com :: Armstrongeconomics.com :: Brotherjohnf.com. :: Capitalpress.com :: Chainstoreage.com. :: Coindesk.com. :: Dailyjobcuts.com :: Dailyreckoning.com. :: Dolartoday.com :: Economicpolicyjournal. :: ETFdailynews.com :: Goldsilver.com. :: Ibankcoin.com :: Investmentwatchblog.com. :: Kingworldnews.com :: Libertyblitzkrieg.com :: Maxkeiser.com :: Mises.org :: Mishtalk.com :: Moneyish.com :: Mybudget360.com :: Personalliberty.com. :: Retaildive.com. :: Seekingalpha.com :: Schiffgold.com :: Silverdoctors.com. :: Sovereignman.com :: TFmetalsreport.com :: Thecrux.com. :: Thedailybell.com. :: Thepacker.com :: Visualcapitalist.com. :: Wallstreetonparade.com. :: Wealthydebates.com. :: Wolfstreet.com. :: X22report.com. :: Zerohedge.com [=] Ancientcode.com. :: Arstechnica.com :: Betanews.com. :: Climatedepot.com :: Dailygalaxy.com :: Disclose.tv. :: EFF.org :: Enenews.com :: Eurekalert.org. :: Geoengineeringwatch.org. :: Hackernews.com. :: Livescience.com. :: MNN.com :: Newscientist.com. :: Phys.org. :: Redorbit.com. :: Sciencedaily.com :: Seeker.com :: Techcrunch.com :: Techdirt.com. :: Themindunleashed.com. :: Torrentfreak.com :: Universetoday.com :: Watchers.news. 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[=] Alternativenews.com. :: Beforeitsnews.com. :: Censored.news. :: Conspiracyculture.com. :: Fetch.news. :: Hacker News. :: Newsblok.net. :: Rumormillnews.com. :: Standeyo.com :: Thelibertymill.com. :: Wearethenewmedia.com [=] Adam Kokesh :: AMTV :: Chris Simpson :: Clif High :: Corbett Report :: DAHBOO77 :: David Icke :: Dollar Vigilante :: Dr. Axe :: Dr. Greger :: Dr. Group :: Dr. John Bergman :: Dr. Mercola :: Dr. Eric Berg :: Frankie MacDonald :: George Webb :: Gerald Celente :: Grant Cardone :: Greg Hunter :: Gregory Mannarino :: Hagmann Report :: Health Ranger :: Infowars :: Jason A :: Jason Goodman :: Laughing at Liberals :: Lauren Southern :: Mark Dice :: Mike Cernovich :: Morris :: Next News Network :: Paul Begley :: Paul Joseph Watson :: Press For Truth :: Project Veritas :: Realist News :: Rebel Media :: Ron Gibson :: Ron Paul Liberty Report :: RT :: SGT Report :: Stefan Molyneux :: Steve Pieczenik. :: Steve Quayle :: The Real News :: The Still Report :: Tim Pool :: Truthstream Media :: We Are Change :: X22 Report

+++ Junk News
(*) ComProp 2018feb06

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+++ Propaganda or Not ?
(*) PropOrNot 2016nov09

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+++ Websites They "Dont" Want You to Read
(*) SHTFplan.com 2016jan29

21StCenturyWire.com. :: 800WhistleBlower.com :: ActivistPost.com. :: Alternet.org :: AmericanNews.com :: AntiWar.com. :: BeforeItsNews.com. :: BigPZone.com :: Chronicle.su. :: ConsciousLifeNews.com. :: ConspiracyWire.com :: CountdownToZeroTime:com :: CounterPsyOps.com. :: DailyBuzzLive.com :: DailyCurrant.com :: DCClothesLine:com :: Disclose.tv. :: DuffelBlog.com :: DuhProgressive.com :: EliteReaders.com. :: EmpireNews.net. :: English.ruvr.ru :: EUTimes.net. :: FederalistPress.com :: FreePatriot.org :: FromTheTrenchesWorldReport. :: GeoEngineeringWatch.org. :: GlobalResearch.ca :: GonzoGlobe.com :: GovtSlaves.info :: GuardianLV.com :: GulagBound.com :: HangTheBankers.com :: HealthImpactNews.com :: HumansAreFree.com :: Huzlers.com :: InfoWars.com :: IntelliHub.com. :: LewRockwell.com :: LibertyNews.com :: LiveFreeLiveNatural.com :: NationalReport.net. :: NaturalCuresNotMedicine :: NaturalNews.com :: Newswire-24.com :: NoDisinfo.com :: NotAllowedTo.com :: Now8News.com :: NowTheEndBegins.com. :: PakAlertPress.com :: PoliticalBlindSpot.com. :: PressTV.ir. :: PrisonPlanet.com :: RandPaulReview.com :: RawForBeauty.com :: RealFarmacy.com. :: RedFlagNews:com. :: ResponsibleTechnology.org :: RT.com :: SecretsOfTheFed.com :: SouthWeb:org :: TheCommonSenseShow :: TheControversialFiles:net :: TheDailySheeple.com :: TheFreeThoughtProject :: TheLastGreatStand:com :: TheNewAmerican.com :: TheRacketReport.com :: TheRightPlanet.com :: TheRunDownLive.com :: TheUSPatriot.com :: TopInfoPost:com :: TruthAndAction.org. :: TruthBroadcastNetwork:com :: TurnerRadioNetwork.com :: UndergroundHealth.com :: USAHitman.com. :: VeteransToday.com :: WesternJournalism.com :: WhyDontYouTryThis.com :: WorldNewsDailyReport.com. :: WorldTruth.tv :: YourNewsWire:com [=] AllNewsPipeline. :: Alt-Market :: Anti-Media :: CorbettReport. :: DailyCoin :: EndTimeHeadlines. :: LibertyBlitzkrieg :: OrganicPrepper :: PeakProsperity :: PrepperWebsite :: ReadyNutrition :: SGTReport. :: SkywatchTV :: SteveQuayle. :: JeffRense :: SurvivalBlog :: TopRightNews :: TruthStreamMedia :: WhatReallyHappened :: ZeroHedge

+++ Alternate News 100
(*) DBKP Report 2011apr19

InfoWars :: AboveTopSecret :: GodlikeProductions :: DrBruMac :: NaturalNews :: PrisonPlanet :: AlterNet :: RawStory :: Rense :: DavidIcke. :: CoastToCoastAM. :: BeforeItsNews. :: TopConspiracySites. :: DiscloseTV. :: PeoplesVoice :: TheParanormal :: Disinformation. :: WhatReallyHappened :: GlobalResearch :: VigilantCitizen :: BibliotecaPleyades :: ActivistPost. :: Unexplained-Mysteries. :: PijamaSurf :: AntiWar.com. :: RedIceCreations. :: InformationClearinghouse :: OpEdNews :: RealitySandwich :: Makow :: WhatDoesItMean. :: JesusIsSavior. :: UFOdigest :: Intellihub. :: SkepticsDictionary :: GreatDreams :: EducateYourself. :: VeteransToday :: Intute :: GCN :: StanDeyo. :: HeavensAbove. :: UnknownCountry. :: Adbusters :: UFOcasebook. :: LunaticOutpost :: Cassiopaea :: NewsWithViews :: CenterForAnInformedAmerica :: SpiritDaily. :: ForbiddenKnowledge :: CuttingEdge :: ZCommunications :: UnfilteredNews :: KjosMinistries :: RealUFOs :: IlluminatiNews :: WorldviewWeekend :: UFOevidence :: ForteanTimes :: RBN. :: Alien-UFOs. :: OperationClambake :: 12160 :: Tarpley. :: DailyGrail. :: KeelyNet. :: AE911Truth :: Post&Email. :: DProgram :: Paranormality. :: BFRO :: CyberspaceMinistry :: Phantoms&Monsters :: WildernessSurvival :: MUFON :: ConspiracyArchives :: CropCircleConnector :: AstralPulse. :: TheComingDepression :: DisclosureProject :: UnsolvedMysteries. :: MasonicInfo :: NewWorldOrderReport :: ConspiracyPlanet. :: 911truth.org :: FreemasonryWatch :: CuttingThroughTheMatrix :: TheMystica :: FromTheWilderness :: TheShadowlands :: MysticalBlaze :: PropagandaMatrix. :: CorbettReport. :: InfoWars.net :: AL2012 :: AdventOfDeception :: UnexplainedMysteries. :: ProjectCensored :: Paranormalis

+++ LoveEarth Network
(*) AlternativeNews.net 2015oct10

rense.com :: newsmax.com. :: emperors-clothes.com :: konformist.com :: thespectrumnews:com :: rumormillnews.com. :: whatreallyhappened :: tryfax.org :: alternewswire:com :: alternet.org :: disinfo.com. :: theonion.com :: cyberspaceorbit.com :: nomorefakenews.com. :: globalresearch.com :: globalcircle:com :: guerillanews.com :: zmag.org. :: educateyourself.org. :: altpress.org. [=] davidicke.com. :: psyopnews:com :: almartinraw.com :: whatareweswallowing :: tetrahedron.org. :: conspiracyplanet.com. :: conspiracycon.com :: conspire.com :: millenium-ark.net. :: spotlight.org :: dorothynetwork:org [=] buildfreedom:com :: knowfree:com :: givemeliberty.org :: steamshovelpress.com :: counterpunch.org :: thetruth.com :: gettingit.com :: freeamerican.com :: freeworldalliance.com :: thesmokinggun.com. :: paranoiamagazine [=] copvcia:com :: williamcooper.com :: enterprisemission.com. :: disclosureproject.org :: davesweb.com :: albielek.com :: sauderzone:com :: drsusanblock.com. :: whatmattersnu.com :: eyesonamerica:com :: statewatch.org. :: alienzoo.com [=] greenpeace.org :: nature.org :: adoptanacre.org :: chemtrailcentral.com :: chemtrailtrackingusa :: carnicom:com/contrails :: islandnet:com/~wilco :: fluoridealert.com :: dorway.com :: marqueconnector/ :: militarycorruption.com. :: caus:org :: skolnicksreport.com :: attac.org :: justiceteamone:org :: geocities:com/drboylan :: hrw.org :: earthchangestv.com :: sightings.com :: votescam:com :: themediacult:com :: adbusters.org [=] earthrainbownetwork. :: spiritweb:org :: nexusmagazine.com :: artbell.com. :: lauralee.com :: newdawnmagazine :: mediachannel.org :: newciv.org. :: goddess2000:org :: lightshift.com :: onlinejournal:com :: mtnlightsanctuary:com :: mysticplanet.com :: search.paganforest [=] healingcelebrations :: healthforfreedom.com :: notmilk.com. :: dorway.com :: medicinegarden.com :: healingsounds.com :: healthfree.com [=] consciousevolution.net :: onenessnow:com :: wolflodge.org :: nativeweb.org. :: operationterra.com :: paoweb.com :: buddhanet.org :: worldpuja.org [=] gaia.org :: nesara.com :: infosourceresearch :: keelynet.com. :: padrak.com/ine :: connexion:com :: afsc.org :: spiritofmaat.com :: angelscribe.com :: boundaryinstitute.org :: earthdance.org :: 5thworld.com :: culturalcreatives.org :: monolithicdome.com :: isleofavalon.co.uk :: starwheels.com :: geomancy.org :: gracecathedral.org :: sacredsites.com :: spiritatwork.com :: fantasticphoenix.free:fr :: newage.com.au :: futureworld.dk

+++ Christopher Story Disinformation List
(*) Global Analysis 2009oct27

aim.org :: airamericaradio:com :: albasrah.net :: aljazeera.com :: almartinraw.com :: americanfreepress.net. :: angleon911:com :: antiwar.com. :: apfn.org :: arcticbeacon.com :: batr.org :: bellaciao.org. :: bilderberg.org :: blackboxvoting.org :: cloakanddagger:ca :: cloakanddagger:de :: coasttocoastam.com. :: commondreams.org. :: conspiracyarchive.com :: conspiracyplanet.com. :: conspiracyresearch:com :: cooperativeresearch.org :: counterpunch.org :: cryptome.org. :: davidicke.com. :: deepblacklies:co.uk :: democracynow.org :: dieoff.com :: earthfiles.com :: ellsberg.net :: fourwinds10.com. :: fromthewilderness.com :: globalresearch.ca :: godlikeproductions.com :: halfpasthuman.com :: infoclearinghouse.info :: infowars.com :: inn.globalfreepress:com :: internationalanswer.org :: jackblood :: jihadunspun.net. :: jimmarrs.com :: jmcanneyscience:com :: johnbuchanan.org :: johnkaminski.info. :: judicialwatch.org. :: justacitizen.com :: justicefor911.org :: karlschwarz:com :: konformist.com :: KurtNimmo. :: larouchepub.com :: legitgove:com :: letsroll911:org :: libertyforum.org :: libertythink.com :: loveearth.net. :: madcowprod.com :: meria.net :: mininova.com :: monbiot.com :: moveon.org :: mysteriesofthemind.com :: narconews.com :: newswithviews.com :: newtopiamagazine:com :: nomorefakenews.com. :: occupationwatch:org :: oilempire.us :: onlinejournal.com :: peakoil.net :: plaguepuppy:net :: prisonplanet.net :: propagandamatrix.com. :: questionsquestions.net :: radioliberty.com :: ralphnader:com :: rawstory.com :: rbnlive:com :: recomimbinomics:com :: rense.com :: reopen911.org :: rigorousintuition :: rivernend :: rumormillnews.com. :: sanderhicks.com :: savethemales.ca :: scribd.com :: septembereleventh.org :: SorchaFaal. :: standdown.net :: stanley2002:org :: team8plus:org :: thepowerhour.com. :: thetruthseeker.co.uk. :: thomasheneghan. :: tomflocco.com. :: truefacts:co.uk :: truthout.org. :: tvnewslies.org. :: unansweredquestions:org :: uruknet.info :: votetoimpeach.org :: whatreallyhappened.com :: wanttoknow.info. :: wingtv.net :: worldaffairsbrief.com :: xymphora.

+++ Blacklisted News
(*) BLN 2023jun20

2nd Smartest Guy in the World :: 2nd Amendment Shirts :: 10th Amendment Center :: Aaron Mate :: Activist Post. :: AIER :: Aletho News. :: Ammo.com :: AmmoLand :: Alt-Market. :: American Free Press. :: Antiwar :: Armstrong Economics. :: Art of Liberty. :: Ben Bartee. :: Benny Wills :: Big League Politics :: Bombthrower :: Brandon Turbeville :: Breaking Defense :: Breitbart :: Brownstone Institute :: Business Insider :: Business Week :: Caitlin Johnstone :: Campus Reform. :: Capitalist Exploits :: Children's Health Defense :: Christophe Barraud :: Citizen Free Press. :: Citizens for Legit Gov :: CNN Money :: Collective Evolution :: Common Dreams :: Conscious Resistance Network :: Corbett Report. :: Cryptogon. :: Cryptome. :: Daily Veracity :: Danerics Elliott Waves. :: Dark Journalist :: David:Haggith :: Defense Industry Daily. :: Defense Link :: Defense One. :: Dennis Broe :: Dollar Collapse :: Dr Housing Bubble :: Dr Robert Malone. :: Drs Wolfson :: Drudge Report :: Electronic Frontier Foundation :: Ellen Brown :: Emerald Robinson :: F William Engdahl :: FAIR. :: Farm Wars :: Faux Capitalist :: Financial Revolutionist :: Forbes :: Foreign Policy Journal :: FOREXlive. :: Foundation For Economic Freedom :: From Behind Enemy Lines :: From The Trenches. :: Fundist :: Future of Freedom Foundation :: Futurism :: Gains Pains & Capital :: Gefira. :: Geopolitical Monitor. :: Glenn Greenwald :: Global Research :: Global Security :: GM Research :: Gold Core :: Great Game India. :: Guadalajara Geopolitics. :: Helen Caldicott :: Homeland Sec Newswire. :: Human Events :: I bank Coin :: IEEE :: Implode-Explode. :: Information Clearing House :: Information Liberation. :: Infowars :: Insider Paper :: Intel News. :: Janes :: Jays Analysis :: Jeff Rense :: John Adams :: John Pilger :: John W Whitehead :: Jonathan Cook :: Jon Rappoport :: Jordan Schachtel :: Just The News. :: Kevin Barrett :: Kitco :: Lew Rockwell :: Legal Insurrection :: Libertas Bella :: Liberty Blitzkrieg :: Liberty Forcast :: Liberty Unyielding. :: Market Oracle :: Market Watch. :: Maryanne Demasi :: Matt Taibbi :: Medical Express :: Media Monarchy :: Mercola. :: Michael Tracey :: Middle East Monitor. :: Mike "Mish" Shedlock :: Military Info Tech :: Mint Press :: Mises Institute. :: Mish Talk :: Money News :: Moon of Alabama :: Motherboard :: My Budget 360 Naked Capitalism. :: Natural News :: New Eastern Outlook. :: Newsdeck. :: New World Next Week :: Nicholas Creed :: Of Two Minds :: Off-Guardian :: Oil Price. :: Open The Books :: Pandemic: War Room :: Peter Schiff :: Phantom Report :: Pierre Kory :: Political Vigilante :: Public Intelligence. :: RAIR :: Reclaim The Net. :: Revolver. :: Richard Dolan :: Right Turn News. :: Rokfin :: RTT News. :: Rutherford Institute :: Safehaven :: Shadow Stats. :: SGT Report. :: Shadowproof :: Slay News. :: Slope Of Hope :: Solari :: South Front :: Sovereign Man :: Spacewar. :: spiked :: SpotGamma :: Steve Kirsch. :: Steve Quayle. :: Strange Sounds :: Strike The Root :: Summit News :: Tech Dirt. :: Technocracy News. :: Techno Fog :: Terry Wahls MD :: TF Metals Report :: The Alliance for Natural Health :: The Automatic Earth :: The Black Vault :: The Burning Platform :: The Counter Signal. :: The Daily Bell :: The Daily Reckoning. :: The Economic Collapse. :: The Economic Populist :: The Expose :: The Free Thought Project :: The Grayzone :: The Intercept :: The Last American Vagabond :: The Libertarian Institute :: The Mind Unleashed. :: The New American :: The Organic Prepper :: The Saker :: The Slog. :: The Unz Review :: The Survival Podcast :: Themis Trading :: Tom Renz :: True Activist :: unlimited hangout :: Unredacted. :: Unreported Truths. :: Value Walk :: Vigilant Citizen :: Voltaire. :: Waking Times. :: Wall Street Journal :: Wallstreet on Parade. :: Wayne Madsen :: What Really Happened :: Whitney Webb :: winter oak :: Wolf Street. :: Zero Hedge

+++ Misc
(*) ufoaliens.info
(*) Wackos - dot gallery
(*) Webshites - RationalWiki
(*) Memetic Tribes - medium.com
(*) InfoWars - deplatformed
(*) Dr Heiser - sitchiniswrong.com
(*) Hollow Earth Hypothesis - crystallinks
(*) A Conflagration in Ghargaroo - Ambrose Bierce
(*) Where is Britain Going - Leon Trotsky
(*) Buckley & Alinsky - firing line
(*) Crop Circles - theyre out there
(*) Yesus Sedang Datang
(*) istilah istilah abdul wahab masiry
(*) 2012 - How is it not a Conspiracy ?
(*) 2083 - A European Declaration of Independence
(*) Investigation into Red-Brown Alliances - iww.org
(*) Woke Companies - the big list
(*) Starter Guide - QAnon

+++ NWO
4000 BCE :: 1666 :: 1844 :: 1848 :: 1864 :: 1871 :: 1905 :: 1909 :: 1913 :: 1921 :: 1926 :: 1933 :: 1935 :: 1938 :: 1946 :: 1949 :: 1950 :: 1957 :: 1964 :: 1967 :: 1995 :: 2000 :: 2001 :: 2007 :: 2009 :: 2010 :: 2013 :: 2017 :: 2020 :: Gatestone :: David Icke :: consider yourself warned :: say what? :: monitoring services :: peace & love everybody

+++ Tech

Doc :: Connect :: Uploads :: Mobile :: GIFs :: Address :: Hosting :: IRC :: eMail :: Flash :: Java :: Clients :: OSXaol

+++ Documentation
(*) Lynx - isc.org
(*) NCSA HTML Primer - RTFM! GAFC!
(*) HTML 4.0 Reference - HTMLhelp.com
(*) W3C Tech Reports - W3C home & HTML 4.1
(*) ASCII-ISO 8859-1 & HTML - character sets
(*) Roman Czyborras ISO 8859 - alphabet soup
(*) ISO 3166 - country codes
(*) Unix man pages - HTML format
(*) IANA - IP address space
(*) Protocol Directory - TCP/IP
(*) Internet Glossary - acronyms & emoticons
(*) BroadBand Reports - current & actually works
(*) ISP Planet - internet.com & "the list"
(*) Internet Service Deals - highspeed
(*) saveonbroadband.com - good glossary &c.
(*) The Spam Problem - moving beyond RBLs
(*) Spam URL Realtime Blocklists - surbl.org
(*) NERDC Homepage
(*) FDA/CFSAN - search for gophers too
(*) Microsloth - My XP desktop icons vanished spontaneously
(*) Windows Registry Tricks
(*) Windows StartUp Tasks
(*) RevealTrans demo - MS page transition extensions
(*) HeadsUp on Custom Scrollbars - chrome supports the standard
(*) Targeting Only Firefox w/ CSS - stackoverflow
(*) Cyrillic / Russification - KOI8-R &c.
(*) Complete Charlist - UTF-8
(*) Yamada Language Center - UOregon
(*) Oregon Libraries on the Web
(*) Library Resource List - incl LOC Z39.50 &c.
(*) PDF Owner Manuals - ford fleet

+++ Connections / Services
(*) FSDlinks :: OSCDD
(*) ping.eu - webping &c.
(*) Access Points - wifiFreespot
(*) Threat Map - fortinet
(*) Wallpapers - desktopnexus
(*) Tagcloud-Generator.com
(*) Tagcrowd.com
(*) ASCII banner generator - network-science.de
(*) Complaint Letter Generator - pakin.org
(*) QR Code generator - BarcodesInc
(*) QR Code decoder - ZXing.org
(*) Telegram Analytics - tgstat.com
(*) DNS over HTTPS - providers
(*) = (rss) WebRSS reader - feedbucket
(*) = (rss) RSS to javascript convertor - feed2js
(*) = (rss) RSS feed widget - SoftSea Software
(*) = (net) desktop VNC - local
(*) = (net) desktop VNC - remote
(*) = (net) NetGear R6300v2 - Spectrum
(*) = (file) file://localhost - root directory

+++ Upload Access - shortcuts to non-FTP hosts
(*) tinyURL
(*) tinypic
(*) imgur
(*) imgbb
(*) postimage
(*) imageshack
(*) codepad
(*) SUSE paste
(*) gnome pastebin
(*) centos pastebin
(*) ubuntu pastebin
(*) fedoraproject.org

FreeWebs :: FreeServers :: RitzPix :: Swanlunds

+++ Mobile
(*) Nokia 6650fold - webkit for S60v3
MicroEmulator / KEmulator
Nokia handsets - Mobitola
GSMarena S60v3 WLAN Java phones w/ FM - normal keys
GSMarena S60v3 WLAN Java phones w/ FM - qwerty KB
S60v3 WLAN FlashLite 3.0 phones - Nokia Developer
Nokia E73 - find it on eBay
allaboutsymbian.com - S60v5
Opera Mini / Mobile
UCweb Browser
X-plore file manager v1.52 - wap360.net
Nokia multimedia - gsmhosting forum
Tetris & SWF games for the Nokia 7020 S40v6 JavaPhone - mobile9.com
Symbian 3rd / OS9.x Java games - symbiancity.com
Nokia Java Games - foneyah.com
Flash Lite SWF & Java games / apps - cell11.com
Nokia S60v3 / Nseries games 240x320 - mobimaza.com
Nokia S60v3 games - ex3mer
Jupiter Lander - review @xadiance
All games released for S60v03 in 2008 - nd-warez
MyAcount top-up - Virgin Mobile USA
Phoneky - Android apks
= (file) /storage/emulated/0 - handset homepage

+++ GIFs
Linus :: Citizen Cat :: pamyup.gif :: MaramSusli :: Hes dead Jim :: Cat Surfing :: Captain Obvious :: buster is not a toy :: terminator 2 bomb :: now comes the part :: this is america :: If youre going to be thinking anyway :: Think Big :: Pepe fractal :: Pepe matrix :: u.s. meme corps :: alex jones was right

+++ URL Redirection &c.
(*) ShortURL.com - the best address on the net
(*) sitelutions - home of rr.nu
(*) freedns.afraid.org - Free DNS (!)
(*) co.cc - the Korean injector
(*) cz.cc - dotfree group
(*) usa.cc - 5 free domain names
(*) dyndns - home of podzone.org
(*) FreeServers.com - ads mailed
(*) bizz.cc - your online identity
(*) cjb.net - the classic

+++ Web Hosting
(*) TheFreeSite
(*) Free-Webhosts
(*) Free-Webspace
(*) Absolutely-Free-Hosting
(*) 100-Best-Free-Webspace
(*) FreeWebhostingSearch
(*) FindMyFreeHost
(*) FreeCenter
(*) oocities

+++ IRC
(*) netsplit.de
(*) IRChelp.org - Internet Relay Chat
(*) Guide to IRC - includes server lists
(*) IRC.org - links including network homepages
(*) SearchIRC - find networks & channels from the web
(*) HAMNET PCbeth performance 1994jul10 - yes Athanor is I
(*) = (IRC) cgi:irc - EFnet
(*) = (IRC) cgi:irc - Langochat
(*) = (IRC) javascript - Indymedia
(*) = (IRC) webchat - freenode.net
(*) = (IRC) nextclient - kiwiirc.com
(*) = (IRC) #freenode - M$ Comic Chat
(*) Freenode Exodus - github.com

+++ eMail
(*) Proton - Secure eMail
(*) Global Message eXchange - webmail: @gmx.com
(*) mail.com - webmail: @lotsa addresses now run by gmx
(*) homefreemail - webmail: f@nmail :: @wildcats.com :: @cougars.com
(*) Freeshell.org - webmail: @sdf.lonestar.org
(*) Everyone.net - webmail: @luxmail.com
(*) Everyone.net - webmail: @KSJS.org SJSU student radio
(*) FastMail.fm - webmail: no longer free; has IMAP
(*) FastMail.fm - webmail: @warpmail.net

+++ Flash
(*) = (swf) Virtual Cat - meow
(*) = (swf) Conundrum - raise the cubez
(*) = (swf) Orbox - quite absorbing
(*) = (swf) EasyChess - easy
(*) = (swf) StarshipEleven - nice lander
(*) = (swf) Railroad - the coolest
(*) = (swf) 3D Car Driver - neat
(*) = (swf) Sheepteroids - baaaa
(*) = (swf) Digital Alarm - POQbum
(*) = (swf) DNA replication - basic
(*) = (swf) M101 & phi - NASA
(*) = (swf) starship lulzwarp - celestia
(*) = (swf) jKyrk - DNA replication
(*) = (swf) BBC - Fall of France
(*) = (swf) Eric Hufschmid - 911
(*) = (swf) Michael Fowler - physics flashlets
(*) = (swf) FunStuffToSee - game stuff
(*) = (swf) SWF games - koowee.org
(*) = (swf) SWF flash lite games & apps - mobiles24.com
(*) = (swf) Tetris games 4 all - zygomatic
(*) = (swf) Free Online SWF games by keyword - agamecom.net
(*) = (swf) Classic Arcade Games - free retro SWFs
(*) Adobe - archived flashplayers
(*) Adobe - flash OBJECT & EMBED tag attributes

+++ Java
(*) java.sun.com - Java 2 Standard Edition
(*) java.util docs - J2SE 1.5.0
(*) IBM Jikes - open source compiler
(*) Brewing Java - a tutorial
(*) Java implementations - alternatives 2002
(*) Java articles - programmers heaven
(*) Applets FAQ - jguru
(*) Java programmers FAQ - faqs.org
(*) Java glossary - gotchas
(*) Java House - applets / info &c.
(*) DateFormat examples - javatechniques.com
(*) MS knowledge base - Java problems
(*) MSJVM removal tool - major geeks
(*) Antikythera Mechanism - AMS
(*) Tetris applet - Samuel M Smith

+++ Clients (LYNX = URL : Print : eMail : Download : Telnet : tN3270)
(*) = (telnet) COMM upmdtn Seattle Community Network (visitor)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPMdTn SDSU ()
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTN WashCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTn Oakland (oakland)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTn Oakland ()
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdTn RamseyCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPMdTn Timberland (dialcat)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UPmdtn SFpub (telpac)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR UP?dtn DakotaCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) LIBR uPmdTn HowardCo (library)
(*) = (telnet) CWIS upmdTN UALR (fyi)

+++ OS X / AOL
(*) GlovBox1 - aye mateys ;)
(*) AOL - whatever hardware youre running install Firefox
(*) AOL - the worst tech product of all time
(*) AOL - AOL90SE is toxic waste
(*) Safari: allhotkeys.com - this is pretty handy
(*) Safari: getting started - they use it @Wellesley.edu
(*) Safari: 3.0 beta for windoze - see for yourself why Firefox rules
(*) apple.com - please download & install Firefox
(*) dealmac.com - my Firefox 2.0 icon is a DMG every morning
(*) Mozilla Firefox - main download page
(*) Mozilla Firefox - FAQ

+++ Locales

StJoseph :: Arcata

+++ StJoseph
(*) NewsPressNow - local news
(*) Trail Maps - River Bluff / MTB
(*) SunBridge Hills - Conservation Area
(*) Nomad Bluffs - Ride Sleep Repeat
(*) I-29 - business loop
(*) I-229 Moving Forward - MoDOT
(*) robidouxrowmuseum.org
(*) Document Center - StJoseph
(*) Most Endangered Buildings - Landmark Commission
(*) Jenna in SantaRita - folks still live in Cali ?
(*) Sinclair Dino - Noyes Blvd
(*) Department of Revenue - mo.gov
(*) License Office - Savannah
(*) 2DANC18K - Denali Aire
(*) ABC Disposal - since 2001
(*) Adjustable Split Jack Posts - structural defects
(*) Alside 0301 - Performance Series
(*) Alside 0301 diagram - arcat.com
(*) Alside Supply Center - KC
(*) CMCMW220 - Craftsman
(*) Cole Sewell Corp - acquired 1997
(*) Delta ScaldGuard Shower Trim - 13 Series
(*) Evergy.com - reliable, sustainable, affordable
(*) JELD-WEN - its a Menards thing
(*) Laminate vs LVP - ambient bamboo
(*) ReeeeStore - Habitat for Humanity
(*) RTH111 Thermostat - Honeywell
(*) TDR Electrical - USFCR verified vendor
(*) ThriftWorld - Nebraska Missouri Iowa
(*) WT8840C1000 WaterHeater Gas Valve Control - also Honeywell
(*) MoDOT - Traffic Cameras
(*) Current Temperature - google
(*) Missouri Live Weather Map - zoom.earth

+++ Arcata
(*) Arcata Municipal Code
(*) California Building Standards Code - title 24
(*) Redwood Curtain Par Infinity - PDGA
(*) Arcata GIS Online - Environmental Services Department
(*) Humboldt county historic bridges - bridgehunter.com
(*) North Coast Resource Center - suspending operations
(*) Arcata Night Center Project - worldshelters.org
(*) The Plazoid - Tad speaks
(*) Kevin Hoover on SnitchWire - no comment
(*) International Cane Corso Federation
(*) Alfred Edmunson - iconic, mercurial
(*) Big Al on JoeBlow - what does this mean?
(*) Cane Corso Rescue
(*) Aggression vs Protectiveness - Cane Corso coalition
(*) Traditional Cane Corso - Contado of Molise UK
(*) Cane Corso dog breed store - buy stuff for Al
(*) I am now a fugitive
(*) US Dept of Veterans Affairs - Homeless Veterans Home
(*) Immediate help - National Coalition for Homeless Veterans
(*) Cane Corso hoodies - cafepress
(*) Bus schedules - AMRTS (weekday)
(*) Bus schedules - Redwood Transit
(*) California Health Advocates - Medicare &c.
(*) Humboldt co HHS - adult mental health services
(*) Barter Bungalow - private nuisance
(*) Eureka Farmers Market - public nuisance
(*) CA Public Land Boar Hunting - huntingboar.org
(*) feral + hogs dot gif - amazonaws
(*) District 2 webcams - CA DOT
(*) Redding cable TV listings - yellowusa.com
(*) Redding Municipal Code (partial) - municode.com
(*) Redding Noise Ordinance - title 18.40.100
(*) CPC 422 - Criminal Threats
(*) Redding PD - news releases
(*) ROFL RPD - faceborg
(*) Glavset - homepage
(*) RPMredding - residential properties
(*) Airbnb is Crashing the Neighborhood - realtormag
(*) Prescriptive Easments - dirtlawyer.com
(*) Towards an Anarchist Land Tenure - Anders Corr
(*) Abandoned Buildings & Lots - Center for Problem Oriented Policing
(*) Origin of the Lemurian Legend - College of the Siskiyous
(*) Inmate Locator - acgov.org
(*) Inmate Info - sfgov.org

+++ Credits with Many Thanx
(*) Arachne - awesome DOS webbrowser / eMail client
(*) cQuicktrans - awesome Chinese translator
(*) Damn Small Linux - Knoppix / Debian on a stick
(*) Eudora - eMail v7.1 (also for MacOSX)
(*) Eudora Rescue - Thunderburp here I come
(*) Foxit PDF reader - small & fast
(*) IceChat - the IRC client cool people use
(*) ImgBurn - excellent free CD burner / copier
(*) LYNX386 - runs great even *without* Unix
(*) MailWasher - free spam bouncing
(*) MalwareBytes AntiMalware - one byte at a time
(*) MetaPad - excellent NotePad replacement
(*) Optiplex SX270 Systems Users Guide - Dell Support
(*) PDF995 - quite useful
(*) Remove Windows XP Repair - Grinler @bleepingcomputer.com
(*) SimpTerm - Hanzi-enabled Win VT100 for TCP/IP by Jianqing Hu
(*) Thunderbird webmail extension - POP3 for your webmail
(*) MyDoom security response - Symantec
(*) W32/Rbot-OB virus information - Sophos
(*) VIA AC97 Combo Driver v5.40a - LostMyDrivers.com
(*) killabannerz - for example
(*) Sakar 57482 - 4.1 megapixel
(*) HEB Computer Medics - Your Personal FullService IT Department
(*) HulaZombie - Mimi Harris
(*) Vinz - a passion since early childhood
(*) RA Glover - lunarpoodle.com
(*) spamdlish.net - swiss & cheesy
(*) Tim Powell & MJ Crawford - the Language Teacher
(*) Tim Powell & MJ Crawford - CircleOmega mirror
(*) Internet Association Corporation - AlumLink eMail
(*) LanMinds Internet - Berkeley Boulder Tokyo
(*) 1stConnect - toezup
(*) ValuePlus Internet - hez cool
(*) Internet Frontier - greatest dialup ever
(*) AwesomeNet - south Texas largest dialup provider
(*) LocalNet - Buffalo dialup nationwide
(*) Charter Cable - SMTP & internet stuff


Last update 2024aug19pm2019utc-0500
@ 2024 Screaming CuckooBroad Associates
Oo.>>>---> kevipow@gmail.com <----<<<.oO
(((((((( http://kevipow.vze.com ))))))))
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