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Welcome to our homepage!
A collection of Flic's emails
A collection of Georgi's emails
A collection of our photos
General bits and bobs

Felicity And Georgi

Teaching in China

Chinese Names: Mi Jing and Wang Ning

Please use the photos at the top to search our site and we will be updating it very regularly so keep looking...!!!

This week there is to be a concert and we will both be performing - quite how we are not totally sure yet! Flic is in the orchestra and has been given a bamboo flute (one is on its way for Georgi), while Georgi has been told that they are to get an instrument for her which she will learn - quite what we don't know!

This weekend we will be giving a lecture at a school in the country which sounds really cool.

Looking forward to our October holidays when we're going to explore Xiahe; riding horses in the grasslands and seeing Budhism in pracitse in the Tibetan Lamaestry.

Learning how to play a chinese drinking game which is really funny but eh alcohol is foul! - 53% - and we kept losing which meant that we had to have another shot of it - Mr Badminton told us to have a bite of a pear instead!

This week we may even become legal!!! Yes, we are actually illegal aliens in China and have had a visit from the police - w(h)oops! - Georgi says it needs an H.